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Rank the Star Wars Movies from best to worst!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah, I didn't really like a lot about Rogue One.
    In contrast I did like the characters and story of Solo quite a lot.
    I really noticed it when I talked to a friend and noticed that I could name most character names from Solo but couldn't name any of Rogue One except Chirrut and K-2.
    IMO Qi'ra, Beckett, Val, Rio and Dryden Vos were pretty well done. I also liked the "heist movie" atmosphere that parts of the movie had, and also the cool contrast between the dirty world Han lives in, and the high-class world Qi-ra ends up in.
    I also think that all the actors did a good job and really hit the essence of their characters.
    In fact the only thing that really bothered me a bit was the droid.
    Did I like all if it? No. I don't think it can keep up with the main movies regarding Star Wars feeling and also some other stuff.
    But I remember how I reacted to Rogue One and how I reacted to Solo after seeing it.
    Rogue One was "meh". Solo was "wow I have to tell everyone who is boycotting it because of TLJ that they should watch it, it is way better than they expect".
    And all the friends I managed to persuade actually liked it. A few that didn't go watched the movie a few days ago and at least two really regret not having gone to the cinema because they really liked it.

    I honestly think that in the big picture of things, you know, when the movies aren't fresh anymore and there will be more Star Wars movies at some point in the future, then Solo will eventually be regarded as one of the better ones. It was massively overshadowed, and not judged as what it is but due to the circumstances it was released in. I think it wasn't fair to the movie to judge it before seeing it.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I feel the exact opposite. Solo for me was very much a forgettable movie and although Rogue One has some major weak points, it was far more impactful (that Vader scene alone is better than the entirety of Solo).

    I guess we'll have to wait and see which of us turns out to be correct. I think Solo will never be considered anything beyond mediocre. Solo doesn't even feel like a Star Wars movie. It was the movie that no one wanted. Of course TLJ boycott didn't help.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I think Rogue One solely lived off nostalgia for the original trilogy. If you take that away the movie has basically nothing.

    But yeah I guess time will tell.
    I am just angry that they outright cancelled the other spinoff movies because of Solo losing money. I probably wouldn't have cared much for the Boba Fett one but I would have liked to see more different movies in the Star Wars universe, not less. They should have shown the balls and make them anyway, despite that one lost. They can afford it.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I couldn't disagree more.

    Finn: the best one (or better, the only one real character). Very good starting idea, that sadly was not developed at all.
    Poe: oh, the hero that goes agains the rule, an ace pilot, a nice rogue. How original.
    Rey: mary sue wanna-be luke. please.

    And don't forget the bad guys, the antagonists, the ones that make this kind of movies great!

    Supreme Leader Snoke: any one of the elderly men of the Muppet Show got more charisma
    Kylo Ren: whiny loser with shots of anger. A so threatening BBEG.
    Captain Phasma: should I really comment?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Finn: A great start to what could be a very interesting character. I don't blame TFA for the failings of TLJ. TFA created a great setup for the character and TLJ did nothing with it.

    Poe: Admittedly simplistic, but charismatic. Not all characters have to be super deep.

    Rey: The beginnings of OP Rey were there, but she was still very likable. TLJ hurts her character development. At least she is driven.

    Han: It's Han! Enough said!

    Chewie: (see above)

    Leia: (see above)

    Snoke: Created supreme (pun intended) interest in the fan base. Two years of debates and speculations about his origins, extent of force abilities and rise to power. Mysterious goodness (or evilness, but you get the point)!

    Kylo Ren: A bit whiny, but intriguing. Not strong enough to be the lead villain, but works well with Snoke. Creates questions as to whether he will turn or not. Can he corrupt Rey? Will they join forces against Snoke? Against Luke?

    Phasma: We're in agreement. Complete waste of a character.

    Contrast that with the characters of Rogue One, who most people can't even name. At least TFA has characters that are in some way shape or form memorable. Don't believe me, ask people that you know to name the characters from each film.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yes and no.
    I agree that people tend to not remember names from RO, but imo not for the reasons you're implying
    This can be seen because of a few reasons:
    1) RO is a stand alon movie and a side project, while TFA is the main product of SW franchise, with much more resonance and continuous recalls, due to the preparation of TLJ. After a while, you learn the names, even if you don't care.
    2) the name choice was awful. Come on, what name do remember more easily: Chirrut Imwe or Poe?
    3) But I also tend to see this because RO offers characters that don't need names for their objective, which is to give a certain feeling for a one-shot story.
    Visually, we all remember the blind philosopher force user, his rough companion with heavy weapons, the rebel hero that follows orders but is able to question them, the pessimist and ironic robot...
    They are almost all stereotyped figures, perfect for a SF action flick (not annoying as the ones in TFA, but that's personal tastes): being "throw away characters" that's all what they need to be remembered.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    You're talking about a franchise where people remember the most insignificant things, yet these Rogue One characters don't seem to resonate (with the exception of K2). People remembered the characters from TFA pretty quickly and it had nothing to do with preparation for TLJ (heck, a large proportion of the fan base would like to forget all the characters because of TLJ).

    There are many single movies out there with very memorable characters. A trilogy or series is not required.

    I agree that the name selection is poor, but if people really cared for the characters they would remember them regardless.

    Here I agree and it is sort of my point. The characters serve an objective, but little more. Most people don't feel for them or feel with them, they are just sort of there. A cog in the machine.

    You remember them on a token level. And you do so because of the very reason you named, they are stereotyped figures. So you remember them only in the sense that you recognize that stereotyped theme.

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