The cat accessories don't have butt warmers. There are a lot of Lion King/cat memes and it's kind of tired, BUT NOT THIS ONE. This one is just too perfectly done. "Long live the meme." I cannot even give that a sympathy like...You've been here a year, I expect better.
I feel like I am out of the loop for not knowing Skyrim, both the Certifiably Ingame video on Caitians and the Runesmith video on Tabaxi mentions it as an inside joke.
I actually learned something useful. I thought my friend's old cat was either going blind or senile, because he won't chase the red dot when it's very close. Turns out cats are naturally farsighted and have some difficult seeing details closer than 11 inches. Their ideal line of vision is about 12 inches or an ideal pouncing distance! Now that's science.