8th Ed. Rank your favourite non-LM armies :3

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Cragglehatch, Nov 18, 2013.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    HAHAHA... that's funny. :):):)

    But Warriors of Chaos are awesome!!! :cool:
  2. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    They're grilled cheese sandwich of WHFB
    n810 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    They are pretty powerful... there is admittedly some cheese in there. But they also have a some much less powerful options. And like anyone else, they have some tough match ups too (Dark Elves, High Elves, etc.).

    I can't deny they have some uber units/choices. :D
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I can't help but feel that this discussion could go on, and may digress from the OP :(
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    #1 Bretonnia
    (this was my other first army)

    #2 Dwarfs
    (sometimes I just want to make a gun line and make the other army do all the moving)

    #3 Orcs & Goblins
    (Orcs I kinda like, not sure why, I wish they included Ogres, and beastmen minions even)

    #4 Warriors of Chaos
    (I like the clanky armored dudes...but I dislike some of the new things)

    #?? Empire; also Tilean Dogs of War
    (I want to add their DemiGryph knights to my Brettonians)
    #?? Ancient Elves / Alliance of Elves
    (I like the idea of merging all three; but Witch elves no thanks; Treemen, treethings, more please!!)
    #?? Skaven
    (I have a fully painted Army of these; thinking of selling it; I'd rather beat them than play them)
    #?? Ogre Kingdoms
    (they need better minions than gnoblars)

    #15 Beastmen
    (I would not want to play a whole army of these...hated the new Minotaurs, liked the old metal ones)

    #16 Vampire Counts & Tomb Kings
    (nothing about undead thrills me)

    #17 Daemons of Chaos
    (Ugh, just, ugh, and that was before the goofy cannon)
  6. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    Lizarmen are ofcourse by far my favourite army after that I can really rate just a few that I've had pleasure to play with or the ones that I own. I haven't really been interested in the fluff in this game ever and my main interest is in the gaming side of it.

    1. Lizardmen for obvious reasons

    2. Beastmen, they have so much character in the army and I really like how they play together. Granted the army is usually weaker than the opponent but that's part of the fun. Although most of the times I don't really feel that they are so far behind what the general consensus might be. The most annoying thing with them is that they don't have shaggoth anymore. :D

    3. Dark elves, really strong army and so many ways to build the list and play it. The internal balance in their book is a bit skewed as with just any other book but if you don't go with all the obvious power choices you can really do wonders with the book.

    4.-15. Everything else

    16. Dwarfs, so boring! I did own the army, granted it was still in the time with the older book but still, so boring! You can really do just one kind of list with the army. Corner up and shoot. If you don't succeed, you lose. No fun for either side of the table. I guess with the new gyros they got a little bit more interesting but still I would hope the army would get something in the new edition to make it a bit more interesting to play with or against.

