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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Bigbang continues to plug away at any scro foolish enough to poke their heads above the railing, Shiro does his best to dodge the mantis-ship's helmman's attempts to ram his ship. Archie and Vincenzo continue to load normal shot into the ballista and pop another three shot into the mantis before something truly spectacular happens. As Shiro rolls the scorpion-ship through the space between the mantis-ship's claw-rams, he gets an unusually clear view of the scro helmsman on the mantis-ship's bridge! Thinking quick, he lines up the shot... and plugs a bullet through the helmsman's forehead!

    This is both good and bad. On one hand, the scro ship is suddenly helmless! It shudders and shakes, before the nose begins to dip down and it heads towards the ocean below! But the scorpion-ship wasn't quite out of harm's way when it began to fall. While Shiro managed to remain conscious after the impact, he is unable to pull away in time, and the mantis-ship's claw-ram loops around your ship's tail, dragging it down!

    Forced to improvise, Shiro attempts to hold both ships up, but the helm on the scorpion isn't strong enough to lift two ships, and within seconds both ships strike the water with a thunderous clap of displaced liquid!
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang grins,
    "Thats a kill lads" however his smile quickly fades as he realizes what is happening, as all ships are being pulled down.
    "Ah fuck, well better start swimming then" Bang hurriedly covers the rail gun in a hydrophobic sack and gets ready to swim
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the ships begin to sink, you and the scro struggle over the available surface area. Vinnie and Archie help out by tossing a couple of tanglefoot bags over onto the mantis-ship's decking, trapping the scro there as they sink, but the ships are going down fast.

    "Ey, Archie? I think-a we gonna need-a that thing!"


    "You know, da floaty thing! I dunno 'bout you, but I think-a the fish might be a teeny bit hungry!" Indeed, as he says this, you can see the water about the mantis begin to froth and a red stain fills the ocean.

    Nodding, the gnome reaches into a pouch at his belt and pulls out a small wood cube. Tossing it into the water, he shouts a command word of some kind and the cube becomes a small, pontoon-like raft! Vincenco clambers aboard before pulling Archie up onto the deck, then looks around for Bigbang and Shiro...
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro realizes the ship is going down and abandons the bridge. He tries to get to the boat that just magically appeared.

    He also preps his bow in case any Scro get close.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Shiro gets close, Vinnie smiles and tosses his erstwhile employer a rope, dragging him aboard. Bigbang follows suit shortly, allowing Vincenco to grab an oar and start hitting scro on the head as they try to board.
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looks miserable, despite being a decent swimmer it soaks his fur and makes the little rabbit cold. Those scro are going to pay for this...
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Thinking fast, Izema dives into the water, intending to possibly rescue one of the scro for questioning. But the instant he dives under the water he begins to rethink his intention. This is deep ocean here. Really deep ocean. What you see beneath the waves defies sanity and makes you question your desire to be in the water. Massive tentacles have wrapped about the ships below the surface of the water and are dragging the entire mass towards a gigantic shark-like maw, filled with teeth the size of, well, you. You have never seen anything like this monstrosity. The closest thing you can liken it to is a horrifyingly bizarre blend of shark and giant squid, with some kraken and given the razor-sharp spines along those tentacles, maybe some kind of urchin or something?
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    It takes Izema a moment or three to convince the mercenaries that the raft is not the safe place they thought it was, and a bit longer to wave to one of the wasp-ships. Bigbang tried to climb up the rope Drew let down from the wasp-ship. After a failed attempt, Izema grabbed him and tossed the rabbit upwards to land on the deck of the wasp! Vincenzo glanced into the water, went pale, and practically ran up the rope a moment later, climbing it with ease. Izema, carefully carrying the exhausted Shiro, went up the rope next, leaving Archie by himself. Taking the end of the rope, the gnome tied it about his waist, grabbed part of the raft with one hand, and uttered a quick command word. The raft suddenly shrank back into the wooden cube it started as, and not a moment too soon! As Izema began to haul Arkhanides up to safety, a long, spine-covered tentacle broke the water, questing for the suddenly missing raft! Archie gives a squeak of shock at the size of the thing and clings to the wasp's railing as he stares downward. More tentacles break the water, searching for its' prey, a massively huge dark shadow filling the water below the ship.

