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Random Funfacts!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by DeathBringer125, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I thought GW were bringing this back with the Primaris Marines?
    This is retained in the form of the current Chaos Chariot that has a Chaos Marauder driving it, even if it’s now a Chaos Warrior providing the melee muscle.
    That was when WoC were more balanced and Chaos Warriors hadn’t been made melee steamrollers. Even up to 6th Edition Chaos Warriors only had Initiative 4 and 1 Attack, and were more tank units than damage dealers then. Now look at them... unless you’re Dwarfs, Ogres or Wood Elves or have a lot of Wizards you’re stuffed against them
    I’ve seen the chaps on EEFL talk about this quite a lot. Given that Chariots wouldn’t fit well in a Renaissance German army and Empire already have a lot of units, I’m not fussed that this no longer has rules.
    Tk'ya'pyk and Imrahil like this.
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Also what are you fave Disney films everyone, just out of interest? I listed mine above and I don’t think many of you saw
  3. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Hmm...Disney's a tough one. I've enjoyed many of the Disney movies for my entire life, and all of them have some connection to the nostalgia of my childhood, or young adulthood. Some of my favs might be biased on the fact that it's easy to find them playing on TV, so I can drop in and watch if I want.

    The Little Mermaid (As a guy, I'm a bit embarrassed to confess that this is one of my favorites. But Disney's resurgence in the late 80's hit home with me. Nice story of love and yearning, good characters and great songs.)
    Robin Hood (I still remember that Disney had a big production the night they released this movie on prime time TV. A simple movie but I love the animal characters, story and performances.)
    Beauty and the Beast (The intro with multi-plane camera shot is lovely and the story, characters and music are all great.)
    Aladdin (A fun story with good characters. Jafar is one of my favorite villains and Robin Williams, as the genie, is worth the price of admission.)
    Fantasia (The movie's run time is long, but I love the animated musical segments. Creative and beautiful.)
    Bolt (A surprisingly good newer non-Pixar Disney movie. Fun characters and a sweet story.)
    Mary Poppins (Okay, not really animated but a classic and fun movie. Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke are great.)
    Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (Not animated, but the original is terrific and Jack Sparrow is a classic character.)

    All of the animated movies starting in the late 30's, the 40's and the 50's are (in my opinion) beautiful and I can watch them just for the lovely animation. This includes Snow White (gorgeous animation), Pinocchio (not my fav but beautiful animation), Dumbo (if you don't cry, you might actually be a Lizardman), Bambi (see previous), Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp and Sleeping Beauty.
    Jungle Book (A simple but fun story, with memorable characters and songs.)
    Sleeping Beauty (I'm really taken by the graphic-styled animation and backgrounds, which is reflected in animation like Samurai Jack too. Maleficent is probably the most iconic villain in the Disney universe and played so wonderfully villainous in this movie.)
    The Sword in the Stone (I have a soft spot for this movie and the book on which it's loosely based. Even if it's not "the best" I enjoy watching it.)
    The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Classic characters, sweet performances and cute stories.)
    Wrech-It Ralph (A clever story, fun characters, and a setting that resonates for me... video games and arcades.)
    Zootopia (I won't lie, I was drawn to this because the fox reminded me of Robin Hood. But, it's an neat story with good animation and characters.)

    101 Dalmatians (I like dogs. The villain is iconic and wacky. Why don't I like this movie a little more? Maybe I need to re-watch.)
    The Lion King (I'm a bit split on this movie. Like many, I love the intro, the music, and I really enjoy the first half of the movie. But even though I like Pumbo and Timon, the second half just doesn't keep me... even though that's when the story growth takes place. I think part of it is that I'm not blown away by Matthew Broderick's voice acting.)
    Mulan (Good story with some fun characters and a scary looking bad guy. Eddie Murphy is the bright spot just for his humor.)
    Hercules (Fun story and decent characters. James Woods as Hades is the best thing in it.)
    The Black Cauldron (I have a soft spot for fantasy, so I kind of like this movie. This is a decent movie, but it feels a little halfhearted from a production stand point. Still, the Horned King is a creepy bad guy. A better series of books, in my opinion.)

    For me, Tangled, Frozen and Moana are overrated, but they are someone else's classics. So, I'm sure it's just the "old fart" in me that isn't drawn to them.

    I'm a little sad to confess that Pixar is more of my "Disney go to" these days. I like virtually all of the Pixar movies, with my favorites being The Incredibles/Finding Nemo (tied for top spot), Toy Story 1-3, A Bugs Life and Monsters Inc. But I can watch any of their movies (Ratatouille, Cars, WALL-E, Up!, Brave, etc.)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    First movie I saw in theater was Disney's Tarzan.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Just A Skink likes this.
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    When I was a kid, I saw a movie called "Flight of the Navigator" which I really enjoyed.

    I used to drive my dad to hysterical glee because I kept calling it "Flight of the Alligator"

    Maybe a precursor to my later life embrace of Lustria? ;)
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Kind of... I'm kind of ignoring them.

    Technically, they combined the Marauder and Warrior chariot into one now. Used to be two separate chariots.

    They also used to have Samurai, Hobgoblin Khanates, Half-Orcs, and Bretonnia had CANNONS!!! (the shame of it!)

    Technically, the War Wagon was supposed to be used in the Border Princes region and Kislev, not the Empire proper. It was kind of fun though.
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I don’t blame you, they’re just a pointless attempt to boost Space Marines to make them more like Stormcast.
    Makes sense, the Marauder chariot being the ‘light’ Chariot and the Warrior chariot being the ‘heavy’ chariot. WoC have been given two Chariots again now, but both are crewed by a Marauder and a Warrior, it’s just the steeds that differ (two Chaos steeds vs 1 Gorebeast, something they copied off Beastmen)
    Yeah, the Bombard, GW should have given that back to them.

    Don’t forget Fimir, they were a faction with potential that GW dropped after 3rd Edition, all due to a controversial lore ambiguity that GW could easily have retconned (they’re good at retconning after all)
    Tk'ya'pyk likes this.

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