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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Nodding gently, Terrowin takes a step back from the body flinching only now realizing the the gory nature of a mortician's job.. Leaning away, he places a hand onto a nearby table, its cool surface on his skin as he speaks "Well, Lets start with a general run down I guess? You're the expert here sir."
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2020
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    He takes his hands out and turns to you wiping his hands on a cloth." Well then there have been 48 victims that we can confirm died from the ghost. There does not seem to be any pattern in age genders weight or job type. All bodies despite condition show signs of stress tightening of the muscles some have cardiac failings but this is by no means Universal. What is more common over all is that ear drums of every victim have been ruptured, other symptoms that are comen are bleeding from the ears eyes internal haemorrhaging of the brain. Not all show signs of physical trauma outside of these but the ones that do all seemed to have been hurt by bare hands, hands that passed through armor clothing and flesh alike leaving behind severe frostbite there are no slashes just Frozen flesh in the shape of fingers and hands. Still this never seems to be the main source of death so any physical injuries are merely a side effect of being attacked by the creature."
    During his Spiel he walks you past several corpses pulling back coverings to show you the evidence of his words.
    " I'm not a priest and know very little of the undead my job is to watch the true dead or the almost dead. But a few assumptions can be drawn first the creature can fly second it is incorporeal and last it has some form of area of effect attack as in several cases multiple people were dropped in Rapid succession"
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Thank you Marcus. I will return with a picture which I will ask if you recognize and in the meantime please think to see if there is anything else that may have slipped your mind."

    Shiro's voice strengthens in intensity, "If we are to ensure that no-one else gets hurt or suffers Johann's fate, we must undersratnd the nature of the beast and thus deal with it appropriately."

    Shiro travels back to the keep to find a picture of the countess and bring it back to show Marcus to see if it resembles the spectre.
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    His face turning pale, Terrowin takes a deep breath, muttering the word. “Forty eight.. I-I thought there would be ten, maybe twenty.. But not Forty Eight… And that's only your confirmed cases?”

    Taking a gentle step closer, the changeling takes a look at the lifeless body before him. staring deep into its shallow, empty eyes, empty soul, before placing a hand onto its forehead. “Frozen flesh, A touch colder than an icy grave, Cardiac failings.. Ears ruptured in every victim, bleeding from the face… A nasty way to go no doubt.”

    Turning back to Piran, Terrowin reaches into the bag on his side to take out a small leather bound book; its cover is blank, and pages worn. With a similarly fluid motion, he gently passes it toward the other nearby unoccupied table, Wisdom hopping over to open its cover before taking up a raven feather scribing pen from its compartment, the bird beginning to scrawl down the conversation unnaturally fast, and remarkably well done for some seeming bird out of all creatures…

    With a slight sorrow in his voice, but not enough to drown out his accent, Terrowin continues “But now is no time to mourn, Piran, and so I must ask when was the first confirmed death? And how recent was the last? I need to get a scale of time of these attacks, Are they common? As you say, there’s been no observable pattern in the victims profile’s.. But I can't help but feel there is something more than mindless, unmotivated violence here."

    Terrowin takes a deep breath.

    “In not only their respect, but to honor them and the living too, would you be willing to disclose some of the victim’s names and information to me, but also to your Barron, who I do talk for.. Not only is this information crucial to my task, but also I may be able to provide some of their relatives some solace...They say you die twice. first when your soul leaves your body, and then once your name is forgotten.. These soul’s have already suffered their first death, allow me to preserve their second for but one mortal life longer…”

    “And as for the true nature of the Spectre itself, You yourself know little, but perhaps there is someone that knows more… As you know I am a stranger in these lands, in this city, but tell me, are there any local cartographers, so we may get a better Idea of the locations the Spectre haunts? A guild house perhaps? I know of the library, and will be sure to spend some of my later nights there for its knowledge of such a foe, a foe that must be faced sooner rather than later, lest it create more work for you in such brutal fashion.”
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    well most came from the manor party it takes many to keep the place staffed and most did not return.