    As Ohmen lifts the wasp-ship skyward, the tentacles shoot straight upwards, questing for the ship, but fail to catch it. Eventually they slip beneath the water and the shadow fades away...

    Shaking his head, Vincenzo pats his gnomish buddy on the shoulder. "I think-a that sometimes, da raft is'na da best idea, no?"

    "Eeeeyeaaaah," Archie mutters out, his gaze still fixed on the water below. "So what now?"

    "That is up to da boss," the sabateur muses, gesturing towards Izema. "Personally," he adds, raising his voice, "now might be a good time-a to hide, no? Mebbe lay low for a bit."

    "Are we going back to the dragonfly?" Archie asks, curiously.

    "Well, that's-a uppa to dem, but I dinna think-a that's such-a good idea. Them orcs, dey gotta least one more ship, and after alla dat, I don't think we're-a in much shape for anuutha fight. If'n it were uppa to me, I'd find-a us a place to hide onna different island, away from-a da ship, anna further out. Make-a dem think dat-a we came from elsewhere."

    "You know," the gnome muses, "there was a ruined tower on another one of the islands, further up the archipelago. Might make a good hiding hole for a bit."
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro is half-standing, half-collapsed on a pillar near the bridge. Hearing Archie and Vinie talking, he addresses Izema and the group.

    "I think this is a valid suggestion my friends, until I have recovered from helong the craft I will be of limited use. I believe Drakk and Ohmen are the same. We need to re-group, rest and then decide our next course of action."

    Shiro stops to catch his breath, then continues.

    "If we head in a different direction, it will prevent the Scro from finding our other ship and the bounty on board."
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The feeling of blood washing throughout his body, gushing past his red hot face Ohmen uses the burning sensation of each step to only push him further as he had sprinted toward the ships. The pounding of blood around his ears making war drums to which the incoming army marched, the force being so large it could be considered such. An army.

    The sound of muck being replaced with grates of metal and wooden boards, Determination grits the changeling’s face. Having Taking one last deep breath before he threw himself into the helm. There would be no respite from the previous combat, not now.


    The truth behind those last words becoming all the more clearer as two other ships begin the hunt, Predator, after prey, exhausted, worn down prey. Or so they thought, for this prey had more than a fight left in them.

    Using all mental strength on the helm, having to steer the ship to stop it from veering off due to a damaged wing, Ohmen can only hear and feel the shudders as Archie and Vinnie get to work. And with a glance, see’s one of the two ships, and all those on board begin to plummet down to a grave amongst the sailor's bones and sea weed.

    With a perfectly timed and executed shot, an arrow from big bang’s weapon slits through the air like a knife through soft goblin flesh. Quite literally executing the other, and last enemy ship’s helm’s man in what could only be described as brutal, yet clean in fashion. A painless death, the kind he did not deserve, but alas, a death all the same.

    However, as the now immobile hunk of metal, that once was the ship, spirals down it manages to clip onto the Scorpion. Dragging it down in perhaps one last kamikaze, final twitch, the metal itself lashing out at they who caused its demise, before hammering against the water.

    With the joint crashes of both Craft, Mantis, And Scorpion, ringing out, Ohmen quite literally feels the vibrations in the ship’s bones. And no doubt, the final throes of the pair would echo throughout these deeper waters for minutes, hours… The dinner bell rings out, summoning those from the depths with the promise of a feast. And, first from the sounds of screaming and frantic panic, and now frothing ocean surface, bubbling with the movement no man nor orc could create, it becomes clear that these calls were answered.

