I love how a lot of @NIGHTBRINGER's polls use situations whereby he will create a whole bunch of discussions... On that note, I need to finish pondering my own votes... Books are in for sure... Need to work out the rest...
Okay so: Books - Must be kept. I love reading books. Wine - Out, nowhere near a necessity for me. Cats - Unfortunately, I'm a diehard dog fan nowadays, even though I grew up with a bunch of cats. Music - I think in the end the world would be a poorer place for me without music. Art - Not a fan particularly, could do without it. Beer - Not essential, can do without it. Tea - Even though it's a British institution, I've never been that fond of it. Dogs - MUST be kept in. NO interaction with dogs from this point onwards? Impossible. Cinema - I'm less and less impressed with movies as time goes on. I'll stick with TV shows. Coffee - I love coffee, but I'd get over not having it and would find a substitute. Facebook - Phaugh. [LoR spits on the ground for emphasis] Anyone who knows me knows that I hate Facebook. Chocolate - I like chocolate, but it's far from essential to me. Lots of alternatives out there that are just as good.
Everything but Facebook I would miss. Facebook is an abomination. Art and Cinema I would miss a lot. But I gots to have books, dogs, and music.
The three items I would keep: books music cinema The items I would miss a lot: chocolate art Items that I would miss a moderate amount: tea coffee cats dogs The items I would miss only a little: Facebook The items I wouldn't miss at all: wine beer
To steal @NIGHTBRINGER 's format I would keep Books Music Art I assumed "Art" referred to "Fine Art." That includes so much that makes my life enjoyable (and I like to believe most other people's lives enjoyable); paintings, sculpture, comics, graphic design, possibly artistic photography (depending on your definition), and likely more. I also wouldn't have a job. Even our own LO would be poorer for not having art. I will SERIOUSLY miss Cinema Dogs Chocolate I will sort of miss Tea Coffee Cats (actually, I'll probably miss cats more, but this keeps 3 per category) I guess I'll miss a little Wine Beer Facebook
I KEEP: Dogs: This is non-negotiable. Just NO. All caps, bold, itallic, underlined and on the largest font size. I would add other forms of signage if possible. Facebook: Need some sort of information sources. I only need The Great Plan and a bit of common sense to know what is fake and wath is not. Art: You see, technically, music, cinema, paint, are all art, so if I keep it, i keep them all. This is what I call a Slann movement. I DON'T MINE/I CAN TOLERATE: Everything else except for... I WANT THEM OUT OF MY LIFE RIGHT AWAY RIGHT NOW: Cats: They are essentially the terrorists of the animal kingdom. And on my first apartment I had cats in heat all the time. The one time I wanted to live on the USA just to have a gun and fill up those fur balls with lead. I'd rather be a Skaven than a cat.
Don't forget that for those who didn't choose "Art" that could just eliminate your favorite miniature hobby. It might be stretching the definition of "Art" for this topic a little, but these models are sculpted by artists and many are definitely small works of art. It's debatable that just because some becomes re-printable that it ceases to be "art".
Over the course of this thread, we've sort of settled on the idea of art = "fine art". This isn't an exact science though. This poll is a bit too open-ended. Fine for regular folks but not for wargamers. Wargamers (myself included) are always trying to find an angle. As far as your direct question goes... Warhammer models are not art (especially when I paint them)! I would classify them as toys. You wouldn't consider a G.I. Joe or Superman action figure as art either.
Phew! I don't consider myself "gamey" at all and always try to have a well-rounded "gentleman's game" viewpoint when playing. That said, I am one of those guys who will go over and over the rules so that I know exactly what I can and can't do with my guys. Mainly so I can develop strategies. Hmph..... I find this irksome. Possibly noted in relation to your own hordes? I seem to recall you saying how you have a bunch of stuff unpainted. There is a gaming group in South England (too far for me unfortunately) who play the rule that painted models have Hatred for unpainted models!
A simple justification of the hard work they point into painting their models. Nothing like seeing their pride and joy fall before the all powerful unpainted grey horde! That has been my experience. Almost all of my stuff is unpainted, especially since I sold my only (near) fully painted army. That's funny!