......? New overlords? I'm PRETTY sure the cats are already in charge of my house. I mean, think about it. I bring them water, I bring them food, I play with them, give them attention, brush their fur when they want, and - this is key - I "get" to clean up their litter boxes. Seriously, pretty sure the cats are in charge and not me. As an example of this, note the above pic. The yellow chair is MY computer chair. The black one is my wife's computer chair. I'm too much of a pushover to make them move, so I got to sit on the old wooden-seated chair instead. Seriously, the cats are ALREADY in charge.
It definitely wasn’t unclear to my dogs who I was whenever I returned from a six week stint in hospital - they would actually start guarding me to make sure nobody was going to take me away again!
That makes your dogs are smarter than the one in the video. It took the one in the video quite a while to figure things out.
Cats are either masters of dance, parkour, or some weird martial art that nobody but them knows. Cat style, yo!