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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    While the others talked between themselves, discussing plans and actions to be taken alike Ohmen instead stands to the side. Leaned against a tree, his view is cast skyward toward a rising sun he thinks, only now turning back to the group on the mention of a distraction.

    Stepping forward, Ohmen draws their attention with a glance before uncurling his two wrists in an open action. And now, as if persuaded by some violent yet smooth breeze his cloak first begins to flow, warp and Shrink. Its fabric suddenly moulds and stretches itself into sheets of leather and perfectly fitting cloth. Likewise, parts of it straighten out, curving and solidifying into buckles or small pouches.

    In a motion of the hand, what was a black cloak has morphed into an outfit resembling the clothing of those Goblin’s and Scro… Even to the point where the boots and shirt are made dirty, the sleeves seemingly worn and stretched from use...

    Now, in new foreign attire, Ohmen speaks having called Wisdom to a raised arm. “Save your supplies for what needs them. Wood to be splintered, Stone to crumble, Hulls to shatter.”

    “For I too have mine, Words will become weapons. And I will work them on both malleable mind and soft flesh"

    Wisdom adding in. "To change one's perception, one's thoughts to your own will is to control theirs, and to control their will is to control their reality, their entirety, if they could even be called themselves past then."

    A serious expression, Ohmen Outstretches both hands before taking a deep breath and gently placing one hand upon the wrist of the other. His tongue worming its way into form as he speak's in sharp, echoing yet crystal clear words. Klas laz mas, clas laz smh. Tmawy sma viry wyyc wmidd clas la zrutcyrh, aldh ifzmylzutuzh.”

    -Cast, Magic aura onto ‘Sleeves of Many Garments’ (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/magic-aura/)
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro turns to Ohmen.

    "We need to take out or subdue the leader. Between you and Big Bang can you track him and then come get us as soon as he is in a vulnerable position? Then we attack him while Big Bang, you and the two Merc's sabotage the ships (saving one at least which can use to escape in)."

    Shiro turns to the group.

    "Every moment we stay here brings us closer to detection. If anyone has abetter plan speak up now. We have no more time to waste and surprise will be our greatest weapon so we cannot waste it."
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Vinnie and Archie share a look again. "Um, not to be the voice of discord here," the gnome says softly, "but what makes you think the half-dragon is the leader?"

    "Yeah, imma gonna have to agree with Arkhanides onna dis one. I mean, yeah, he's obviously high up inna da chain of-a command, but he acts like-a, yanno, shipwright. From what Archie's told-a me about-a dese scro, dey would-a not put a craftsman inna charge."

    "Yeah, I seriously doubt the half-dragon's the boss."
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Quietly Wisdom’s gentle hum’s dissolve into the light breeze that rustle’s between the trees. The tune, smooth and tranquil as the forest breaking as Ohmen begins to talk, the changeling first glancing to the pair of mercenaries.

    “Nothing convinces me the half-dragon is the leader. But, As you say, He’s clearly high up.”

    “A link in the chain. And from what it seems, Important enough to have information. And it is by information, then confusion, and within that confusion, opportunity by which we will find what we seek, in whatever form it takes.”

    Gesturing to the others, eyes upon big bang, Ohmen continues, Wisdom speaking between his breaths, all the while the Raven keeping an unwavering gaze pointed toward the settlement’s direction.

    “Sow the seeds of doubt.”

    “So, Continuing on, We follow the half-dragon. Big bang finds the opportunity, And I will further it when the time comes. By all the powers that be, Success or not, I will have all the attention and all guards drawn away...”

    “Harvest the confusion.”

    “We, then take him down. and find out who is above him.”

    “Reap the chaos.”

    “Using this chance, Archie, Vinnie, You can get the selected ship’s set up and ready. also see what can be done for the boar-headed one. If you can, Utilise its own weaponry against the castle and other ships, If not make sure it is nothing but ashes like those which we leave behind, escaping on the others.”

