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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Quietly following behind, taking in not only the surroundings but also the clothing and mannerisms of those around him, Ohmen enters the arched room.

    Wisdom, who had now lept from his wrist, begins to flutter about on the upper shelves, the Raven poking its beak between the pages of books and studying each and every cubby and table with equally wild abandon.

    Meanwhile, Ohmen, tending to the quiet, calm atmosphere of the libraries, asks about the specific spells that are being stored here. his voice is soft; flowing in the same manner as his cloak, whilst he picks out a singular scroll.

    first, he makes an effort to study its paper and texture, before opening it out with a satisfying click, taking a look before tracing along its writings with his eyes, a hint of what Wisdom had, a thirst for knowledge, revealing itself. Ohmens, however, was far more reserved, after all, an eternity was forever.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "wizards that die doing their tasks ether at the wall or in the tower leave their wisdom to the library." (you can find all 1st and 2nd lvl spells hear +a good number of stronger ones. you can't learn spells stronger then you can cast.)
    the scroll you are holding looks to be notes on different potions and their effect on frogs
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro politely asks one of the attendants for a section that would be applicable for a Magus and walks over to peruse the full shelf.

    He sees the full panoply of spells that are applicable for his class and wonders at the immense effort it would have taken to get them all here. He resolves to come back at the end of their quest to copy as many spells as he can.

    Walking to Ohmen and matching the other's calm tones, he asks "How long would you like to spend here? Myself, I can see a week spent in here at the end of our quest to be of great import but for now I am satisified that I can fill the holes in my knowledge when we are done.

    "I suggest we now make our way to Drew and Threespears to begin our investigations."
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, the kobold cocks his head and regards the rest of the party. "Well, in an idealized world, I would remain here and work on my studies. However, I am pretty much done with my research at this juncture, so if you prefer, I can guide you to converse with those on the list."
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “For sure Shiro, Weeks, Months even. But first as you say, our quest, and all what stands in our way towards its completion must be quelled..”

    Ohmen gently throws back the opening to his bag, lifting out a bundle of neatly tied scrolls. “I do have a handful of basic, but no doubt useful spells yet to scribe, But I'm sure I can get them covered during those later hours.

    “hours where no bird sings, and when even your shadow dare not disturb the all encompassing silence of night, silence of thought.” Wisdom murmurs from one of the nearby shelves, the bird listening into the conversation

    “I suppose I'm at least within the few who have learned to put their insomnia to use. ” Ohmen takes a deep breath, letting the scrolls slide out of his hand and back into the seeming void they had emerged from before beginning to walk in the direction of the others, all the while continuing.

    As Ohmen begins to walk, Wisdom forces themselves away from the room, returning to Ohmen’s outstretched wrist before speaking with wayward eyes “Every page waits, Every particle of dust to be lifted by the flap of a wing. To study every tome, the time to do so being but a drop of water in the ocean, a character in a library, a year in a eternity. It will wait, and wait I will until even death may die.”

    “But I agree, let us begin. I want to give the list we have a better look over, If you want to split up for speed’s sake we could do, but with that being said I'm comfortable either way”
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Yes, this is wise. Let's take two people each for today and go gather data. We can reconvene at the end of the night."

    So saying Shiro and Ohmen travel back to Drew and Threespears and divide the people to be questioned between them and set out.
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    After coordinating against the list with the others, they head off as follows:

    Shiro to Marcus.

    Ohmen to Piran.

    Drew and Threespears to Madam June.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  8. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    having satisfide your basic curiosity for what the library holds you all set out each with a destination in mind.
    shiros path takes him to the militarie quarter while the paths are busy with soldiers the clinic you eventually find your self in is spars a few care people but the people being tended to can be counted on one hand. you are directed towards the far wall where a young man is sitting he is obviously not well he has one arm in a sling and his face and chest are badly bruised, but he seems in high spirits and he smiles your way when you walk over.

    omens trip is much shorter the morgue is near by the library kept in a similar stone building. opon entering the temperature drops even colder then out side and you see rows opon rows of tables covered in sheets. to few of them are empty many brave soles sleep hear waiting.

    drew tags along after Threespears the castle is not a easy place to navigate and it would be a shame to get lost. they head down to the servants wing and ask around untill they find Madam June
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro greets the soldier respectfully and after introducing himself, explaining that he is working for the Baron and sitting, he asks Marcus of the Spectre.

    "Marcus, I do not wish to upset you but I must know of the Spectre and any details you may know or have seen about it.

    "Firstly, do you know anything of it's origin? Or an event that would have brought it about?"
  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Marcus's smile fades "ah i was wonderin why i was getting visitors. well sorry to disappoint you but if we knew that they wouldn't have sent me out. heck the people that have even seen the thing and are still talking can be counted on my hands. if it would help i can tell you what happened and what i saw."
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Any information would be valuable, my friend, if we are to vanquish this creature." Shiro expresses his genuine interest in what ocurred and what the man saw, including anything that the soldier thinks may have set this off.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2020
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Marcus lays back down closes his eyes and starts speaking. " it started just after the harvest ended every one was in town after the funeral and prepping for winter. we started getting reports of people going missing. now this isn't unusual fall tends to rouse the younger foke not wanting to spend months indorse it's not rare to have them sneak off with a merchant caravan or to help at the wall, but this was different we where loosing more then usual and children and oldins don't tend to run off. then the news came in. the party headin back to the manor was back and there was a lot less of them.
    so we started patrolling asking questions ... findin bodies. terrible that whole families dead in their beds no sign of a fight or even that they knew they where in danger. the ones we found out side looked like whatever it was it was not a easy way to go. gastly faces like the wort pain you could imagin.
    then one night it was me and Johan out by the steps we wernt suposed to be out that far but we weren't findin anything at the farms. we heard her before we saw her the sound of crying you could feel it in your chest like the world was endin.
    she... it's a spirit alright no legs sh.. it floats above the ground wandering didn't look like she had a place she was headin but dang was she butiful i ant ever seen a woman so pretty." he pauses hear and takes a deep shuddering breath. "at least at first."
    " when she saw us she started screaming it's face grew tight the skin stretched over it's bones and it turned dark like it was drinking up all the light. usurpers she called us and it hurt to hear her say it. her words struck your soul almost passed out when she spoke. she came right at me should have got me but hazel my horse got spooked and started badly she only grazed my shoulder, still can't use it felt like ice but not as bad as when she spoke. hazel just keeled over fell of me hard broke several ribs probably saved my life.
    woke up the next day found Johan near by clutching his ears dead as can be. and thats about all there is to tell i made it back home a week ago and now your hear."
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro puzzles over the information that Marcus has relayed, but one fact stuck in his mind.

