It's over @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl , I have the high ground And although the sample size is small, you know it would play out the same way in the wider general public. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Dukat is a very fascinating villain. Like Sisko, he is a family man, but despite being a family man he has no compunctions of having many affairs. He will also reluctantly disown family members who he perceives betrayal from. Dukat is filled with hatred and malice, but he has a desperate desire to be loved and adored.
The meme would work better if the Cardassian Capitol was a proper smoking ruin the way it was after the Klingons visited. Just sayin’ Also... L3-37 ...pun, what pun? I don’t get it either. I may be too pop-culturally challenged to perceive it.
It's a 1337-speech reference - that is, short-hand text speech taken to eleven by teens who thought it was cool to replace syllables with individual letters and numbers to make themselves look like h4x0rs.
Mahrlect, I knew it was a reference to something but that is a really lame and overly trendy something. As if I didn't loahe Kathleen Kennedy enough...
Obi-Wan goes to Dexter to determine the origin of the poison dart that Jango Fett used earlier in the movie, leading Obi-Wan to try finding Kamino despite it being suspiciously missing from the star-map archives at the Jedi Temple.
Yep, now that i see Dexter and you tell it, i remember the scene. Apparently, that movie didn't leave a deep memory in me. a pity.
But a prime example for how even one of the worst movies (for me, THE worst) in the franchise contains some pretty good stuff.
It's become my least favorite movie of the prequels. You are right, there are a few gems spread throughout all the movies.
@Paradoxical Pacifism remember that this is just their opinion and you should formulate one of your own based on your own observations.
While I agree on the general principle, ESB is the best one (or at most is second), accordingly to Tomatometer, Esquire, Collider, Variety, HollywoodReporter...
Just because a lot of people think Empire is the best (for reasons beyond me as i think it’s really overrated), doesn’t mean you have to unless you genuinely think it is the best.