    “I have my spell’s ready. Until then, I think it would be of value for me, and others to write up some Message Scroll’s for ease of information between us, then we can decide upon the ship’s that we will make our escape with.” (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/message/)
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "So outta curiosity," Vincenzo mutters, "Canna you getta dem orcs away from-a da forge? Cause-a, well, me 'an Archie, we gotta trick we can do wit it that should help..."
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang continues to follow the half dragon, he suspects that this chunker has some importance to him.

    Or maybe he can knick the things lunch, that would be pretty great too
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro gets the attention of the party.

    "Listen, Ohmen's idea has merit. If we can get Big Bang to find a moment of vulnerability, he can distract the guards, which gives us an opportunity to abduct the half-dragon as well as give the opportunity to have Vinnie and Archie to sabotage the ships (bar one please gentlemen, we need to sell one of the bridges)."

    "Big Bang, take the scroll from Ohmen. Drakk and all the fighters will come with you while Archie and Vinnie hit the ships in the confusion."

    He looks at Ohmen.

    "They will need a scroll to my friend. And gentlemen? We need a delayed fuse. Once we have interrogated the half-dragon we will need another distraction as we begin our assault. What better than burning ships."

    Shiro smiles deeply.
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Sneaking around, Bigbang slips under the docks to keep tabs on the half-dragon...

    ...and that's when everything starts to go wrong.

    As he gets within range of his quarry, the rabbit begins to notice something unsettling. The orcs and goblins working on the ship are armed. He doesn't remember them having weapons before. As he gets within range, everyone notices the half-dragon turn and start looking around.

    "Come on out, little rabbit!" it shouts, "I know you're here! I can smell you! Your kind never did figure out how to hide your scents from anyone with a decent sense of smell!" Around him, the ship-workers are putting down their tools and grabbing weapons. "You should know that I warned the boss about your presence! He sent one of the officers out with a hand-picked salvage crew to find where you hid your ship!"
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As all of this begins to go down, Vincenzo clasps Ohmen on the shoulder and nods. "Well, I have to admit, dat-a issa good distraction! Archie an' me, we're-a gonna take down dat forge. You keep-a their eyes off of us. You'll know when we're there."
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang pauses to consider his options for a moment, and then a grin spreads across his face as he fills a bag with sawdust and bits of metal scraps from earlier projects...
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As you gather your materials, goblins string their bows and orcs gather into groups. The half-dragon has unslung a warhammer from a loop at his belt and is hunting around, trying to pinpoint your location. Meanwhile, Vinnie and Archie are sneaking through the forest towards the forge-area. From within the boar-ship, a scro and two hobgoblins emerge. The scro is carrying a military pick in one hand and some kind of baton in the other. Both hobgoblins are armed with halberds and wearing heavy armor.
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    bang, his materials gathered and assembled readies his fuse and throws it towards the center of the scro. he deosnt bother to check if it went off or not as he bolts into the undergrowth as fast as his little legs can carry him
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Hearing the now no longer distant voices shouting out, Ohmen's eyes snap into focus. Alas his disguise would have to wait but what wouldn't is the fire that burned inside. The sound of his heart hammering into his ears like the drums of a march, he glances first to the right, then to the left before closing his eyes. Taking a deep breath he can almost feel the adrenaline snaking its way through his veins, flowing to the hand with which he now grasps his staff. the skull atop it facing toward the sky, each cloud within becoming a spectator to stare down at this arena.

    Beginning slowly, Ohmen recites word after word, his tongue flicking with a certain purpose as he does so. - (Cast Haste https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/haste/ On Shiro, Drew, Ohmen, Izema, Drakk.)

    "Nas uw zmy zupy. Nas sy wmidd clas miwzy, ofr oyyz clas wsuozlyww. Ofr kdivyw, ofr kav, ofr idd. Sduty zmrafqm zmy iur, bytapy zmy sulv! bywzas zmy quoz ao miwzy feal xe, ueal idd!" - "Now is the time. Now we shall know haste, Our feet know swiftness. Our blades, Our body, Our all. Slice through the air, Become the wind! Bestow the gift of haste upon I, Upon all!"

    Meanwhile Wisdom's talons light up with a new sheen, the bird picking up a claw full of soil before letting it slowly trickle back to the ground as its black wings take it to the tree's.