    "Marcus, I appreciate you reliving that for me. I can only imagine that it is still painful to think of."

    He pauses, then continues.

    "Do you have any idea what you think it is talking about when it said 'usurpers'?

    "Did it look like anyone to you? Before it changed to darkness?

    "And do you know of any shrine in that area or other holy place that may have been desecrated?"
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    no idea sir both me and Johan where born hear and i've not stolen any ones place.

    no one i knew sir she looked important like what i think a noble might look like but i've not seen any nobles so that might just be me talking nonsense

    that was the first thing we checked when the wards started to fail a lot of our magic is so old we don't know what powers them so we tend to check every thing when something goes wrong. no holy place was messed up and i don't know who would do that out hear what with the wall not even the cult of groetus would be crazy enough to mess with stuff like that.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2020
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Thank you Marcus.

    "Are you familiar with this area's history? Was there a society or civilization here before yours?

    "And can you tell me about the Cult of Groeteous? I've not encountered them so far."

    Shiro makes a mental note to find a painting or picture of the countess and show it to Marcus.
  16. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    naw no one was hear before us n good place to live before the wall was built.

    the cult of Groetus are doom sayers their god is the one who snuffs out the world at the end of time. they tend to be a bit crazy what with staring into the abyss and thinking about the end of the world all the time. they have a shrine in the grand temple but i would stay away from them they give me the creeps
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Okay. You mentioned that your magic is very old. Who created the magic? Or who would know about this?"
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    nazaric might he would be the only one even remotely old enough the wall was old when my great great great grandfather was born
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Unlike Others, Ohmen Isn’t unsettled by such a prospect, And with such the changeling begins to head the Morgue’s direction. Wisdom taking flight in pursuit after one last look at the library with ardent eyes.

    Flying above, Wisdom lands up onto one of the building’s extrusions, The bird watching the grounds as Ohmen walks the path toward the building.. Fitting, the Raven, A symbol of death taking watch from above…

    Steadily approaching, Ohmen takes off his hood revealing the features of a human, the clothing around his arms warping into a brief coat and lords robes, whilst the rest of his outfit was generally fit for such a position, showing hints of lavishness and wealth,

    (Ohmen changes form into that of a Human, taking up a new identity as he usually does.)

    Upon entering the building, the wizard shakes off the cooler temperature, the deep light blue of his eyes bright as he approaches that who looked to be Piran.. Speaking softly, Ohmen glances at the body the Mortician was working on. “Oh how all lives must come to an end.. But these ones, these need not come to an end so soon.”

    As he continues Going on to introduce himself, Wisdom however bursts into the room, the bird slightly delayed.

    Fluttering slightly hysterically, the raven lands near a set of shelves, looking over their contents before going as far to approach one of the bodies before Ohmen speaks sharply in his new accent. It is sharp, Imperative, yet the words drag out in a elegant, respectful fashion all the while hinting at his authority. There would be no doubt he was not from these parts, foreign to both this city and Ohmen’s normal voice, Certain letters being emphasized.

    “Apologies Mortician Piran, If that is what you so wish to be called.

    “This bird, They are Wisdom, one of my Companions. And I myself am Lord Terrowin, You may call me Ohmen if you wish.”

    Giving a lordly bow, Ohmen reaches out to firmly shake Piran’s hand before continuing. Meanwhile Wisdom remains silent, not revealing their voice so soon, all the while watching as the changeling constructs a new personality.

    “I’m here in your, I am sure warm, company on behalf of the Barron himself, his trusted words and too in honor of those soul’s who were forced to suffer at the icy hands of this… So called Spectre.”

    ‘Lord Terrowin’, the name of one of Ohmen’s many disguises, gives a sigh looking over a row of the bodies.

    “A tragedy of the truest kind… I myself haven’t had the, well the misfortune, no offence to you and your no doubt important work here, of visiting a Morgue for well.. Year’s I would suppose, In fact its been since the well the Wyvern incident back at my home town... if you can't tell already I come from well I would guess more than a thousand miles far from here, Much warmer there, that's for sure.”

    Easing away from weaving a new personality and identity, Ohmen drags himself back to the point

    “Besides, As I’m sure you’ve already been made aware, I’m here to inquire about any and all information you may be able to provide me, and provide your Barron who calls me here, about the autopsies of the Spectre’s Victims…

    "Poor... poor souls.”
  20. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "well met Terrowin." the man stands at a table hands deep in a cadaver." is there any thing specific you want to know or just a general rundown of the autopsies so far?"

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