8th Ed. Poll: Krox vs. Skrox!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Sep 23, 2013.


Which unit do you think is more effective?

  1. Krox

    30 vote(s)
  2. Skrox

    20 vote(s)
  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    One of the weirdest dice rolls I ever seen was when a Stand and Shoot against my Skroxigor ended up where all the shots that scored a hit (like a dozen or so) hit the Kroxigor and only the Kroxigor.

    Highly unlikely dice roll, but very realistic.

    I can imagine the unit champion yelling "The big ones! Shoot the big ones!"
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I'm curious as to how you found them. I can't quite see myself using them as the Kroxigor are so vulnerable to counter-attack and then there goes the leadership bonus...

    Do you have a particular way that you use them?
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    No, I've tried a wide variety of ways of fielding them and they usually do adequate, with me neither crediting them with my win or blaming them for my loss. (though Skroxigor are fantastic in siege scenarios but that's a pretty unusual scenario).

    I've made small groups with 10-11 Skinks and 1 Kroxigor to buddy with my Saurus block. The idea is they use their slightly better movement to flank charge whatever fights the Saurus. It sometimes works out okay, but Saurus aren't that great, so my results with that are lackluster.

    Sometimes I thrown one Kroxigor into my Skink tarpits so the entire unit tests on Ld7. That works out okay but ideally your tarpit should be near the general. So again mixed results.

    I'm not a big fan of Monster Mash lists myself but I've tried it a few times. When I do, I fill most of my Core requirement with Skroxigor. Skroxigor are tougher and stronger than Skink Skirmishers and they are faster than Saurus so they can keep up with the faster dinosaurs whereas Saurus would be left behind. It's okay. Not great, but okay.

    Sometimes I would field two blocks of Saurus warriors (for best results give the Slann the lore of Light), sometimes I would field one block of Saurus and one Skroxigor. It's usually underwhelming to use Skroxigor as a Saurus substitute but I had some modest success when the terrain set up had a lot of water features on it. I used my terrain drops to essentially create a "wet half" and "dry half" of the tabletop. I was able to use the Skroxigor strategically to dominate the wet half of the table while my Temple Guard and Saurus Warriors fought in the dry half.

    That was probably my best experience with Skroxigor but I was playing Orcs and Goblins and I usually do well against O&G normally.
  4. Quinn

    Quinn New Member

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    I've only played skrox once but I don't really think that they're worth the cost, since your opponent can just put all the attacks into the kroxigor (what a dumb rule to include in the book!) and just suck away all of your firepower. The only redeeming factor is that it is core, and ranks might win you the fight.

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