    "And now before you, the true test... This soil thirsts for blood. You can smell it in the air."
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Darting out from under the docks, Bigbang chucks his attempt at a homemade grenade over his left shoulder as he darts back towards the forest. It flies through the air and lands on the docks, but has all the explosive power of a glitter-bomb. It sprays burning sawdust in a wide radius, which does distract them a little. The half-dragon, however, points in the rabbit's direction and begins shouting orders at the goblinoids. Lucky for the rabbit, the goblins are horrible shots. Only one arrow comes anywhere close to striking home, and even that one just grazes an ear. (Bigbang takes 1 point of damage)

    As Nazqua's magic swirls around his compatriots, they surge forward at a higher speed than normal, and dart towards the goblinoids on the docks. Meanwhile, Vinnie and Archie creep ever closer to the forge...
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    hearing the dragon yelling and seeing the goblins try to shoot Izema sighs "well no plan survives contact with the enemy still i was hopping for more from the bunny lets go save him"saying this he takes off at a dead sprint. izema always loved the feeling of hast made him feel like he was swimming on land. regardless he starts his battle dance his pace lengthens his movements more reckless "it's time to get to work"
  16. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Seeing Izema rush forward, Drew looks at the scenario near the ships, Drew sees the goblins furiously trying to shoot at something..or..someone. Drew smiles slyly as he knows his little rabbit friend is giving them hell. Drew whips out his already loaded crossbow, runs (60ft because of haste, i'm not using the dash action) towards the enemy, stops, kneels, puts the butt of the crossbow to his shoulder, and fires into the group of goblin archers.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drew's shot flies through the air and strikes a goblin in the chest - he flies backwards off of the docks, dropping his bow in the process. Izema, meanwhile, runs forward as quickly as he can, deflecting arrows with his shield as he goes. One arrow does go through (Izema takes 4 damage). The orcs group up in threes and fours - there's at least sixteen of them right now. The goblins group up in trios, and again, there's a dozen of them. Two hobgoblin bodyguards in heavy armor with halberds, one scro in some kind of medium armor with a military pick, and the half-dragon.

    Drakk is following behind Izema, using the larger warrior as cover while he gets into range for his spells.
  18. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro's heart beats faster as he hears the half-dragon discover Big Bang.

    Time slows until a milisecond is an eternity. A feminine form steps from the trees, looking like nothing more than a voluptrous beauty, the raven haired siren looks towards the enemy far off and then back to Shiro.

    As she looks at him, her eyes briefly burst into flame.

    Shiro regards her calmly.

    "Hello Azaphor."

    "Shiro... so, you will embrace me and my power for these... worthless mortals? These ants!? Bond with me and I will give you untold power, these enemies will be but chaff in the wind. I want not to rule you Shiro, but I fear you will die and end my existence on this plane through your prejudice..."

    Shiro regarded the Demon calmly. Since his training, he no longer feared this creature but he still had his doubts.

    "Maybe later Azaphor... For now, I know you long for violence and I will bring it. But as always it will be those who have done wrong. Those who deserve retribution. Such as these."

    "As you command master..." Azaphor bowed slightly towards him and then approached. Standing behind him, she embraced him and... time sped up...

    No more than a flicker had progressed in realtime and Shiro charged out of the woods towards the Scro and Half-Dragon.

    His Katana suddenly glowed with an inner light, as it glowed white and wisps of frosty air rose from the blade suddenly as if formed of ice itself.

    Shiro concentrated as he ran, his eyes glowing more and more red. He felt a pressure building inside him as he ran.

    He would be the force of chaotic justice to these followers of evil.

    [Shiro activates his magic sword with +1 and frost damage. Shiro casts Fire Breath for use in the next round, can be used 3 times]
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Hey look, I made a map! A crappy map, but a map none-the-less!
    G = Goblin Iz = Izema Sh = Shiro
    O = Orc Dk = Drakk V = Vincenzo
    H = Hobgoblin Dr = Drew A = Arkhanides
    S = Scro Oh = Ohmen
    HD = Half-Dragon BB = Bigbang
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang, running towards the woods can audibly be heard shouting
    "oh shit oh shit oh shit"

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