Perhaps in your circles, I've found opinions to be far more negative as a whole. Ultimately there is nothing really that great about it. Even the prequels for all their faults had many long lasting memorable moments. Solo does not. That may be true on the internet, but what I mean by word of mouth, is literal word of mouth. Friends promoting the movie to other friends. If the movie was great, there would be many people that would be convinced to go check it out. The fact that Solo is doing poorly is not due to some big conspiracy. It's not the work of a few disgruntled fans. The movie just isn't that great. When a company shits on its fan base, eventually they get punished financially. Kathleen Kennedy's days are numbered!
I agree. TLJ has all the blame here. And Solo is a very good movie not only story wise but also technically speaking. Ron Howard is a great director and always deliver great movies. Also, I think that the studios wanted to play this card quietly, since the promotion of the movie was not that intense as in Deadpool 2 or Infinity War, even TLJ was everywhere prior to premiere night. Might be TLJ once again, they felt the kick and wanted to play safe this time. Most good movies aren't box office hits. Blade Runner bombed hard in the BO and look at it now. On the contrary for example, everyone wasted their money on Civil War and it's still the worst movie of the MCU if not of the entire history of cinema.
They did destroy the fluff with TLJ, I dunno how are they going to fix it, IF they can fix that mess. But yeah, they deserve the fan base's hate.
That's where I disagree with you. They might have made some mistakes in TLJ but there were also great bits in it. I think they can give Star Wars a momentum into another direction. That's why - despite its shortcomings - I see it as an opportunity. The last thing they should do in my opinion is to retcon the whole thing and snap back to the old routines. Old fans might hate that, yeah. But many old fans also hated the prequels. TLJ did not kill Star Wars. Not if they make a good EP9 that puts all the bits nicely together, maybe in a way people didn't expect. It is a trilogy after all. It is hard to judge it if you only see a part of it.
The thing is, TLJ or any other bad movie cannot be judged as good only by having "some nice bits". That movie is bad because of the story, the direction they chose to go with every character (new and old), the way they killed the new fluff from TFA and most of all because it doesn't feel like a SW movie at all. We are 2/3 in the new trilogy now and we have only one movie to go and it's not looking good at all. But hey, if they pull it off with the third one kudos to them.
I think that is the part where I disagree most strongly. Both for Rey and for Kylo I liked the decision. For Luke it was bold but OK in my book. They got rid of Snoke who was bland to begin with, and Poe received some more depth, as did Finn. Not a fan of Rose though. Leia was.. meh. I don't care that much for her.
Unfortunately it is in a direction that most fans hate. Not yet. Keep in mind though that TLJ made much less money than TFA and Solo made the least (or looks to make the least) of all 4 films. It could still be turned around, but it is a very negative trend. As a company, that is not the direction you want your profits going in. I agree that a lot comes down to episode IX. Unfortunately the trilogy doesn't seem to be very well planned from one movie to another. TLJ shitted on much of what was TFA. There doesn't seem to be a lot of consistency or forward planning, with each director treating their movie as a singular entity rather than a part of a bigger whole.. Fingers crossed that you theory turns out to be true. Kylo seems to be far to weak to be the primary protagonist, while Rey seems to be a video game character which you started off with all the cheat codes on. She is much too powerful and rarely seems to struggle. Mark Hamill would disagree... as would most fans. He was the most optimistic character of the series, and they turned him into the exact opposite. He was one of the characters that many fans were interested in. Everyone wanted to know his backstory and there was at least half a dozen interesting theories out there. He came off as nothing but a simple hot head in TLJ Finn was much better in TFA. This new Finn-Rose angle is boring and disappointing. AT LEAST WE AGREE ON SOMETHING!
I'm just going to say it: I really liked TLJ, I thought the characters were good, it was funny, the good bits outweighed the bad and were more numerous, the whole experience was enjoyable and personally I think a decent chunk of the vocal fans decrying it are probably primarily annoyed that their fan theories didn't come true. And don't accuse me of not being a proper Star Wars fan or anything either - in a Wookieepedialess Star Wars knowledge contest I could definitely hold my own! Just thought I'd put it out there
Sorry for double post. Editing is hard on the phone. I wanted to say: that's the weirdest thing to me. They made a huge point of telling everyone that the three directors and the writers of all movies would be working together to make the movies as consistent as possible and then they do... that. Right now it doesn't look too consistent I guess they either failed or they had a very complex plan and all will fall together in ep9. I give them the benefit of doubt. I always do. I will stay optimistic for ep9. None of the Star Wars movies (not even my least favourite, Ep2) were really bad so there is no reason to be pessimistic.
I really think you are overstating the importance of this (non) factor. If the story & characters were good and true to Star Wars, then most people would have loved and accepted the unexpected twists and turns. From my perspective they have already burned through that benefit of the doubt. Now they have to earn back the trust they lost with the fan base. It's not impossible, but it will require them to abandon their political agenda and pay attention to what the fans actually want (like Marvel does).
I think quite a lot of Asians liked her, as she is a certain archetype of character quite common in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese media. I also kinda like the concept of the character, she is not a super hero but a "regular Joe". Unfortunately her plot was a bit meh and didn't even give the actress the chance to shine. Judging by interviews and other behind the scenes material she is a really funny gal so that's a bit of a wasted potential.
Only judging by Star Wars standards (which is OK as it is a SW movie but it sounds worse than it was). IIRC it was the top movie in Japan for several weeks (at least four) and in China it was only beaten by the third part of a very successful Chinese comedy movie series. TLJ is the12th highest-grossing movie in theatres ever, which is also not something I would call bad. People didn't hate the movie if you go by that. ...and yes that says nothing about its quality or lack thereof.
I when referring to its performance, it was in comparison to its predecessors. When discussing Rose, you stated that she would be liked by Asians. As such a comparison between TFA (in which she does not appear) and TLJ (in which she does appear) is quite revealing. From the article you cited, TLJ trails TFA quite badly in terms of overseas revenue. It especially highlights TLJ poor performance in China, which is the largest Asian market by far. Actually it is 11th all time. However there is much more to the story. The key point is the huge drop off from TFA; TLJ made $700 million less (while likely been shown in more theaters and being less effected by inflation [which is admittedly fairly small over such a short period of time, but still something to consider]). That is a pretty bad direction to be going in. In addition, look at the backlash to Solo... some of which was carry over from TLJ. Lastly consider that Star Wars is likely one of, if not the most valuable movie IP. Of course it will do relatively well but TLJ worked towards eroding some of that IP value. You can only shit on your fan base so many times until you feel a Solo backlash.
That's a bit too easy. TFA was the first SW movie in a loooong time and it was quite different from TLJ in many regards, including critics' reviews and fam reactions. I don't think we can use that comparison to check how popular Rose is in Asia, that's just not accurate enough. If people loved Rose but hated the rest of the movie it would not be that different.
True, it is not direct evidence... but it does provide us with a useful clue. It is evidence (even if not fully conclusive) against your statement, what evidence do you have in support of your statement? I've read a few articles that support it, but those are just the opinions of a few individuals. I'm not stating that no one likes her, but she was far from a success and was significantly more of a detriment to the movie than a positive. At the end of the day, a poor character is a poor character, no matter what the ethnicity. I wouldn't embrace her just because she aligns with my race.
It is not about race (OK, a bit maybe, they chose an Asian actress because of that I guess) but rather the type of character that is said to have appealed to people in Asian cultures. I don't remember where I read it, it wasn't important enough for me to be honest.