Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    yep he headed out this morning havent seen hide nore hair of him since
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang keeps running, adrenaline, panic, and the thought that he left his lunch in the city fueling the rabbit's little legs to speeds beyond normal belief. He bolts, dodging brambles and bushes, obstacles and what appeared ominous objects. However he came up to a problem, a steep 80 foot drop. Bang might be small and light, capable of enduring falls that would splatter a grown man, but 80 feet is beyond him. Acting quickly he reaches into his belt and bag for some tools...
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    will digging threw his bag Bang hears a shout off to his right. "Meat!" glancing over he seas a Giant with 2 heads coming his way and brandishing a quiver of nasty looking spears. with the nightmare coming up behind him and this new threat bang takes the lesser of to evils and jumps in to the void pulling a hammer and his chisel out of his pack bang tries to arrest his fall by jaming it into the side of the cliff. he gets close but his angle is off and he continues to plummet.
    on the top of the cliff the ettin stares in befuddlement not sure why the food just did that, they aim and chuck both of their spears landing 2 hits on the falling morsal. they grin food tonight before they get hit by somthing very red and very angree.
    for a few seconds the two monsters struggle the Proteon sinking it's teeth into the giant and wrapping around it while the ettin tries to beat it off.for onel. looong second they teeter on the edge before toppling over
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the fall is short but more then bangs battered condition can manage and the fall kills him. the last thing he sees is the two monsters hitting the ground still fighting.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the next day the remaining party members gather their things for the trek up the mountain. three spears hands out several potions to the members being a combination of frost and cold resistance with a few ghost touch oils thrown in. in addition he hands out wax ear plugs and coats the parties boots with a special compound "should help with any ice we come across" thus prepared the party heads out.
    the first length of the journey is for the most part uneventful. you journey along well maintained roads passing several farms and a few charcole burners on your way up the foot hills. the rode then gets steeper and you are all soon glad of your winter gear as you climb higher it gets much colder. the rode dwindles to a path that winds back and forth doubling back on its self several times. you can see the mansion not far above you when you come to a part of the path that seems damaged with large gaps that drop off to the path down bellow. crossing will be dangerous or you might be able to climb the slope for the remaining distance.
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With the group having fanned out to collect supplies and complete tasks on their own accord Ohmen was finally free to continue scribing - By dawn the spells would be his. However what wouldn’t be was the knowledge of those horrors Bang was now enduring. In the same way Ohmen lifted his pen, stabbing it down at his spell book to begin writing bangs body would fall, impaled by javalins and spears. The changeling’s ink staining the page as would his blood soak the snow. Like Wisdom who now flew up perch among the roofs rafters Bangs soul would too ascend.

    If only Ohmen had taken Drew’s worries a little more seriously. If only Ohmen had advised bang a little more strongly. If only.. If only... This death however was on the hands of none other than Bang himself for as Wisdom would soon come to say “Foolishness finds no clemency in such places.” Some would say such was harsh. Others truthful. Either which way, it changes not the past - The rabbits fate was sealed.


    Shuddered awake Ohmen looks around, quickly scooping away the thin sheets of cloth which lay over him to see Wisdom perched on the corner of the bed. The Ravens eyes were vacant, its look hollow. Breathing out the exhaustion of the previous day in his breaths the changeling quickly puts on his cloak before approaching his familiar - following its gaze towards an open chest.

    Besides the reams of stained, old parchment which made up many a scroll or the piles of linen and clothing a singular ring shone, its smooth golden surface gleaming in the morning light which now streamed through the rafters above.

    The bird remaining silent Ohmen leans down, picking the ring out from the chest, feeling its unnatural weight before suddenly being startled as the Raven bursts into a storm of feathers.

    One second it was in his hand, the next in Wisdoms claws, the bird now having perched high up among the beams which formed the ceiling as it speaks. “Empires have risen and fallen with such power. Power I need not remind you of for you know it all to well within your ambitions and dreams.”

    “No mortal should have the right to hold such potential… But it is what it is.” “Let it not tempt you to use it so suddenly, nor too late - For gold is worthless in the hands of a dead man.”

