I'd say Dwarfs have the advantage in terms of strength and toughness versus the superior skill and agility of the Elves. As for endurance, I must disagree with you, I think it falls in favour of the Elves... Yeah... but why die in battle when you can avoid it? The Elves are less willing to fight, but still do so when required. Plus, they are typically depicted as being as good of warriors as Dwarfs... or better. Between Legolas versus Gimli, I'd put my money on Legolas. I think the Elves more comfortable lives. They live in nicer surroundings. Have better looking "women" (elf maidens). They have more time to pursue intellectual pursuits. I simply think it would make for a better life.
Oh no...no kids yet? I guess we'll just have to try again and again for centuries on end. For the record I did not vote for either option in the poll above. I think dwarves won the vote because elves are too perfect and people can identify with dwarves more than elves. We can identify with the struggles of dwarves even if we have no desire to toil away in a dark tunnel for decades on end eating hardtack. In RPGs at least, aesthetics seem to be more important than racial powers and traits. I noticed Tieflings keep climbing in popularity despite having little history and relatively weak lore. My marketing research has determined "Horns are sexy". My own fastest growing article in terms of views is on satyrs.
...and that is why in my D&D/story writing world, elves are the Ae'fanil and dwarves are the Dua'revaki. Gnolls are the Knollosi, half-elves are ha'fanil. People call them elves, dwarves, gnolls, and half-elves ANYWAY, but they know what their people are (and some knollosi consider 'gnoll' to be a slur, usually spoken by the elves, and it was the gnolls who started calling them elves, for the same reason - they have a conflicting past in my campaign world that few people know about yet)