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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Laughing, Eugene nods. <Of course we will join them! Garutis is a very simple person. He knows what he likes, and likes what he knows. Watching him eat is a lesson in simplicity that must be obverved!> Giving an odd coughing sound that Shiro knows is a laugh, he motions for him to follow and takes off after Garutis and the others.

    Tarkaz, the kobold behind the front desk smiles at you and at your mimmoth. "You speak Traders' Tongue? Oh good, I'm horrible at speaking your language! I try, but I just cannot wrap my tongue around some of the sounds! Yes, you can get lodgings here. A small, private room for one will be 2gp a day. A larger room for four will be 1gp each per day. A big bunk room for up to eight will be 4 sp each per day!" You are a little surprised that they have rooms that large, but this is the biggest building in town by a long shot! It is four stories tall, and takes up a surprisingly large amount of land! As you are discussing this with the Innkeep, Ohmen and Wisdom come into the building. The mage seems a little surprised at how large the structure is, but rallies quickly and asks for water for himself and his bird. To the changeling's surprise, his coins are passed back with a smile. "One thing we have in plenty is clean water. Artesian wells up in the mountains," the Innkeep adds with a smile. "Now, as I was saying, the room does come with a fairly basic breakfast of porridge, or you can pay to upgrade to more substantial fare if you like." Gesturing to the tavern room, he continues. "We would prefer you keep drinks and food to the tavern room if possible. Beer is 1cp for the cheap stuff..." he pauses and glances around nervously. "I don't recommend that by the way - we bought it from a brewmeister on another floating island, and it isn't very good, even for cheap beer. Better beer is 1sp a mug. Red wine is 1 sp a glass, or 5 sp for a bottle. Other drinks will vary. For food, we have porridge for 1 cp, stew with actual vegetables and meat for 1 sp, roast mutton with all of the trimmings for 5 sp, roast fowl - when we have it - is 6 sp for similar to the mutton. Sometimes we get other things too. They'll be marked on the board next to the kitchen door." At the moment, the board has three things written on it. 'Muttyn sandy-witch with gravy and trimmings: 3sp. Fish soup: 1sp. Elven Wine: 5cp.'
    Sudsinabucket, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro enters the tavern behind Eugene and is hit by a wave of sensations light, sound and smells. Instantly he sorts theses and assesses the threat level of those present.

    Satisfied his employer is under no immediate threat, he casually scans those around, the tables, potential exits from the building, the floor and any unevenness which would be a liability in combat, cutlery which could be used as a throwing weapon.

    Everything is catalouged. He takes his job seriously.

    Moving through the tavern smoke, he reaches the table with Garutis and the others. While Eugene sits to talk, he stands, leaning against the wall to look outward, but still able to talk and be part of the conversation.

    Despite himself and his own codes, he feels a scratching inside his mind. He briefly closes his eyes and utters a brief spell and the scratching subsides. Taking a shallow shuddering breath, he opens his eyes again and tries to forget his past.

    He pays attention to the bands conversation with Eugene.
  3. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Noticing Eugene enter the Tavern, Drakk stand up to shake his hand. As they shake, Drakk exclaims "Ah nice of you to join us, I was just talking to our group about continuing to work together! Here, take a seat, the food is great!". After saying this, Drakk sits back down to wait for a response from Tarkaz and Ohmen.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Smiling and theb laughing Tarkaz responds to the Kobold, "Yes, my native language can be hard to master...many grunts of different pitches, snorts and even slight head gestures can change whole meanings! I knew a kobold once" Tarkaz begins laughing uncontrollably, "who asked the chief of a tribe of minotaurs if he could get a drink....unknowing to him a slight change in two of his snorts changed the meaning to ask if he could suckle on the chief's mates udders!!" Tarkaz's fist slams onto the counter as he howls and laughs, "Its a good thing that the chief had a good sense of humor...and that his wife thought it was a genuine flirt" again he chuckles... "I will take a private room" still laughing he hands the kobold some money, "I will also need hot fare...the mutton with the trimmings sounded good...and some vegetables, raw, for my Lil'usk here" looking down at the Mimmoth
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “Hm,... Its been a long day. Yes, I think I will take two portions of the vegetable stew, for… er what was it again 1 silver piece per? Just place them in the same bowl, I'm sure I will get through it, and If not then my bird will be sure to finish up."