    “Keep it close in body, But seal it far in the back of your mind or else you shall suffer the corruption that comes with all power to the unworthy. And worthy you are not until your eyes have witnessed a thousand long years of life and longer, such is the power of rings like that this one, their effects lying not just in the present, but in the past and future too - able to outlive their architects for far longer than many first think.”

    Having spoken Wisdom flicks the ring of wish towards the changeling - a satisfying metallic ding ringing out as the ravens claws make contact with its surface.

    Grabbing it in his palm Ohmens eyes flash with possibilities before he quickly reaches for his staff, murmuring a few words in infernal “Huvy hafr easyr. Caltyid hafr eazylzuid. Yaf wmidd rypiul flwyyl." [Infernal: Hide your power. Conceal your potential. You shall remain unseen.] (Casts: Magic Aura on the ring) before slipping it back into its pouch of silk and pressing it into one of his many concealed pockets.

    Remaning silent for a handful of minutes Ohmens contemplation's are suddenly interrupted as he hears the noise of others waking - To which he responds to Wisdom, deciding better than to question further how the bird had got hold of the ring from Drakk. “I suppose we best get to preparations now the others are soon up. Bang or not, today is going to be a long one - We are going to get this manor scouted and the evil therein quelled in those coming soon after.”


    The sun having long since rose Ohmen breathes out in the cool air - the moisture and warmth in his breaths turning to a thin steam in the coldness of it all. They had traveled a long way, but there was still oh much ground to cover - However, the sharpness of the elements could be shaved off as Ohmen holds up his hand, pressing his palm against the forehead of those travelling with him as he speaks “Cadv lar orawz. Fury lar odipy. Yaf kavh wmidd clas laly.” [Infernal: Cold nor frost. Fire nor flame. You body shall know none.” (Casts endure elements, Communal on the group, splitting its hours equally between everyone coming)

    With the spell cast, the changelings attention now turns to the condition of the road ahead. Well, to say road would be an offense to the word - for with each passing step the path dwindled into more strewn rubble and grass, the mansion menacingly looming above. “Look, with each step we take the ground is becoming more and more treacherous... I'm in favour of scrambling up the slope. It will save us time, energy and effort - all of which are in short supply here. I'm not one to like risks, but I think if we can manage to go about this carefully and concisely - using the pitons and ropes we already have - it will be a smooth ascent and one much more manageable.”
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  7. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang chuckles, the rest of them thinking he is dead will suit his purposes as he wires up a beacon for pickup and return to his home planet.

    "The material is secure commander, and the humans do not know what awaits." Closing the comms array, bang waits for his ride out of this shit show
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro smiled. The rocky hillside reminded him of his youth, with the sheer rock of the Keep of the Eternal Order. As a child he had constantly scampered up and down the sheer slopes alongside the battlements, much to the chagrin of his father.

    As always, when his thoughts came to his father his mood darkened and a light frown creased his forehead. Mentally shaking himself, he called the party's attention to him.

    "Let me go first, climbing comes naturally to me and I can help the rest on the way to the top."

    Taking the proferred pitons and ropes, Shiro leads the way up the mountainside and assists the remainder of the party on their way up.
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Drew scales the cliff like a man born to heights but the others have trouble. after a moments pause Three spears ties himself to the rope and is pulled to the top followed shortly by omen.
    at the top you find the building you have herd so much about. a two story building it seems to loom out of the trees not in the best repair it looks like the rigors of time have started to take it's toll.(odd it hasn't been abandoned that long). behind the mansion stands a smaller stone building you can hear faint weeping coming from inside.
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With the others having scrambled up the cliffside Ohmen was hoisted up behind, clinging tight to the ropes as he assailed its rocks - Upon ascending which a sudden silence game over the group. Standing still, standing silent Ohmen listened out - At first it sounded as if the wind was howling.. but no... it was someone.. something weeping from the direction of the mausoleum behind the mansion.

