With a new skink character riding it, something large and powerful enough to smite Archaon. Someone get @Killer Angel to pm @Rikard or @woogity. I need this.
No, the Tehenhauin model is no longer for sale. But he does have a unique AoS warscroll, so if you happen to already have him, you can still play with him.
I've got another one. In 8th we've had Aquatic special rule (Marsh and River Strider). Almost always worthless. It would be cool, to have something similar again, with the ability to place that kind of terrains, like wood elves with sylvaneth wyldwood (maybe tied to a formation)
Maybe a scenario would work, like a night time battlefield, but the star light increases our range while decreasing the other army's range?
So raptor dinosaurs from Naggaroth (that name I have read) were once called Naggaronts? Interesting. Which version/revision of Warhammer was that? are the only versions I have any chance of knowing well.
I don't know about older editions, but maybe I can clarify the thing... "Naggaronti" , is how Cold Ones are called in WHFB italian books (aka "nagga", in italian meta). Freddy25 is italian, and probably he "translated by instinct" the italian term (consider that "carnosaur" is "carnosauro", "Stagadon" is "Stegadonte", so usually the thing works )
Ops, sorry guys, it's happened exactly what @Killer Angel said! Thanks for the clarification! I've used the term "Naggas" so much that I was sure it was the dinos' real name! So, does anybody know if they have always had the name "Cold Ones", and have been called "Nagga(ronti)" only in the Italian version of Warhammer? Thank you!
AFAIK, Naggaronti is just an italian thing (I like it, though). It has always been Cold Ones, even when the riders where skinks (Tichi-Huichi Raiders!).
Prediction: a special warscroll for Temple Guard moving with and guarding a SLANN. A quasi reintroduction of the concept of a unit holding a formation.