    As slimy tentacles surface to wrap around and suffocate their new prize, the mantis ship, a ravenous maw fills the water with clouds of red, turning solid metal and wood planks into splinters. his beast, this aberration had awoken from the depths to once more to unleash its wraith and fill and hearts of men with unease and fear, fear of the depths, and what lurks within.

    With seconds so intense, they blurred into minutes, ropes and craft are tossed down to those crew members who had been forced into the water, Izema diving in to help save them from a watery grave.

    Exhausted, they lie on the deck as their muscles burn whilst Ohmen is forced to shift the ship forward, barely missing the beasts grasp and appetite made manifest.


    As Shiro and Big bang splutter, coughing and sprawled out on the deck, the sound of clawed talons clicking against wooden deck boards breaks up their rapid breaths… At the deck's end, upon the railings Wisdom now perches. The raven looks forward, first out to the infinite horizon of the ocean, the shape of distant islands piercing and breaking what would be an endless expanse. And then, downward, toward the sound of gargled screams and snapping metal and wood alike.

    Ancient eyes watch as Scro and goblin slip beneath the water. Most succumbed to the wave after wave, the ocean embracing them as their muscles give way. Some are crushed in the grasp of tentacles or unmade in the jaws of some ferocious beast. Whilst others scramble with another, using bodies and chunks of wood to provide them with a few more seconds.. Minutes of air.

    “To find rest among the seaweed and sailors bones where gold is worth nothing, ground to dust by the waves and washed ashore. Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes… This is no place for the weak. For the foolhardy.”

    Wisdom whispers aloud as they watch a pair of Scro fight over a plank of buoyant wood, the struggle only ending as one of them gently drifts away, carried on the waves face down.


    Putting the ship into a softer, and steady drive forward, Ohmen takes a deep breath before turning to the mercenaries and those on the deck. “Even if we manage to make it back to the dragonfly, and then fight through another wave of Scro, Another ten, Another hundred laid to rest. We still can’t reliably retrieve the helm with the scorpion gone.”

    “Face it, All of our magic is exhausted. And we risk losing it all, including the captives. As a wise man once told me, Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. Do not be Blinded by the pursuit of glory and gold. All will receive their judgment in time. And that time need not be now.”

    Staring at Archie and Vinnie with a searing gaze, one that needn’t be so harsh now that the party was out of combat and unfollowed, for now at least.

    “Archie, Vinnie. What direction is this tower? We need to put distance between us and the Scro fast. We need rest, not recklessness. The fight we brought was strong, But our blade is blunt.

    “Lets keep their attention far from the Dragonfly. A further out island is a good start. If not for the tower, we can set up a camp before nightfall.”

    Now glancing at Izema as he signals for Ohmen to bring them closer to the other ship, the changeling calls over Wisdom. Hoping over, the bird drags a small bag over, ruffling inside before pulling out a wrinkled, neatly tied scroll in one claw.

    “Take this, It's a detect magic scroll I..”
    He looks to Wisdom “We scribed it a while back. Take it. Search the half-dragon.”
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro looks out the window as they near the tower ruins. He points to the ground.

    "Ohmen? Set her down in that clearing. It looks like an old crop field and should be fine to land."

    While Ohmen maneouvers the ship, Shiro turns to Archie and Vinnie. "I have to thank you both, you were invaluable in assault and made the difference between life and death in the rescue.

    "When we land, please do what you can to set up a defensive perimeter. We know the Scro will be hunting for us and we have no idea what will be on this island.

    "We will post watches, but for now please do what you can. Our caster's need to rest and we need to interrogate the captives so we get an idea of the end game of the Scro."

    Shiro watches Ohmen land the ship smoothly and pats the hull. She felt good this ship.

    Turning to the others. "Can someone go outside and signal Drakk to land beside us?"
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro looks at everyone. "We need caster's resting first so we are ready in case of an attack. We also need to decide what are we doing next.