    His eyes narrowing Ohmen opens his arms, allowing his clothing to warp into something more suitable for scouting whilst it is clear his commanding instinct kick in as he begins to instruct the group to lie low and make sure all of their weapons and supplies are within quick reach. Clutching his staff in one hand and a bundle of oddly smelling incense in the other the changeling begins to approach closer to the building - his breaths and steps quite for he and the others were now trespassers upon this domain of the dead.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    Tk'ya'pyk and TheCrazyKhorneGuy like this.
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Grumbling under his breath, Threespears is next up the cliff face, hoisted up by other party members. Once at the top, he takes a slow look around as the others prep for action...
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro clasped hand to claws as he hauled Threespears over the edge and wiped the sweat from his brow.

    What does this guy eat for breakfast!?!? It's like a hauling a boulder up the hill...

    Shiro rolled his shoulders and picked up the rope again, trying to keep the noise to a minimum. He had also heard the distant wailing and had no urge to have to fight while some of the party were still being hoisted up.

    Azaphor muttered in the back of his mind. If he didn't know better, he would have thought she was sulking. The only partial concept he got was wasting her time with menial labour...

    Smiling to himself, he picked up the slack and braced himself for pulling the next climber.
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    (I almost wish Threespears was telepathic and could read minds right now, but his first thought would be 'whoa, there's two sets of thoughts in that head, WTF?!?')
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    (It does make me wonder what Detect Thoughts cast on Shiro would provide back)
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the building stands silent as omen approaches. the door looks to be unlocked and nothing jumps out at you.
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Taking a deep breath Ohmen consults the others as to whether they should spit up and divide themselves among two groups to cover the grounds faster or if they should stay as one unit. Either way, the changeling makes it clear no one should intrude too close to the mausoleum until they meet back at the central entrance way after a handful of minutes.

    Having spoken, Ohmen now steps forward onto the manors cracked stone pathway. The ominous clouds above loom, mingling in with the great shadow of what once was a house - now turned to a maze of crumbling stone and slanted hallways, its wooden frame becoming slowly consumed by the earth upon which it ungracefully slouched as if the ground itself could no longer bare the weight of its history, as a result of which it now slipped ever deeper into the mud just as the morality of those inside had once done before it.

    However, behind the feeling of sinister dread which washed over him - Ohmen an awe at how time had taken its toll upon the buildings every wooden beam. A burning curiosity, one to rival only that of Wisdoms. An eagerness to plumb the depths of this buildings every secret now hidden behind a mound of rotten doorways and crumbled cherubic statues.

    It is now that the sound of footsteps disturbs the ancient earth as the group passes through the doorway made threshold, the buildings entryway acting as if it were some gateway forth from the sane world into a realm wherein no mortal should tread. Forced to drag their legs forward even breathing now became hard, as if the dust ridden air itself had become heavy from long years of neglect. The walls whisper of conspiracy whilst every shadow becomes an observer to these intruders - the every word of whom echoes through the manors spiraling interior, reverberating maddeningly as to become so twisted that they return as entirely different noises, sounds which could have easily been spoken by the building itself.
  17. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    ok we have a map for this part you guys are at B2
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    The sound of the house training and creaking gives this long, high-ceilinged room an additional sense of age and Decay. The place smells damp, the unpleasant tangle of moles in the air surliest stains of the wooden floor , Walls, and furniture In Pallet patches. Moldering trophies hang on the wall to the Northeast a bore, a bear, a firepelt cougar, And a stag
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    as per request the family mausoleum
  20. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    both three spears and drew carefully head up the stares to the right trying to be quiet as they go along. they end up in a twisted corridor on the second floor.

    mean while down stars the two remaining party members head right down the center corridor. the hallway after the entry holds a metal head of a wolf with what looks like a bell pull coming from it's mouth and on the floor a rug fails to cover a long spiral stain. beyond that is the dining room, a long mahogany table surrounded by chairs sits. twin fireplaces loom to the west, while to the east, stained-glass windows obscure what could have been a breath taking view of the mountains. in all there are 5 windows the one in the center stands a woman chained arms out over a tall stone wall arrayed in dark light. to her right is a prosperous town and further still a lone tower. to her far left is a forest strange shapes drifting between the trees the closer of the two windows shows a vast army marching toward the center comprised of many different creatures and monsters. each window has runes around the border.

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