I'm still not playing "Pokemon Go!" but I did play "Pokekid Stop!" the other night. I was driving the Wife of Bobmobile to get take out and had to change trajectory while entering a roundabout to give space for a kid - less than 10 years old, in the dark, wearing dark clothing, eyes glued to his phone and walking on the road (which has a perfectly functional 3 metre wide footpath on both sides. I did a 3 point turn (when safe) and came back to point these things out and suggest politely that I didn't care what he was doing, just that he should do it on the footpath. He ran all the way home. On the footpath. Bob: 1 Pokemon Go!: 29999999 Gotta stop them all!
Hi Guys, What do you guys do on early levels? I heard that evolving or power up while you are low level is useless, since you will find better pokemon when you level 20+. I also heard that some pokemon are "cheap" to evolve and should be saved to evolve with a lucky egg, i.e. Pidgey Basically this mean you only do "catching" until level 20? The place I eat at, has 2 pokeshop, so eating and getting pokeballs I also playing while riding my bike to the gym, but I think I will try to avoid this. Seems a little dangerous.
Evolve your cheap guys like pidgey and ratatta, but don't level them up. Do it with a lucky egg on, and do them all at once, preferably while at a pokestop with a lure on it. This will rank you up a bunch of levels.