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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis happily finishes his food and belches. He notices nobody is watching him, he picks up wrecked pieces of the ship in his vicinity and attempts to enact his repairs. Garutis is remarkably decent at repairs, considering his stupidity (although its still appealing work). As he works he thinks of his past, and most notably his homie "eugene". he wonders if he ever leveled the village
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Two very strenuous days later, Moonsister limps into port on Vyapor. The ship doesn't so much land, as it does crash. A large, semi-mountainous floating island plays host to the Silgi'srii, a group of kobold merchants and colonists from Silgis. Their port surrounded a shallow lake at the edge of the island, and when Moonsister hits the water she sails in for a bit, propelled by the helm. Alas, the damage to the hull is more extensive than you'd expected. The second the helm is released, Moonsister creaks, groans, and sinks to the bottom of the lake. Luckily the bottom of the lake is only about a foot under the keel at that point, but the ship does cant a little to one side when it settles in. Captain Naresh directs the unloading of crew, supplies, cargo, and all of you. Before landing, she had all of you empty your lockers and bring your supplies up to the main deck.
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    LAND! Garutis bounds off the ship and kisses the sweet ground. But as he looks around, he smells something..oddly familiar
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Shaking her head, Captain Naresh looks Moonsister over, then turns to all of you. "As of this moment, your contracts are complete. Moonsister will not be leaving this island for several weeks, at a minimum." Everybody is handed a pouch with 50 gp. As Garutis wanders down the dock, a curious look on his face, she calls the rest of you over. "I will be honest, the crew has requested I discharge all of you regardless. They are happy with the work you did repelling the humanoids, but your primitive friend crossed a line when he started to eat orc flesh. I wish you the best of luck on your voyage. My crew and I will be stuck here for..." glancing over at a kobold wearing a carpenter's apron full of tools, she waits.

    "It will take at least a month," he tells her, shaking his head. "Getting her out of the mud and into drydock alone will take some time, and we have yet to even assess the damage."

    "Therefore, I am terminating your employment contracts," she finishes. Snapping her fingers, she summons Rasmus. The elderly mage steps forth holding a scroll, and hands it to Tarkaz. "I have had Rasmus write you a letter of reference. It should help you find work on another ship."

    Meanwhile, Garutis has wandered down the dock following a familiar odor. It takes him a while to identify it. He goes down the length of the dock, then along the shoreline, past three other docks. The scent draws him down the fourth dock over, to where a robed, hooded figure sits, smoking on a long-stemmed pipe. For a moment, the neanderthal regards the robed figure curiously, sniffing the air again, but suddenly lets out a booming laugh.

    "Eugene!" he roars out happily!
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    From a distance, the rest of you can hear Garutis suddenly shout out a name. Looking around, you notice that he has wandered quite a way away, and is now standing four docks over, next to a ship that looks like a strange, gigantic seashell! He is talking happily to a robed figure, having embraced the figure in a bear-hug, and is now sharing a pipe with who- or what-ever the robed figure is!
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis turns and looks at the crew. He is insulted that they had no respect for his way of life, for garutis is far ahead of his era, and these simpletons are to dumb to realize it. he spews out a long string of profanity so powerful that it would turn even a man with the thickest skin milk white. Such insults included "tooth brusher" and "germaphobe"

    garutis continues along and he sees a familiar figure!
    "EUGENE!!" he happily bellows as he embraces his friend. The two immediately engage in a bizarre handshake involving the pinky and ring finger. The two engage conversation of their native tongue, which to anyone else sounds like weird grunts.
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Despite what one would think it only takes a handful of seconds for Ohmen to gather all of his belongings and equipment.

    Upon the strap which goes across his shoulder and back is a small tattered bag, one that refuses to ever bulge or tear despite the sheer amount of items held within. Similarly his light crossbow is attached to the same strap, clipped on and like the bag and obscured by a rolling cloak. As for the smaller amounts of ingredients and random items, they are stuffed into several pouches, spread out and scattered between both belt and cloak pockets.

    Now back on the deck Ohmen breathes in his last handful of breaths before stepping over to receive his last payment of gold. Hands heavy with coin Ohmen recites a few words of Thanks.

