Okay, yes, the picture is an Imperial Class Star Destroyer. There is also the Victory Class Star Destroyer, the Victory II (the only book I ever saw that mentioned was West End Games RPGs Guide to the Empire but my Empire loving friend really wanted one of those ships because it has the weapons of an Imperial Class in a much smaller faster package). The super class Star Destroyer seen in the movies was the Executioner, Vader's flagship, but the EU novels had several. Then there was the Sovereign and Eclipse class Star Destroyers that had miniature super lasers that while could not destroy a planet, they could basically cause a dinosaur level extinction event on most planets. Useless story, I was the game master for a West End brand Star Wars game in the pre-Disney Expanded Universe. The characters played Imperial officers about ten years after the battle of Endor commanding a relatively small fleet in the Outer Rim. The novelty of playing the bad guys making hit and run raids against the New Republic eventually got old for me, but my players still wanted to keep going indefinitely. So I let them find one of the Emperor's lost treasure hordes and an Eclipse and Sovereign class Star Destroyer. One they had all that military hardware, all the remants of the Empire joined under their banner. Then over three sessions they conquered the galaxy. "Guess we got to play a new game now, since you guys won and all."
As much as it feels like heresy to not pick the original Enterprise, I will have to go with the Enterprise-D. When I used to play Star Trek Online frequently, by far the Galaxy Class starship (Enterprise-D) was my favorite Federation ship to explore the galaxy with. Spoiler: USS Hong Kong My ship, the USS Hong Kong Captain Ezekiel Kantor, Andorian Federation officer. Some of the crewmates (lots of aliens on this crew):
You mean the good stuff! (actually a mix of very good and very bad stuff... but the good stuff was really good [Bane trilogy, Thrawn trilogy, Knights of the Old Republic])
Enterprise (TNG) I like the characters and as @Aginor points out holodecks! For purely transport I'd take the X-Wing. Because they are unbelievably awesome.
The Enterprise D is my second favourite choice. I think you are severely overlooking the abilities of the TARDIS!
No, that's Geordie. He's cool. Wesley Crusher is the slightly obnoxious but pretty clever son of the ship's doctor, and many people dislike him. Played by Wil Wheaton.
Oh good. I like Geordie. I never watched enough to know all the characters and genuinely can't remember this guy at all!
As @Aginor says that’s Geordi, he’s a decent character. I have no problems with him. Yeah, that’s him. The reason I and many others (including Wil Wheaton himself) dislike him is because he comes across as an insufferable know-it-all who somehow comes up with ideas that the best captain in Starfleet and a hyper-intelligent Android can’t think of and generally annoys the living daylights out of the rest of the crew for no reason. Probably the only reason he was created was to arouse 80s American teenage girls who didn’t watch the show anyway
Is that why he appears in the Big Bang Theory beside Sheldon who is the insufferable know-it-all that annoys the living daylights out of the rest of the crew for no reason Though he likes to mention that he was part of the series Grrr, Imrahil
I know I'm waaaaaay late to this poll, but T.A.R.D.I.S. each day every day. A living ship that shifts it's design (inside and out) to suit your tastes and needs; Oh and it can decide to simply be anywhere at anytime (when you remember to take the brake off). I am assuming you don't actually need to have to have the accompanying timelord if that isn't your jam for this scenario?