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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    <Actually,> Eugene says calmly, <he will be coming with me on my ship. I am going to take him back to his homeland for a time. Bigbang here will be joining the party in his stead, as Garutis and Bigbang probably should not be on the same ship...>

    Nodding, the Harbormaster looks the lot of you over. "Fine. So according to Captain Naresh," he begins, "the lot of you are responsible for driving away the scorpion-ship that caused the damage to Moonsister." Frowning, he glances at each of you in turn, pausing on Ohmen. "You are Ohmen, yes? I was told you would have a dark cloak and a strange feeling about you, but that sometimes you would become different beings." Shaking his head, he refocuses his speech. "At any rate, what you may not have been aware of is that we were offering a reward to anyone who would give us some payback on the scorpion-ship!"

    At that word, some of you straighten up. Others grow skeptical. After all, you've been burned before. But before you can ask, the Harbormaster continues. "Some time ago, a traveling merchant decided to upgrade his ship, and traded us his old ship for more cargo. We sell ore and such as well as mutton, you see, so we accepted his old ship as payment. You may have seen it out at the land-docks." Gesturing in that direction, he lets out an amused chirp. "That ship shaped kind of like a gigantic dragonfly-bug is, amusingly enough, known as a Dragonfly-class hull." Walking over to his desk, he grabs a scroll, then returns to the middle of the room and holds it out to you. "It is now yours. We named her 'Payback,' since it is a reward for getting revenge on the scro." A confused look suddenly crosses the kobold's muzzle. "I do not know why humans insist that payback is a female wolf though. Several humans have told me this. Feel free to rename her."

    Pausing for effect, he smiles at all of you, one by one. "But as it stands, the ship is now yours. It has a helm, albeit a minor one. It has no weaponry installed. You have room to mount a single light weapon in her. Usual loadout is either a light catapult or ballista. You can fit a medium ballista or catapult, but that much force might damage the ship when you fire it. The only request we have is that you remove her from the land-docks in the next three days, or pay the docking fee. That is all."

    DM: Now the group has a choice. You can keep the Dragonfly-Ship, or sell it. Should you wish for the latter, you can ask the harbormaster for a quote. You may also wish to change the ship's name. It will cost 1 gp for a can of paint should you wish to do this. Otherwise, your ship will be named Payback.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro had hung back during the meeting.

    When he had first been summoned with Izema, his natural caution had sent alarm bells ringing in his head. He had spent too long as a bodyguard to not have a healthy sense of paranoia and too long as a mercenary being double-crossed by everyone (including those actively employing him) to accept that this would be good news or even simply not a trap.

    Approaching the Harbormaster's office, Shiro scanned the rooftops and side alleys as the most obvious points for an ambush. Too often people missed the obvious places to set a crossbowman or knife-team and it is always the final approach to a known destination and specifically the last 50 feet that were the most dangerous. The entrance is where anyone wishing to do them harm would concentrate on as the definite point they would arrive at. There was nothing. Entering, Shiro noted all exits as he came in and casually leaned on the wall where he could see each of them plus all occupants. He seemed to lean leisurely paying attention to the conversation, but his mind alert, his eyes flicking periodically around and aware of his peripheral vision.

    He regarded the reward skeptically until the deed of ownership was handed over. His eyes widened slightly as an entire ship was gifted to them. He waited for the seemingly obviousy hook in the bargain... but there was none.

    Filing out of the office, faintly shocked, he turned to the others.

    "I for one vote that we keep her. I will broadly tell you all now that I have spent time conversing with you over the last couple of days and I believe you to be an honorable band of brothers that I would gladly join if you will have me." He chuckles. "Payback seems a good a name as any to me. And gives us a way to use the data Izema and I procured from the Lizardmen Master Trader on how to locate the Scrow. I feel this is a worthy quest aligned with Law and nicely including payment, which I freely admit I am in need of since I procured my new equipment." Shiro bows slightly from the neck to Izema for his assistance.

    He tells the party of the data given to them by the Master Trader at the docks.

    Stroking the handle of his new Katana, Shiro looked determinedly at each of the party and stated: "I feel the urge to visit Justice upon the Scro."