    And now, Relief. Bound by contract no longer, he steps freely onto the dock its surface uneven and grimy underfoot. Independent of his new freedom, or lack of income for that matter, He is glad to be back on land once more.

    Separated front he ship, Ohmen turns toward Captain Naresh, Rasmus at her side and all those behind.

    Speaking, Ohmen’s voice is slow and deliberate. It is clear he means this. Despite that, his words remain cold and brief.

    “Farewell. Blessed be all of you and your crew’s days, months and years to come.”

    “You have my thanks, and you have my Respect, however worthless such is.

    “I too have little knowledge of where I will drift upon the sea’s of fate… and for how long... But know, for the time which I remain here on this planet, given you are too, do not hesitate to call for my support.”

    “Farewell, Moonsister.”

    To his side Wisdom gracefully drifts down, Landing onto the ship's deck to chime in. The raven's voice is strangely melodic, as if a songbird speaking in the mist, warm rain in the sun.

    “I am sure after many, many years, past the river that seeks to separate, my Brothers Many will see your Silent Name burning bright. Until then, NareSH. Until then, RaSmus. U-Until then.”

    And with that, the raven passes a small stone marble into Naresh’s hesitant palm before taking a splinter of wood from the deck in its beak.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020
  8. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew nods a brief farewell to Captain Naresh and her crew, and then goes to find out who in the world this Ugene is.
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Eugene laughs and embraces Garutis like a brother, then passes him the pipe sticking out of his... mouth? It is hard to tell, what with the hooded robes and all. As Drakk approaches, he finds the neanderthal and the robed figure sitting on the dock and laughing. From the smell of it, that pipe has something interesting in it! Garutis seems happier than you've seen him in a long time! The two are babbling back and forth in that grunting, murmuring language he speaks sometimes.
  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Pausing for a moment to try and see if Drakk recognized what this "Eugene" person had in the pipe, Drakk heads back to the Moonsister to say goodbye to Sandy. Walking down into the damages kitchen Drakk knocks before walking in. Drakk looks at Sandy and exclaims "Well unfortunately Sandy you may have heard we kinda got.. umm... Fired in a way. So I guess this is a goodbye. I really wished to get to know you better and learn more of my people but I must go. It was a pleasure knowing you, and I hope someday we will meet again.". After saying this, Drakk reaches out to shake Sandy's hand.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Pausing as the letter is handed to him Tarkaz looks at the captain, "it has been an honor" and with a sad face looks back at his mimmoth who has been strapped to Tarkaz this whole time, "Heres to hoping we can find a ship that'll except you onboard"

    Looking at the captain once more Tarkaz turns and begins to walk to his quarters so he could get his belongings

    Hearing the savage call out Tarkaz looks in that direction
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz, Eugene's friend is kind of odd. You're pretty sure both of them are a little... um... indisposed at the moment.

    Shaking her head, Sandy takes a step forwards and embraces Drakk in a surprisingly powerful bear hug! "Aw, I know what happened. Captain Naresh told us all about it a few hours ago. Wasn't exactly a split-second decision, but Moonsister is going to be grounded for a long time while, well," she gestures to the wreckage of her galley. It is completely trashed. "This is going to take a while to fix. At least a month. I need all new cookware, a new stove, supplies..." She lets out a long sigh, then smiles at the winged kobold. "You take care of yourself, and look me up if you're back in the neighborhood one of these days, got it?"
  13. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk smiles and says "I definitely will, who knows maybe next time we meet I will be hiring for a ship of my own!". Waving goodbye, Drakk heads up, grabs his things, and heads over to Garutis to see who he is talking to.
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Whilst the others similarly enacted their trivial goodbyes and farewells Ohmen turns around and begins to walk. Each individual metallic sound of his slow footsteps is loud and pronounced. Without looking back the changeling follows the dock fading in and amongst the path and buildings, his raven flying above. An ominous bird a wing, slitting blue sky as if a shadow.

    Wisdoms eyes are on fire. Flickering, twitching from building to building, from person to person. Clinging to every ambient noise or conversation. A deep pitted yearning, fueled by both curiosity and a hunger for knowledge.

