I think a decision should be made in either direction. Even a decision against us is probably better than this ambiguity. Ambiguity leads to arguments. In my experience (and I'm not debating whether this is right or wrong) most people allow the attacks to be generated from the supporting ranks anyways.
I figured I'd stop worrying about this because even if I created a perfect system (I can't), I wouldn't be able to push something past 9th Age. Hypothetically if I kept at this, I'd trim back the goodies I gave to the LM. I overdid it. Any event, academic now.
It remains very hard to not be biased to your own army. Still have to commend you for stepping from the sidelines of yelling about how the rules are o so bad to actually trying to create something that balances the rules. I think that the biggest difficulty is nerfing the units you like, after reading this i really think skink skirmishers are to cheap for what they do, i think i would still play them at 8 or 9 points, just not as a cloud anymore. A good try, and a good insight how hard it is to actually balance the game. Being a good player does, sadly, not constitute to being a good game designer.