    The more astute members of the party seems to see a flash of red in Shiro's eyes, but dismiss this as a trick of the light.
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang hops again on Drew’s shoulder and speaks up “guys we should keep it. We barely know each other, but trust me, I’m a bad liar. The ship looks pretty cool, and we all know the cooler it is the faster it goes. Best of all, if it gets wrecked, I get a free lunch.”
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk looks shocked by the deed, and exclaims "Thank you sir! I promise my crew will make good of it! I see some Scro bounties with our name on it already!". Drakk shakes the Harbormaster's hand before turning to their group as the leave the room. Looking incredibly excited, Drakk practically leaps in the air as he says "WE HAVE A SHIP!!!!!! (Drakk quickly regains his composure) Umm sorry... Anyways I think we should keep it! And I say we rename the ship, but now the question is to what? Anyways are you all interested in continued work together? We will need a crew!"
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “Become, Different beings.. That is what you are looking at my friend, And let's leave it at that for now.”

    Listening to the kobolds other words with a casual intent, Ohmen leans back into the chair. His demeanour is relaxed and at ease. Inside, It could not be more different. ‘What is the catch.’ A thousand voices shout the phrase, Whilst simultaneously screaming of the possibilities and opportunities that could soon arise given the Kobold is in fact truthful.

    ‘That is all…’ The kobolds words echo. That is all he says. But is it? Ohmen lets the meeting play out, keeping relatively silent until the end.

    Whilst others begin to trail away, Drakk leaving the room in a frenzy of excitement Ohmen stays seated, a blank stare and expression laying heavy on the kobold.

    ‘I am sure you are a man, or rather kobold of your word and this ‘reward’ is genuine. So, Know you have my many thanks. And know I am glad you have had a taste of payback upon those who have wronged you and your peoples.

    ‘Though, Is it just a taste of payback? Or are you content. Warehouses burned to the ground. Lives stolen. Smell of smoke still hanging in the air. Are you content?” Ohmen continues on softly, the traveller's words somewhat hissing in the air.

    ‘Or would you rather see what the Scro have done paid back In Full. In double the fire and steel. You wish for their tyranny to end? If so, How much would you reward to see a single Scro dead? Two? Three? Ten?. It can, and will go on if you so wish. But know, It is to risk life and limb, And that is no easy task.’
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Turning around, Ohmen’s voice somewhat slits through the excitement, looking to those most eager, Drakk in particular. ‘Names are Powerful things Drakk. Powerful things Indeed. You Are their definition. They are an embodiment of a person or things identity. Despite what people may have you believe, You are OWNED by your name. you and the consequences of your actions bound to it by shackles... Choose Wisely.'

    At this point, Wisdom had fluttered down from the collection of ceiling beams Where the raven had listened to the conversation, Chiming in.

    ‘L-Labels. Brandings of the sSOul soon to be scribbled. Your Lives, Burning Ink.
  7. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    "im good to stay with you guys, and i think the name 'Payback' is pretty epic and quite fitting."
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang has his own ideas "we should call it lunch. its big, its useful and is edible. All of these can describe a healthy lunch"
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Unable to contain himself, Drakk excuses himself from the discussion and rushes out to take a look at his new toy! From a distance, the dragonfly-class hull is interesting. Suspended off the ground on four fairly solid legs, it really does resemble a gigantic dragonfly!
    upload_2020-7-1_21-28-36.png [​IMG]
    Roughly a hundred feet long, and about twenty wide at the hull, a dragonfly is basically a helm room, two crew quarters (one for the "captain," though you will likely split the two crew rooms into 'spellcasters and non-spellcasters' as is traditional on an adventuring ship, and a size-able cargo hold. Generally speaking, the ship can hold about 5 tons' volume (NOT weight - VOLUME), if you mount a light catapult or ballista on the upper deck. Should you choose to mount a medium one, you will lose a ton of cargo space. Supplies for yourselves, like food, weapon ammo, spare parts and so forth, will also take up about a ton of space.

    The issue you're going to have is this. While pretty and light, capable of being flown with only three people (helmsman and 2 crew), it is not the most... sound... of vessels. Most of the ship is a thin layer of wood. It cannot take a lot of damage from enemy fire before being crippled. You will need to keep that in mind should you wish to fight other ships.