    Gently spinning a silver coin to the counter, in such a way that makes it gleam in the flickering light. With the sound of the coin landing flat still in the air, the traveller reaches out, receiving the warmth of the stew before heading back to the table.

    First placing the stew onto the table they sit. And as a thin, steamy scent and smoke rises up, blanketing her side of the table she lightly leans on one hand, listing with intent, their deep blue eyes somewhat distracting.

    However, as Drakk continues on, Ohmen cuts his act, working away at the bowl of the hearty stew before forced to wait until Tarkaz's thunderous laughter subsides to begin talking.

    The words were somewhat unmatching to what one would expect, sharp and straight forward… though, the soft and mild nature of the adventurer's voice shaves down the corners, giving conflicting messages.

    “In other words… A loose group of mercenaries, travellers and fools banded together under one name. Each Coming with the goal of helping all toward both communal and individual benefit?”

    If that is the case, I will agree…. However.

    The last word hisses on his lips as Wisdom chimes in, looking up from the small chunk, of what looked to be meat they had pulled from the stew.

    “T-The many are stronger than the few. Weakness of One, Strength of Another. Perhaps.”

    “S-Stand as One in the F-Face of F-Fear. Even Stronger still or turned Twisted in the face of Gold? Hmm. I doubt.”

    The raven croaks, turning their face to the side with a curious motion.

    “I will only agree to these terms on the conditions that…”

    “No contract, pact or name will bind me. If they must, Let promises be put into words, not paper.”

    “None within the group hold absolute power. Voices equal. Or mine will not be one of them.”

    “And I can, and will leave when I so wish, within reason.”

    Swallowing, the glow returns to the travellers face before they address the bartender who is handing out Drakk’s round of drinks. First refusing their own, allowing it to go to Tarkaz or Izema, before opting to have another glass of the clean, slightly chilled mountain well water instead.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro briefly pauses from his vigilance to glance around the table.

    The oaken circle is surrounded by large and small, beautiful and beastly, all different but... something... he perceives something about this group.

    He turning back to the room and scowled at a nearby drinker that walked too close, sending the heavyset man scurrying away.

    Could the Law have sent him here? Or is this his next step into damnation.

    He feels like he can almost hear a deep, scratching laughter at the back of his mind.
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Walking now over to the tsble where the geoup sat Tarkaz speaks up right as he arrives, "What is this talk of people staying together or some other nonsense? Is there a job?"
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk turns to Tarkaz and says "Ahh yes Tarkaz! Me and Izema have a mercenary group we run called Maxim 37! Essentially long story short, you agree to work with us, we all help each other get jobs, since larger groups are more commonly hired. Basic common sense rules, no stealing et cetera... No hurling axes (Drakk kinda coughs this one out while looking at Garutis). We would love to have you work with us some more! (Turning to Ohmen) Also there is no official contract involved, you are free to leave whenever you would like but unless the job is done, don't expect to be paid!".
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro listens to the business pitch from Drakk and wonders... It seems too coincidental that he is here at this time...

    A brief movement to his right...

    Without thinking Shiro is spinning, Katana outstretched... and ends resting agains the throat of the barmaid (or whatever you call the creatures in this world).

    She eyes him with eyes wide. Tray trembling as she stands motionless.

    Shiro humphs to himself, sheaths the sword and goes back to watching the room, arms crossed.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz sees this display of.... craziness? The minotaur sitting down now reaches down with his large hand and scoops up Lil'usk who had been laying on the floor, "There's craziness about, best be close to me for saftey" he whispers to the Mimmoth as he places it on his lap. The whisper is not done in a subtle secretive way, but rather in such a way someone would talk to a split personality...or mockingly at Shiro, its hard for the group to truly know...all they know is that Tarkaz is talking to his Mimmoth.

    Tarkaz looks up to the waitress walking over with his mutton, stew and raw vegetable plate for Lil'usk.