    3 months ago to the day. 4 days. less so now that the farmers have come in for the winter.

    if you need their names i can wright up a report but you needn't worry about the families. they are ether dead with them or are my duty to inform.

    the arcavist might know more if you do not. if not him then the priests of the temple or the magi from the tower. monster lore is in great supply this close to the edge of the world. as for maps the library is your best bet from what i know the haunt is around the manor and the foot hills near by but it is getting ever wider and at a much faster rate as time goes on. if it continues then the city will be hit in about 2 weeks.
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Shaking off any sadness, Terrowin leans in to continue, standing in his authority and lordly garbs. “So you're telling me that they all, or well most, victims share the fact they came from the manor?.. I was made aware your people’s Countess passed suddenly, more specifically, just as the hauntings, the deaths began? No?..”

    Ohmen turns to look into Piran’s eyes with seriousness. “Piran. Did you ever get to see her body? She resided in the manor in life… and now.. Perhaps resides in it in death.

    Terrowin leans back onto one of the tables, talking with a calmer tone, his breaths turning to mist with the cold of the room

    “3 months to this darkened day.. I know you may not be the one to ask here, but have any search parties been launched, or any further investigations been carried out? As for the names of the victims, that could no doubt be useful, but as you say, its seemingly location that mattered here, that being of around the foothills and manor.. Say, do you have a list of where the bodies were recovered? The terrain is forested there right?"

    Thinking for a second, Terrowin continues with a gesture of his hands before looking to wisdom, giving the bird a nod… Ohmen couldn’t help but feel a tingling in his fingers as the mortician mentions monster lore and knowledge, such information… such opportunity here, all waiting with spectre aside.

    “Actually, hold on.. The priests of the temple, and Magi of the tower, along with the library itself.. Yes, yes I will be needing to visit them too..”
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Just over half the deaths are from The Manor. Yes I did get to check over her body and she didn't die in the manor she was here when she died about a week before the hauntings began. As far as I could tell she died of an Affliction of the lungs very contagious if you are not careful and resistant to Healing spells.
    As for where the bodies were found the scouts were no more but yes we are doing regular patrols with our outriders.
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Unable to find a small enough picture of the Countess to bring back to Marcus, Shiro resolves to find Ohmen and travels towards where he went to get more information.
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Genuinely, Threespears rather wished he could stay in the library, but was resigned to his fate. While his face was impassive behind his dark glasses, inside he was trying very hard not to clap gleefully. Outside of the Archivist, Madam June was the one person on that list that Threespears actually got along with! Rummaging through his bags, he pulled out a small pouch and set off into the town.

    As head of the former Countess' housekeeping staff, though the Countess was dead, Madam June still had a pension and a house in town while she sought other employment. But perhaps most importantly of all, Madam June was a superb baker! The scent of her house drew in the senses long before Threespears and Drew reached her house...
  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Madam Junes house is one of the warmest places the city from the out side it glows. a tidy well kept unit that probably sports impressive gardens in the planters out side, 2 shelves out side the kitchen window. both have signs on them one says "for tomorrow" the other lower down says "for stealing" one has significantly more tarts on it then the other.
    when you walk in you hear "wipe your feet!" from some where in the back. before your host can come by. when she can pull herself away from what ever chore has her attention at the moment, she comes out to great you." Ah! if it isn't Three spears come to visit. Who is your friend/"
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Good morning, Madame June! This is my associate Drew, newly come to the Dutchy!" Pulling out the pouch he'd grabbed, he graciously handed it to Madame June. "The brass polish you requested," he explained as he handed it over. "Should I have time while in town, I will attempt to scrounge up the materials to make more such compound, but with luck this will help in your endeavors with your antique chandelier?"

    Smiling, she accepted the pouch and peeked inside. "Ah yes, if this works the way you say it does, this should remove that stubborn tarnish stain! Thank you!" Tucking the pouch into her clothes, she smiled happily at the duo. "So what brings the two of you to my door?"