    Attached Files:

  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk goes over every inch of their new ship. If someone had asked him a month ago where he saw himself, he would have said doing some odds jobs in another dull port. Never had he thought he would actually go to the thing he loved the most, Stars. Gathering their motley group together, Drakk says "Well assuming you all decide to continue working with us I say we discuss some ship positions. As our group is more of a gathering of mercenaries, I say we don't elect any specific captain unless the need arises and instead just go where the money is! Additionally I think Tarkaz and Drew could easily be our weapons crew.... After we get ourselves some weapons of course. Me and Ohmen can be the pilots as we are the only spellcasters. Izema and.... Oh who exactly are you? Where is Garutis? (Hearing a short explanation from Drew) Oh Bigbang, you, Shiro, and Izema can serve as our lookouts and fighters onboard. I figure where we are going, we will need it. Are we agreed?". Drakk waits nervously for the possible crew to respond. He was a bit worried they might leave and find another job, but he hoped he could rally them under his banner of freedom! Ok... Drakk was glad he didn't say that out loud... That was pretty cheesy.
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Nodding gently, Ohmen stands from his chair, giving his thanks the kobold. ‘Understandable. Thank you for these opportunities, for this reward, and for the futures it opens up to me, to us. And may you find your peace.‘

    And with that, The traveller turns, heading towards the excitement fueled discussions and rash talk. And having arrived, she stands to the side. Despite a cheerful and blushed expression, a sense of seriousness remains around them for a few seconds before they talk.

    “And now, With all of our attention turned to the ship before us. It is a good time to discuss, or rather, for me to present this new opportunity to you all.”

    “Listen or not, All of this came about due to our pursuit and for I, That pursuit is still ongoing. So, those who similarly wish for gold, we can make use of this new ship’s cargo hold by picking up some local, preferably cheap goods here... And if you have any sense for business, you will know what we then do with those goods. We sell them. Dividing the margin between those who partake and contribute."

    Ohmen looks to each person individually, allowing his talk to split the excitement if not for a few moments.

    “So, Which of you are willing to part with some of their gold, with faith in the promise of more in return?”
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro nods at the obvious wisdom.

    "Your logic is sound friend. I will collect my backpay from Eugene and enter this venture with you. I am... useful... during negotiations so I can accompany you if you wish on the trading."
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    "I am sure of your usefulness Shiro, besides, The more faces the better.."

    The traveller gives him a slight smile, continuing on.

    “Whilst you collect your pay I will head toward the markets and trading districts, But first. Do any others wish to take part?”
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro nods to Ohmen and heads back towards Eugene's ship to collect his back pay rapidly so he can go along on the trading excursion.
  15. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang has an idea for goods, and states that he is going to get some of these trade goods. Going to the market Bigbang looks for items that would be hard to find in other locales
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk walks up to Ohmen before saying "I think I can be of great help in potential trading! I am a Lapiderist by trade and if we buy uncut gems, I can cut them for our group to sell! I can come with you to help you find what gems would be best. I don't have much money, but I will contribute what I can.". Drakk then follows Ohmen to the market.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Regarding Drakk’s comment with a nod, Ohmen motions for him to follow. Leading towards the market with a steady step and keen eyes. Eyes both above and below for wisdom now sets a raven's glare upon each market stall and sidepath, soring high upon strong wind currents.
  18. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang is prioritizing metals and liquor, all parts of a balanced diet
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    A wonderful idea! Unfortunately, the reality of where you are is a severe limitation on your mission.

    You are on a floating island, inhabited by 400 kobolds. 300 of those kobolds work in the mines. Of the rest, the bulk are harbor crew. The settlement has an inn, the harbormaster's building, three warehouses, an ore exchange, a haberdasher (general store), a butcher, and a baker. That's it.

    The bakery is a wash. They have some interesting biscuits for ship-travel (hard and disgusting, but they'll keep for up to three months). Butcher's shop isn't very helpful unless you want mutton jerky. Or fish jerky. Haberdashery does sell things like rope, spikes, mining tools, general supplies (candles, lamp oil, etc) and at the moment they have several crates of fresh fruit and berries, courtesy of the lizardmen.

    1 month of hardtack: 10gp
    1 week of mutton jerky: 20gp
    1 week of fish jerky: 5gp
    barrel of root-whiskey: 100gp (50 mugs' worth)
    Barrel of carrots: 40gp
    barrel of... weird orange potato things: 30gp
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    That leaves the ore exchange.

    Walking inside, there are four kobolds working here. One is discussing a trade with a familiar face - Master Trader Nazqua is here, buying what looks to be bags of rocks. A second one is haggling prices with a tired-looking human. The rest are either sitting and waiting (and trying not to look bored) or tallying up inventory.

    oh, and if anyone wants them:
    Weird little red round berries: 10gp/hand-basket
    Strange greeny-brown apples(?): 15gp/crate

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