YAY! I'd prefer that sculpt over the others since it looks really great IMO and has the perfect size.
Oh and btw, just stumbled upon this: Jo Brumby, the guy who sculpted Charlie the Capybara has a Kickstarter project with some undead running (together with his brother if I got that correctly): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/141301719/fenris-games-rise-of-the-draugr/description
Ideas for the Skink Cavalry: Fluff text: Cosmic radiation has an impact on creatures traveling through space for centuries. Sometimes a Slann dreams or halucinates, so he "remembers" things that didn't actually exist in The World That Was, combinations of things pieced together from different memories in a depth and complexity only Slann brains are capable of. Even less frequently a Slann manages to force himself to not correct that error, and wills those things into existence like he does with his memories. Once other Slann see such a creation, they can remember it (because now the thing really existed) and so the Slann learn to summon something new. Such a memory are the Skink Capybara Cavalry. Created by the second generation Slann Tlaltecuhtli during a meditation, they are fast cavalry riding on big rodents of The Old World. Stats: Move: 10" Bravery: 10 Wounds: 2 Save 5+ Points value: 100 (unit of 5 models) Keywords: Order, Celestial, Demon, Seraphon, Skink, Capybara Cavalry Attacks: - (ranged) Boltspitter: 2 Attacks, Range 16", Hit +4, Wound 4+, Rend -, Damage 1 - (melee) Moonstone Club: 1 Attack, Range 1", Hit +4, Wound 4+, Rend -, Damage 1 - Capybara's deadly bite: 2 Attacks, Range 1", Hit +4, Wound 4+, Rend -1, Damage D3 Description: A unit of Capybara Cavalry has five or more models. Some units carry Moonstone Clubs and Star Bucklers, others carry Boltspitters and Star Bucklers, and some even carry Boltspitters and Moonstone Clubs. Their mounts attack with their deadly bite. Alpha: The leader of this unit is a Skink Alpha. He makes three attacks instead two with his ranged weapon, and two instead of one with his melee weapon. Abilities: Star Bucklers: Units carrying Star Bucklers ignore the rend value of enemies' weapons, except when it is -2 or higher. On the Run: Skink Cavalry can retreat and shoot (but not charge) in the same turn. Wary Fighters: Like other Skinks, Capybara Cavalry units are trained for hit and run attacks. When a unit of them is activated in the combat phase it can retreat up to 8" inches instead of attack. Summon Capybara Cavalry: Same text as all other summons, summon value is 6.
All things being equal, I prefer hard plastic to both metal and the bones material, but all things are not equal. Bones figures cost about half as much as dealer's metal figures, which I already considered reasonable priced. When comparing to single GW plastic figures the bones cost close to 1/10 as much. The material may not be perfect, but it's good for the cost.
Would you like the Reaper Bones line better if the grade of material was different? If say, it was harder? As I understand such things: that plastic formula can be adjusted and tweaked. And it is possible to produce it, in different hardnesses.
Why did you do that! I've had bids on ebay for them but never won a set, (well I won't pay £70 for them) Ebay here I come!!!!!
Charles is back in stock! http://badsquiddogames.com/shop#!/Charles-Giant-Capybara/p/76933359/category=0
I'm impressed that they also have normal cavies too http://badsquiddogames.com/shop#!/Guinea-Pigs-8/p/76933351/category=21735086
Oh dear my poor wallet. I have to order four or five I guess. I hope the delivery costs to Germany are not too exorbitant...