    "My vote is to interrogate the prisoners with anyone else who has skill in talking or intimidating so we get the full data about what is happening here and then decide.

    "Minimally we need to know who the half-dragon's master is. The one he yelled about when he located Big Bang."
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Landing the ships is easy. You're all pretty sure that the field is, indeed, a field, and did, indeed, belong to some farmer once, long ago. For those who know, the current contents in the field appears to be wild wheat of some kind, and you're pretty sure you can see wild-ish raspberry bushes under the treeline closer to the tower. It rises in the distance, about a hundred feet away, like a tall grey sentinel. From here, it is hard to tell what kind of shape it is in, but you're fairly certain part of the roof has fallen in. A quick look around the area just outside the field turns up a well with a rotten bucket and no rope, several overgrown apple and pear trees, and a path that leads towards that ruined tower. The path has been laid with various chunks of stone, of a variety of colors and types. You're pretty certain most of them aren't from around here, which makes you wonder how the farmer(s) got them here.

    As you begin to unload the ship(s), Drakk notices that the half-dragon is awake and somewhat grumpy. He can't say anything around the gag in his mouth, but he is casting the kobold irritated and curious looks. You suspect he wants to ask the kobold some questions...
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk approaches the Half Dragon, motioning Izema to follow. Izema roughly yanks off the gag and holds the Half Dragons head to the sky so he can't breathe fire at them. Stepping forward, Drakk says "Hello, I suspect you have noticed our shared lineage by the looks you have given me. I have a few questions for you, and if you try any funny business, my associate here will be alot less kind then I will be. Firstly what is your name, and how are you related to our shared ancestor, the dragon."
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    as drakk begins talking Izema takes out a piece of twine and begins to tie the dragons fingers together each between the the next as if in prayer. no magic signs out of this one. then he grabs the half dragon one arm around his neck forcing the dragons face skyward. "ok drakk this is as secure as i can make him with out doing something drastic say your piece but make it quick i don't trust this one and i have several broken ribs to tell me why."
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Growling softly, the half-dragon seems like he is about to burst forward and do something for a bit, but he seems to regain control pretty quickly. "Ugh, fine. I am Ultezesh, the dragon is my father, and given that I do not remember him having a tryst with any kobolds, you must be one of By'reshel's get. Never did understand what he saw in kobolds. Their women are half his size! I mean, I suppose if he's got to have a kink there are worse things than sleeping with degenerate dragon-kin."
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk glares at Ultezesh angrily before calming himself down to ask "Who is By'reshel? Can you give me some more information, and might I add that if a Kobold can make the earth swallow up your allies, it's a shame a half dragon can't even take out one of mine."
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "By'reshel is one of my brothers, and possibly your father," Ultezesh says, a wicked grin on his muzzle. "But possibly not. You are really easy to get a rise out of, aren't you, nephew? Seriously, you've got a Tinsenail accent, and he's the only one of my siblings that I know chose to go to that sand-covered backwater." The smile slips off of his fanged muzzle a second later though, and he let out an annoyed sigh. "But you have me dead to rights. What do you want of me? I'm guessing you don't need a shipwright..."
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    "Thank you for the info... Uncle... Anyways, who do you work for? And what were you building?"
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Who do I?" he trails off, and begins to chuckle. "Wait, you mean you don't know?!? Obviously I'm working for the scro!" he replies, rolling his eyes. "They pay well, and since I'm a half-dragon they let me boss around the other humanoids! Seriously though, I was working for Admiral Kirshin. Now? No idea, since the Admiral was likely on board the mantis-ship when it crashed into the ocean. As to what I was building, it was a ship-design the scro call a Battlewagon. Some big hot-shot from outsystem designed it. Not a lot have been built though." He tries to shake his head, but cannot with Izema keeping a death-grip on his neck. "Look, I'm not going to try to escape. You have me outnumbered, and as they say, I do not get paid enough to die."

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