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(POTENTIAL CONTROVERSY) 007 Film Continued Discussion

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ravagekitteh, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    It does account for those factors. That is the whole point of a controlled study. There are dozens of studies by economist who control each of those factors. If you want to find studies that get into the weeds of the heavy numbers they certainly exist. I am not an economist and certainly don't have a Phd in the field. Thus I rely on the work of those who are and do.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Don't quote me out of context. I clearly wrote:

    I presented those as the only two realistic POSSIBILITIES,(unless we consider the third bullshit possibility that investors care more for sexism than money) of which I am a believer of #1.

    If you quote me out of context, we're going to go down the rabbit hole real fast.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Your information is wrong. When accounting for those factors, the pay gap goes down to virtually zero... with any small deviations accounted by the fact that men are on average better at more aggressively negotiating their worth/contract.

    It's commonsense, if you were an investor with billions of dollars on the line, why would you hire a man that costs you more money when you could hire a woman who would perform the same job for less money?

    This is where leftist logic (if I can call it that) begins to breakdown.
    ChapterAquila92 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    More fuel for the fire...

  6. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I read the entire comment. It does not make the statement any less problematic. My point is that you are working backwards from the problem under the unproven assumption that business owners and investors will make the choices that best promote their bottom line. However, businesses often make poor choices in a myriad of sectors that undercut there best interest. Your summation of the problem also failed to address systemic prejudices.

    Hence the presupposition that those are the only two possible reasons is flawed and an impasse.

    Except that economic survey after economic survey does not show this to be the case. Also, the pay gap is trending closer. So if your argument were accurate how do you account for its historic diminishment?

    By the same logic business wouldn't hire men if they are better at negotiating their pay then their female counter parts. Both arguments to that affect are clearly flawed.
    Lizerd and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    There are even known cases where women are paid less when their manager is another woman!
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  9. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I sense a disturbance in the force...

    ...how did this thread go from Bond to Star Wars to Salary Disparities ? o_O

    :shifty: It could have just as well stayed in the random thread.
  10. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Oh, you know....
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    As to the point of most people don't like to read walls of text. I like this picture.


    And I like this chart.


    Now it's time for walls of text and long videos!

    In the areas where women have it worse then men, the gap is smaller. Men make up about 40% of domestic abuse victims and about 40% of rape victims.

    Of the latter, most of the male rape victims are in prison, and we as a society do not generally care much about prisoner rights. That's not a gendered issue. Women's prisons have nasty crap in them too.

    The domestic violence issue is a problem. The Delueth Model basically teaches police that men are the abusers and women are the victimizers. There is a lot of cases where the man is bruised and beaten and the cops arrest him.

    In most cases one-directional violence is a woman on a man. About 70% of the time according to most domestic abuse statistics I've seen. Both real life and staged fake events show that if a woman beats a man in public peope will ignore or laugh at it, but a crowd will immediately converge on the man and attack if he defends himself. If a man is attacked by a woman in public, his only real option is to run away.

    I read an article stating that 20% of homeless people in Western countries were women. The article wasn't saying "We need to help all the men!" it was stating "20% is too high, we need to help those poor women!"

    Humans have such an inborn bias towards helping women that I hope suicide never becomes a gendered issue. I bet if it does, suicide prevention funding will sink like a stone.

    I am reluctant to include this video because it has the MGTOW label but it's well reasoned and doesn't use offensive language.

    Norah Vincent was an actress who spent a year as Ned Vincent. It's long but it's deep. Norah's experience largely got swept under the rug because it goes against the predominant feminist narrative. If you don't want to watch the whole thing. Skip to 18:38 for her summary.

    The Paygap

    Here is a fictional society. There 500 men and 500 women. There are only two jobs. Retail and Corporate.

    Retail, men get paid $10 per hour and women get paid $11 per hour. There are 200 men and 300 women in this sector.

    Corporate, men get paid $25 per hour and women get paid $26 per hour. There are 300 men and 200 women in this sector.

    [(200 x $10) + (300 x $25)]/500
    [$2000 + $7500]/500
    Men get $19.00 per hour on average

    [(300 x $11) + (200 x $26)]/500
    [3300 + 5200]/500
    Women get paid $17.60 on average

    On paper, there is a $1.40 pay gap in this society in men's favor despite women getting a small preferential pay grade in every job. That is fairly close to real life actually.

    This backed by real world data. When companies get audited for pay equality they usually find that men are being underpaid for the same work.

    In this fictional society, maybe you should argue that Corporate jobs should have 50/50 female representation. This has been argued a lot for high profile jobs like engineers, politicians and CEOs. You don't see femninists arguing for 50/50 female representation for plumbers, miners, construction workers, garbage collectors, and the like.

    The biggest contributor to the paygap is that women choose jobs that pay less. Women tend to prefer working with people and men tend to prefer working with things. The latter jobs are easier to scale so they tend to be paid more.

    4/5 of the top earnings college degrees are earned by a majority of men. (The exception is pharmacy which as a majority of women).

    4/5 of the lowest earnings college degrees are earned by a majority of women. (The exception is theology which has a majority of men).