    Taking a deep breath Ohmen fills his lungs with cold, fresh foriegn air. This here, this was a clean slate. An empty page. There was much potential, so long as foolishness had no part in it. And as the ship behind him dissolves into the background the memories, the lessons, they would not. He would carry them far, and further still. He would not make those same mistakes again.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    After getting all his belongings from the ship Tarkaz leaves the dock in search of lodging with food and drink. The little mimmoth now walking around on his leash the Minotaur begins to head down a busy street towards what looks to be a market area.
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    noticing all of the people giving intrigued looks at eugene, garutis tells them
    "dis eugene, he good friend. We did fun stuff. We burned villages together and hunt mam-moth" as he finishes his sentence Garutis passes what looks like a weird fungus to Eugene who drops it in the pipe
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Making happy - but kind of odd sounding - noises, Eugene crushes the fungus and stuffs it into the large pipe bowl. Concentrating for a moment, a tiny flame appears on his fingertip. He dips it into the bowl and begins to draw on the pipe, greenish-blue smoke hovering around the bowl and his head for a moment until everything works properly.

    Ohmen, after looking around, you wander down the dock to get a closer look at Garutis' friend. Eugene is... odd. He's got weirdly purpleish skin and only three fingers and a thumb on each hand. You cannot see under his hood, but he appears to have an odd kind of beard that... moves... You're beginning to think finding Tarkaz, a tavern, and a drink might be a good idea.

    Tarkaz, you're not sure what to think about the whole thing with Garutis. So you choose not to. As you tromp down the gangplank and onto land, a nervous-looking kobold approaches you and asks you your business in Port Kili'nik. You mention something about wanting a drink, and the kobold visibly relaxes and smiles. Glancing around, he points down the nearest road and mentions a place called The Miner's Rest. From the looks of things, it is possibly the biggest building in town.

    Drakk, by the time you think about getting everyone together, half of the group has wandered off.
  18. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew is standing by, silently watching Garutis's friend closely. This Eugene seems a little odd. the moving beard thing is weird, and the three fingers and a thumb is also confusing. Drew wonders if Eugene lost his fingers, or he was born that way. The fact that Eugene had purpleish skin gave Drew a thought that perhaps Eugene wasn't even human.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    This ‘Eugene’.... Wisdom clearly had a certain ‘feeling’ about him, as did Ohmen. Regardless the changeling cared little, so long as it didn’t intervene with him, for now.

    Standing silent for longer than one would consider ‘normal’ Ohmen looks out to the horizon with a fixed gaze. The cool breeze whips and coils around his black cloak which bathes in the gentle sun, soaking in its rays whilst he takes in refreshing breaths of clean air. Likewise, Wisdom too could feel a soft breeze gently flow between black feathers as she now stretched her wings with the task of following Tarkaz to some establishment, and hopefully one without high prices.

    Eventually, snapped back into reality by the sound of rufflings feathers and croaking Ohmen flicks around. Gathering his senses before following Wisdoms directions towards a reasonably close building, one that looked to be some sort of Tavern or Inn.

    Standing by its open doors he can hear voices and laughter inside… He preferred silence, but this would do… Perhaps he could pick up on some of the local going’s on if he was particularly keen.

    Regardless, before stepping inside he signalled to Wisdom Who, a handful of moments later arrived to the rest of the group, Informing them of where both Ohmen and Tarkaz had headed to.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
  20. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk notices Wisdom who informs him that Ohmen and Tarkaz are heading to a nearby Tavern. Turning to Garutis and Drew, Drakk says "Well would you two like to come with me and Izema to the Tavern to coordinate whether we are forming a group, or going our separate ways. Drew if you are up for it we would love to continue to have you with us. And Garutis... Well I need to talk to Izema about what he thinks... Oh, and I guess you can bring your friend Eugene if you want.". Waving over to Izema, Drakk asks him if he is ready to depart for the Tavern. Drakk was strongly considering hiring Drew and Tarkaz on full time. He was still uncertain about Garutis though, he certainly had the brawn for it, but he needed to realize he can't just so whatever he wanted.

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