i was just thinking that you could put one of those totems under your slann possibly instead of having him floating
Thanks for the compliments everyone! Eternity_Warden: Which one? If you are talking about the skink's right hand, I made it from two glued together glyph plates you can direct order of GW's site. If you are talking about the skink's left hand, it is from an old Prophect of Sotek miniature. lupercal: That might be a good idea.
I meant the skink's left hand. His right hand isn't quite holding a staff... but I like both of the things he is holding. And his glyph tattoos.
great conversions and painting! can't wait to see how those turtles turn out. i've always wondered why the lizardmen army doesn't have any turtle creatures, i mean, where do they get all those shells from, right? camo-skink
All that i have to say is wow. Those saurus, especially the Old Blood on foot with his uber looking equipment is SO cool. You do lizardmen proud!
camo-skink: Thanks. Yeah, turtles seem to fit in just fine. To bad GW doesn't make any rules or models for them. Oh well, I have some now. Cuachicqueh: Thanks. I work hard for the Old Ones. I'm having trouble posting pics up. Can anyone help?! I get a message that states I "can't have images larger then 1 pixel wide."
Hmm Looks pretty nice, I would probably make the eyes a different colour though. Are you trying to use img tags? They don't work, use pic as the tag.
Squib: Thanks for the help! Now I'm back to posting pics. camo-skink: Thanks! I posted those two pics up mainly for you since you're so big into chameleon skinks and all. As for the "reeds," I got them at a local train store. strewart: I was thinking about painting the chameleons eyes like the GW ones but they didn't look realistic to me. So I researched some real life chameleons and copied their eye patterns. "When everything else fails you can always fall back on mother nature."
camo-skink: Yeah, that sig was a little to bigger but it sure was funny. I just added a skink with the cloak of feathers to my list and I'm amazed at all his potential in the game. Since I didn't have a WYSIWYG model to rep it I made this guy. I decided instead of giving him the typical cloak I gave him an ancient jet pack devise, and artifact from the Old-Ones themselves. Also gave him the Rod of Storm just incase I decide it useful as well. WIP: Here is a victim I found that will look great in my army as well. Probably going to make two saurus carry her around in a unit. (The pole she is on is detachable.)
Wow very nice, pretty cool skink. What line is the prisoner from? That could have so many sacrificial uses for a fluffy LM model! Even on an engine of the gods the priest sacrificing her.