    Most people accept that Scandanvian countries provide more freedom and opportunities for women. They tend to have fewer women in STEM than places like the United States. Which country has the highest percentage of women in STEM? Iran. The more patriarchial a country is, the more likely a woman is to enter a male dominated field. Assuming a country is so patriarchical that women cannot attend university at all.

    The number two reason for the pay gap is motherhood. If you have a man and woman who have the same education and background and joined the company at the same time. but over twenty years the woman took off four years to have some kids, is it fair that the man is now ahead of her? I don't know what's fair in the grand scheme of things, but as far as the employer is concerned, she gets more consistent work out of the male employee.

    We could decide as a society that business should help pay for the next generation. Maybe that is right on moral grounds, but if an employer is obligated to provide daycare, breast milk pumping areas, or other accomodations for mothers than there is no such thing as an equally qualified male and female candidate. If their qualifications are the same, the male is objectively better from a financial point of view.

    The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of a person having a disability, but the passage of the ADA has not improved disabled people's job prospects. They are just not hired. The hiring people cannot say "I didn't hire you because of your diability" so they will make up a neutral excuse "We found a better candidate." This will happen to women as a whole, if laws force major special accomodations for women in the workplace.

    We have that now! There is a big problem of talented female doctors and lawyers quitting in their mid thirties to focus on their family and never come back.

    Another portion of the paygap is that men take more dangerous jobs, men take more jobs that work outside, men take more jobs that are dirty, men take more jobs with irregular hours.

    Men take fewer sick days than women on average even certain things like the common cold actually hit men harder or more often. Men are more likely to work through the pain. That's probably why women tend to outlive men by 6-8 years on average. That and the disproportionate war death, homicide death, suicide death, and accident death thing.

    Testoterone helps people cope with stress. Men have more testosterone. Men tend to outperform women in high stress jobs. The downside is powering through stress causes a strain on long term health. Again the eight year life gap again.

    On average men and women are about the same in terms of IQ, but men have more variance. Men have more geniuses and more morons than women have. This is why men dominate multi-million dollar CEO jobs by a wide margin and this is why men are more likely to be homeless.

    Not just IQ, but work ethic too. Men have more lazy people and more insane workaholics than women have.

    Men have more upper body strength. This doesn't matter for most jobs, but it matters for some. If you see a group of road workers 4 men and 1 woman. The men are doing the road work and the woman is holding the sign. Among firefighters the female firefighters stay with the truck while the men climb the ladders or knock down the doors.

    Also, I loathe Monopoly. There are so much better board games out there....
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2019

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    You can feel it to be problematic and you can state why, but you selectively quoted it out of context which changed the way it came across. It's a dirty tactic but if you want to play that way, then we both will.

    So I proposed two logical possibilities:
    1. that gender pay gap in relation to Latino women is bullshit
    2. Latino women cannot perform the work to same level as their male counterparts
    And dismissed a third possibility when I stated:
    "Unless you think that investors are willing to throw out billions of dollars for sexism."

    Of those, you have somehow proposed that the third one is the correct one. In your worldview business owners are willing to take money directly out of their own pocket to maintain sexist practices. In your worldview managers and CEO's are willing to under perform and risk their jobs and performance bonuses to maintain sexist practices. That is a very sad and poorly thought out way of looking at the situation.

    In a capitalistic system, the almighty dollar reigns supreme. Investors get rich by making smart investments, and as such, throwing money out the window to maintain sexist ideas is not a very attractive practice. If the people in charge could cut their labor costs by 47% (or whatever you think the adjusted gap may be) and still maintain the same work output they would. I don't doubt that there are sexist people out there (both men and women) but that is pretty much thrown out the window when it starts to hit the good old pocketbook. Never underestimate the power of avarice.


    I don't doubt there was a historical pay gap and that pay gap closed until it was virtually zero. That would be a historic diminishment. It's not that complicated. :rolleyes:

    Not necessarily. Once someone has been working at a company for a while and start to make their way up the corporate/pay ladder, men have been shown to negotiate more efficiently/aggressively. They are (on average) better at fighting for what they are worth. At that point the company has already invested in that employee and they have company specific knowledge that is valuable. As to your question, why someone would hire men knowing this, there are many reasons. Most simply, not everyone knows this. Second as highlighted in the post above, women are more likely to miss time because of child rearing. Men are also, on average, willing to put in more hours at work.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
    Killer Angel likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    May the Old Ones bless you @Scalenex . My brain was starting to hurt from the poorly constructed argumentation thrown my way. Finally a voice of reason, commonsense and logic.

    Sotek's blessing upon you as well!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  15. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Indeed. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done when the media loves to fixate on the strange and unusual, especially when it revolves around people who not only over-represent their argument through sheer volume but also have a habit of shouting down the more reasonable talking points in an exercise of loudership. Meanwhile, the rest of us, whilst more likely to side with the reasonable on a one-to-one basis, are not invested enough in the discussion to contribute in any meaningful capacity.

    Granted, this problem isn't specific to feminism or social justice in general.
    LizardWizard likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    on the same subject, there's also this one:

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