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Blog Pinkies Paint log: Terrain for the terrain competition added

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Pinktaco, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog

    Minor update: work is still going well with my guards. I have painted 14 including champ and banner and I'm now doing another 5 including the musician. I'm hoping to be done with them before the end of next week.

    That would make me have an army of 27 saurus, 30 templeguards, 30+ skinks, a stegadon, bastiladon, slann and carnosaur all painted.. Oh and also 3 kroxigors :p
  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog

    Nice looking stuff you got there! For some reason I though I had already commented on this blog (that way I always know when new stuff is added), but it turns out I haven't.

    I like the Kroxigors with the yellow war paint, very striking and fits nicely with the purple. But how did you get it so yellow? What colours are you using, if you don't mind me asking?

    And sorry to hear about your neck, this hobby can be a real pain to several body parts (in my case it's usually the hands. Last week I cut a piece of my finger when trying to reopen a super glue bottle, but that's just extra...), so exercising is a nice way to bring some balance.

    The Carnosaurus looks great and I'm glad you are having success with it! Oh, and I have also used Tinyworlds, but through eBay. Works nicely and I didn't have any problems.

    Good luck with the painting and with the new family member!
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog

    So we finally got our dog today. The poor guy puked twice on me on our way back home. It was a rougly 130km long drive so we did expect it. Overall though he's quite happy and have already gotten used to us.

    So that's awesome. :)

    About the guards: I was too worn out thursday to paint anymore so I'm a bit behind schedule - I do, however, only need to paint 11 models so I'm nearly 2/3 through my unit. I might get some more paint on them tomorrow, but otherwise I'm guessing that I'll be done with them before the end of next week :)

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  4. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog

    Hmm.., Maybe you wrote in my old thread? I have one in the "painting and converting" forum, but I decided to start over in the actual PLOG subforum.

    To get the yellow part I simply just painted several layers of Flash Gitz Yellow so no magic there. ^^

    I should, however, mention that the lenght of painting the yellow on my bastiladon was .. the same lenght of Star Trek: Into Darkness. Painting yellow on purple is hard stuff :(

    And yes, as painters we'll have to be more careful and not sit too long in a row, but that can be hard when you want to finish your models.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog

    Mini update:

    Templeguards are close to being done. I'm currently in the process of painting 10 models all at once. Tomorrow I'll have to paint eyes, straps, bases and a few minor things I forgot.

    Unfortunately I STILL have a single model left after that. Just one. He haven't even got his scales painted yet so he's a bit behind, but 29/30 done tomorrow is still very good.

    After this I'm probably going to paint some characters (finish up slann and carno dude) along with some skink priests. Just some easy single model stuff to take me far away from the saurus unit..

    I will, however, have to focus in exam though, which is also why I find characters to be great because just finishing one is great where as only painting say 4 skinks out of 24 is sort of useless.


    Oh my friend and I are having a 1500pts mini tourny the 14 of June. Should be great fun. We're only 4 friends in total, but still. All of them have 2-3 armies to it's going to be great.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog

    Slann is still not finished. I'll try and have him done one of the days.

    Overall though I'm quite happy with the result. They look sexeh. Unfortunately I've also made quite a few mistakes on them, but on the board nobody will notice that and that's fine with me. It's also a learning process afterall.

    I really like how the red and green works as a contrast to each other. It really makes the shield pop out and be noticed.

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  7. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Templeguards done!

    I bought some DE knights today. Conversion is on its way
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Templeguards done!

    Ohhhh. that ought to be fun. :D
  9. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Templeguards done!

    Very nice looking army you have there pinktaco. Yellow may not be my favorite color, but I do like the way it ties your army together. I'm looking forward to your DE Cold One conversion, so don't keep us waiting too long. :)
  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Templeguards done!

    Pictures tomorrow, I promise :)
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Templeguards done!

    I've done one rank of DE cold ones with saurus riders. Only advice i can give is
    -You'll have to cut the riders join down so the legs can wrap around the skinnier cold ones; and
    -Get happy with green stuff

    They look MUCH better than Lizardment Stoopid-One Riders, though.
  12. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Templeguards done!

    First a comparison:

    I've used the additional head from the Carnosaur kits to make my scar vets. The BSB uses the thingy from the carnosaur and the other one uses leg plates as shoulder plates to look more armoured. Both have templeguard halbards to be used at great weapons. The Champion has an axe and the oldblood uses the spear from the carno kit - again used as great weapon (lol).

    I've only managed to spray them so far, all models can be taken off and have been sprayed seperately (rider/mount).

    Here's the BSB and the matching CO:

    Despite the gigantic size of the OB I'm really loving the model. So much anger and bad-assery:

    While the horn from the dark elfs would've probably have been great as well I'm sort of/kinda hoping to use it with my skinks. It's not uncommon for me to field at least one cohort unit of the little buggers. Anyway I think I did alright with the skull, at least they look hilarious:



    So when they all are together it looks sort of messy due to all the different weapons. I'll probably have to do 10 more to have a completely finished unit. Unfortunatetly though I don't have any more oldblood characters from the carno kit. Unless.. Unless I take off the one from my carno and somehow magnetize him to one O:

    I'll have to consider that.

    I haven't begun to paint them yet due to exam. :)

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  13. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Templeguards done!

    oh ffs, you can right click - view image. Why aren't they showing? :/

    I used photobucket.


    some odd glitch with photobucket. I had to do it another way than I usually do. Sort of annoying, but it worked. Pictures are showing :)
  14. Jelypixel
    Jungle Swarm

    Jelypixel New Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro

    Those look insanely good. They only thing weird about it is the riders have larger scales than the actual cold ones. But I've only painted like ten guys, (I'm a noob) so take my thoughts with some salt.
  15. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro

    I have to say, unfortunately, that i"m really not a fan of Kroq-Gar on a cold one. The legs don't mould to the body nicely and the model itself is much thicker and chunkier than the cold one (looks like it will crush the poor little dino!).
    I do like the character of all the different cold ones and how they all doing different and dynamic poses.

    I don't mean to be a negative Nancy with your hero there., but i can't wait to see a completed unit!
  16. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro

    I can take a proper picture next time. Personally I think he fits alright after I made a new saddle. He is BIG though. Like really big, compared to the regular saurus.. and the mount itself.

    It's alright though, different opinions and what not so I'm not bothered at all :)

    I am, however, still stuck. Exam is close (the coming wednesday so soon o: ) so that's what I've been busy with. In fact I've regressed since my BSB broke into 3 pieces and my friend unfortunately dropped another one on the floor some time ago so that needs glue too.

  17. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro

    Your army is coming along nicely. Good conversion work on the cold ones too. Looking forwards to seeing them painted up as well.
  18. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro

    So Uhm.. Im not near a computer for the next 5 weeks so no pictures. :/

    The COR bus project have been temporarily stopped. Not for long though, but I usually paint what I'm in the mood for so currently it's my terradons. Im soon done though and then I'll continue with the death squad. Hopefully I got a good bunch of pictures for you in 5 week time. :p
  19. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro

    That's fair! looking forward to the birdies as well! What colour are you painting the mounts? (i assume the riders will be the same as other's you've painted earlier)
  20. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro

    OBs will be as my carno character and the scar vets will be like my regular saurus/guards. The skin of the mounts will be pale like the carno skin, the scales will be red. So basically similar to to the carno.

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