WheelR - if you mean the skaven pelts that the scarvet is sitting on, they come from the metal mounted coldblood mini. Slannfrog - what did you do for the rag ogre (?) skulls that your kroxigor are wearing? Did you skulpt them or find them in a kit somewhere? Really nice effect on those. Thanks, J.J.
I finally found the right shield to fix my saurus with. With long hours of searching and brainstorming I came up with using the old skink shields. The reason being was because I wanted them to have more realistic looking weapons, something you'd find in the Bronze Age. Since GW doesn't make them anymore I molded 42 of them out of green stuff using an original one as an imprint. The mold is made from the back of a 25/25mm slotted base. It took a while to complete due to work and all.
Good idea! Now you can create as many as you want! You've got some really cool stuff here! Keep up the good work!
WD = White Dwarf, that rag they call a hobby magazine but for the last year or so has basically just been a great big advertisement for them every month with little substance. I feel old when I say this; back in my day WD was a great magazine. You can buy shields from the GW website as well, but really they are a bit of a rip for what you get. There are some LM ones that look much like the TG shields but cost a small fortune.
I agree. The new issues have even been a waste to buy let alone skim through at the local store. And now the price of each mag is around $8. wow Anyways... So I've always wanted to run a Warspear and see what all the craze is about so I made a character out of some old bitz I had in the ol' box. Here he is: Is the warspear worth running? Sounds fun to use. And if so...Ancient or Regular steg?
Wow that model looks pretty cool. I need to dislike the base on principle though, you may be game enough to cross the dice gods but I won't. I need them on my side as much as I can and I shant be seen endorsing the decapitation of one of their favoured. IMO the ancient steg isn't worth the extra points over the regular steg, it has extra strength but one less attack and lower initiative. Neither of the howdah weapons are particularly useful. If you take a chief with warspear, it is good but expensive. Remember the warspear makes all the impact hits magical (courtesy of the FAQ) so the steg becomes good for getting rid of ethereals, daemons and wood sprites. He is very fragile and you must make sure he doesn't get charged and killed before the steg has a chance to charge and deal some crazy high damage. Worth trying occasionally for fun, I don't think it will see permanent fixture in my lists though.
Crossing? I would never. haha Actually praising. I'm currently working on a unit filled that has dice as mini alters in the jungle were saurus and sinks alike migrate and worship a great power other then the Old Ones. The die on the Warchief's base is a ruin of one.
This site has a lot of helpful and important step-by-step tutorials. Lizardmen players! Checkout the tutorial on "Plants & Vegetation." http://www.necrotales.com/necroTutorials/ On another note... Here is a skink chief I painted with the dagger of sotek and a scar-vet with a great weapon:
looks great. i was going for the same color scheme except the crests are red, and the color of their back and skin are reversed from what you have. i definitely like how these turned out though.
Very striking, the crests really make them stand out and look unique. I am not really a fan of the skin effect, but that is just my opinion. I am having trouble finding a technique of painting light blue skin that I like.
I picked these two up yeasterday from the local hobby store. Thought they would add more variety to my characters, and after all I like turtles. What do you think?
strewart & Eternity_Warden: I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with them yet. Maybe I'll make one a saurus w/ the coldone cloak and a GW. Here is a game I played last night. Skaven vs my army. We ended up having a draw. I was bored of my other priests so I made a new. Looking for skink models to base my conversion off of I came across one of the old stegadon crew, he ended up working out nicely.