    Whispering loudly again to the Mimmoth, "he almost spilled our food...." Tarkaz can be seen visibly annoyed, Tarkaz to those who knew him seemed unsettled, not calm as how he normally was. "My apologizes for that one" Tarkaz says to the barmaid as she places the food down

    Beginning to eat the food you notice a little trunk reach up and grab a carrot from under the table
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk jumps up to apologise to the waiter. Handing her a gold piece, Drakk says "I apologise for my friend here, he is a bodyguard and I guess he takes his job a bit seriously.".
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro smiles.

    While still keeping his attention outward, he moves closer to Tarkaz and speaks to him in Giant: Do not fear. I only take my job as bodyguard seriously. Eugène has been persecuted and hunted for nothing more than his appearance. This is deeply wrong to me and I will defend him from the violations of Law. You and your little one have nothing to fear,”
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro hands Drakk a Gold piece. In Draconian he says: "I did not mean to offend, I will be more careful in the future"
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Turning back to the waitress, Shiro bows deeply. "Please forgive me madam, for I am but a soul in the midst of a turbulent sea. I mean no harm upon you and will see none done to you. I vow while I am under your roof to protect and defend."
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Smiling at Shiro Tarkaz nods and begins speaking in Giant: "Ah, a bodyguard, a position I know and respect well, an honorable craft. To fight against the violations of law is a high calling, injustice cannot be tolerated. Why is he hunted? It surely cannot be just his appearance..."

    Smiling down at Lil'usk Tarkaz speaks Minotaur to her: "Craziness is actually a friend"

    A little trumpet bellows out
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk turns to Shiro confused for a second when he heard his native language, and then replies "sl¯ætan to hit hê, untrâglîce hê duguð s¯æmest su hæft bâm lið râd ûser wolcen... Rihtheort tiliancunnan 1 and 3 canhû more glêawhýdig nêarra cierr!". (Frankly it isnt the worst thing someone in our group has done.... Just try to be a little more careful next time!). Drakk chuckles as he finishes his sentence and sits back down and asks Tarkaz what he thinks about employment.
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro bows his head slightly to Tarkaz: "Thank you. The Law must be followed and Justice given. I know not the history. Possibly some grievances from the past, but it is not right to visit these upon their ancestors."

    Shiro shakes his head: "Eugene is a kind soul. I know this and is the only reason I took the contract."
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Amidst the commotion, and then exchanging of words in foreign tongue, Shiro cant help but feel the heavy gaze of Wisdom upon him.

    To the silent raven's side the young adventurer stands up slowly, looking to Shiro with a calm smile before speaking in a soft, slow tone.

    Your on edge... Just take a deep breath, and slow down.”

    With calm hand gestures, they walk over before drawing out the wooden chair besides Eugene.

    “How about you just take a seat and sit down for a while. Concentrate on the candles. Get some food, maybe some water.”

    Signalling to the empty chair with an open palm.

    “And look, it's the furthest away from the wall, and if anything does happen it's in the best position to defend if needed… besides, no one is out to get him, not here, not now.”

    Their calm words are strangely compelling, though that is broken when the Raven feels the urge to add, their voice coarse, each word slows before staggering into the next, worlds apart from hers.


    “IT F-fesTERSSS. Running rampant in FaST breaths and TwiTCHing fingerss”

    E-Every spoken word is a conspiracy Every clink of glass a thrown dagger Every closed door a collapsing ceiling. All eyes watch. All wait for your guard to be down. A second is all they need.”
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro regards the being in front of him. Having already witnessed it's transformation from what it was outside to what it is now he is not sure if it is trustable. The Raven chiming in wasn't helping anything...

    He acknowledges the gesture of kindness however and graciously accepts the chair. He adjusts it so he is still between Eugene and sits.

    Relaxing however is a luxury no longer available to him. He cannot let his mental guard down. Ever.

    "Thank you... actually I don't believe I got your name? And how should I address you?"
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Seeing the distressed man sit down the traveller takes a relieved breath and speaks. “Hmm, Call me… call me Ohmen.” The last word sizzles in the air, its tone deep and exaggerated, Wicked even. She then proceeds to reach out to shake Shiro’s arm.

    Now sitting back down they gently tuck into the stew before looking up again. “Oh and I actually don’t think I caught your name either... ‘Guardian of the law’, a noble cause to a noble end I suppose. And end it most certainly will.”

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