    "Ah," the smile slips from Threespears' face as he ponders how to ask what needs to be done. "I dislike having to pry, but my associates are digging into events surrounding the Countess' death and the rise of the Spectre. We were, perhaps, hoping you might be able to supply some answers? And maybe some of your fruit tarts?" he added, a hopeful look in his eyes.
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "of course we can sad news is always better over tea." she busies herself around the kitchen as she talks.
    "as you know it is my responsibility to over see the staff for the late countess. after the event all of the staff reported what they saw or felt to me. it's not a happy tail but if we must recount it then so be it.
    What do you want to know?"
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As they settled into Madame June's parlor for tea, the kobold gathered his thoughts and his manners. He knew better than to just blurt out questions. "My, this is a good blend," he muses after taking a sip from his cup. "Very good infusion with nice floral notes! Might I inquire as to your source?" He waits for an answer, then nods and sighs. "Well, I dislike having to inquire after those departed, but I was wondering if anything untoward or unusual had been happening at the manor in the weeks or days before she passed? I was here, alas, doing my research, but the Countess' death did not sound natural to me. Do you have any idea what might have caused it?"
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    June face takes on a sad expression. "ah those where sad weeks she was so sick. we where working on a reduced staff to prevent further infection using people who where immune to sickness, we even had a few paladins volunteer to help. the disease was magic resistant we even brought in clerics from the capital to try to help her, but not much could be done. at the very least we only lost a hand full of people, it was good of her to provide for every one who was similarly effected." she takes a moment to collect herself. " so no sir it was not natural but very little around hear is so close to the wall"
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, Threespears gazes into his cup for a time, then lets out a sad sigh. "I dislike having to dredge such things up, as they are not suitable for polite company, but perchance do you know what symptoms she and the others had? It might aid us in finding out the cause and prevent it from occurring again..."
  16. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "a high fever and A bloody cough. not a pleasant thing to deal with."
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Hmm. Those are the only symptoms?" (Threespears does NOT have Heal as a skill, but would like to do a Knowledge: Arcana check to see if there are any curses or spells he knows that could cause that)...
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Interesting. Alas, also totally useless information for the investigation I am aiding with. Ah well, I had hoped..." Shaking his head, the kobold takes another sip of tea before setting his cup down carefully on the provided doily. "According to rumors floating around, you have laid eyes upon this... thing that those in charge are calling The Spectre. I dislike having to ask you this, as I am certain it could not have been a pleasant experience, but could you please relate your experience, and perhaps tell me if the creature resembled anyone you knew?"
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "... as you know i was part of the party that returned to the manor after the funeral, in fact im probable one of the first to encounter her. we where working in the main hall uncovering furniture and getting every thing back in order it was me and two others Pharasma guard their souls. i herd a gasp and looked up. for a moment i thought our dear countess had returned to us the spirit looks much like her but no. she was much older a woman in her late 50s i have herd people call her beautiful and she is but with a sharpness that the countess never had.
    poor Geoph tried to reach out to her. she looked him right in the eyes all of us realy, and then she screamed. oh Threespears it was the worst sound you have ever heard it felt as if it was tearing at your soul. Geoph and Nancy dropped instantly and i ran for my life. i had a charm you see something to protect against misfortune a holy symbol wrapped in rosemary i think it protected me from that first scream but it burnt up after the first time.
    the next time she screamed i was in the foyer several rooms away it was fainter but it still hurt almost passed out. one of the groomsmen found me there and helped me get away. i saw several others run in to try to help brave souls but others where just trying to get away from it. she chased us down the mountain some of us had gotten on hoarse back before the beasts panicked but she out ran the ones who didn't... so many lost.
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Goodness, that sounds absolutely dreadful! But you say the thing reminded you of the Countess a little? That does not bode well at all! I am not that well versed in matters of the, um, 'living impaired,' shall we say. But I do recall that strong emotions of regret, vengeance, betrayal and other types can cause a beings' spirit to rise as one of the vengeful dead..."

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