  7. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    1. LIZARDMEN: for Aztec shiz, but their lack of range bugs me, and Slann have been nerfed SO badly that if it gets much worse I won't field them. :(
    2. Tomb King/Brettonnians: I am a Nerd, I like Ancient Cultures, want to play TK, Brets would need a new book. :(
    3. Vampire Counts/Warriors of Chaos: I am not actually that big a fan of these two, I like the Viking stuffs and the Vampires, everything else in these books really doesn't interest me, I also dislike the newer stuffs like Hellcannons and Daemon Princes, Their just OP, A Hellcannon sat there and reduced most of my TG to scrap, then rage-quit and ate ALL 20 CHAMELEON SKINKS WHO HAD BEEN SHOOTING IT FOR THE PAST 5 TURNS, ROLLING WELL, AND DIDN"T DO ONE WOUND!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
    4. Wood Elves: These guys are okay, I guess, but they aren't my favourite, I appreciate shooting is important bur still... they overdo it, I shoot at your Slann 20,000 times, I auto-hit, auto-wound AND you aren't allowed saves of any kind! Oh! Oops! No "Look Out Sir!"-s either! :eek:
    5. Dark Elves: Their like Brain Wasters, without being awesome about it...
    5.1. Daemons: Eh, not too fond, the only reason I put them this high is 'cause someone at the Tauranga Club did an awesome Slaanesh army out of Converted (Possessed!) Lizardmen and it looked really cool!
    5.2. Beastmen: Just stop nerfing them, they already suck the Kumara, stop GW, just stop!
    (Nerfer no Nerfing!)
    10. Ogres: No I didn't skip numbers, I just REALLY don't like these, Shrek's better, and They Should probably be part of O&G
    11. O&G: Speaking of these... Spiders? Cool! Everything else? Meh.
    12. Dwarves: Cannons, reason for being so low complete
    The Dreaded 13th. Skaven: Their concept is nice and they would be higher, but then came Thanquol...
    14. Chaos Dwarves: I'm not sure if it was jut old models, but they looked like a cross between Dwarves, Garden Gnomes and The KKK.
    Also I dislike it when a single monster tears through 27 TG, A unit of Skink Skirmishers, A Slann (In the TG), an Oldblood (Also in the TG), 20 Saurus and 40 (Poisonous) skinks with a Skink Chief and a Skink Priest bunkered inside before finally dying from the last few Saurus and skinks, who then died (Turn 1 Charges the skink skirmishers, They run and get run down (FROM 18 INCHES AWAY! BEFORE THEY FLED!) Turn 2 Charges the TG, I hold, My Turn 3 I Charge The Skinks and Sauri into the Flanks my Turn 4 Last TG Dies and so does the Oldblood My Slann (BSB and General) Breaks and so dies my Turn 5 it dies and his turn 5 he kills the remainders of both units with magic :eek::mad:
    15. Empire and HE: I hate Empire, I won't go any deeper than that, it'd take too long, I hate how up themselves HE are AND they get the best of everything
    n810 likes this.
  8. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I don't disagree with any of this but I still like dwarfs. What is new about the gyros?

    What happened to the Shaggoth (whatever that was)? Was it a giant oversize Dragon Ogre? Do they still have ordinary Dragon Ogres or did they send them to another Chaos Army?

    All these questions are due to me ignoring warhammer for awhile...

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    What's wrong with Witch Elves (besides the $$$ cost)... those models are spectacular! If only they weren't so expensive, too rich for my blood.

    That skullcannon is probably my least favorite warhammer model from any army. Not a fan of the soul grinder either. I like some of their older models such as the Lord of Change and the metal daemonettes (both the mounted and unmounted). But I'm not a fan of the army overall.
  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    They are 1000 year old hags? unless they been recently drinking someone else's blood? in which case they are jack-booted half-nekkid chicks which look like [voluntarily redacted] or else [more redactions]. All of the foregoing is...

    Just. Not. My. Scene.
  11. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    All Dragon Ogres and Shaggoths were included in Warriors of Chaos. I feel like they may have given the Beastmen some needed variety, and would have fit in well given their bestial nature.
  12. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    I haven't read the new Dwarfs book but they have now couple of different variations of them and I guess they got a bit boosting also, vanguard options and such. Maybe even moved to special choices instead of rare? Anyway they give now a bit more to do in the moving phase also. Anyhow as mentioned my point of view is mostly based on the experiences that I got with playing the army with the older book. They weren't weak and could compete almost against everything but usually the games were rather one sided. For example a tournament that I participated in with them (the one and only) I played blood and glory agains VC and won the game on turn 2A. He was playing black knight bus. I think the points were awarded depending on which turn you broke your opponent and then the game ended there. We then played on just to spend the time but my opponent decided to concede the next turn after when he only had like some zombies and wolves on board. The other game against skaven then I got blown up by double cannons and the 13th on turn 3.

    And yes the Shaggoth was the overgrown dragon ogre which was as Slanputin said given to WoC. :)
    I remember when I started this hobby that model that model was so awesome and still is easily my favorite sculpt in the whole GW range. I remember it also being huge. As beastmen were my fourth army now after selling my dwarfs I only just recently acquired one to act as my doombull since I cannot run it as what it is and surprisingly it isn't that "huge" anymore. :D

    Sorry for the off topic rambling, I'm a bit bored at work currently. :p
    I'll shut up now and people can carry on with their favourite army lists.

  13. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    #1 LIZARDMEN (obvious reasons)

    #2 Skaven/Tomb Kings/O&G (fun themes)

    #3 everything else (boring/cheesy)
  14. Witchking_of_Lustria

    Witchking_of_Lustria New Member

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    1- Undead Legion ( I love Nagash ^^ )
    2- Tomb Kings ( yeah, long dead to Settra )
    3- Vampire Count ( Vampires ^^ )
    4- Darks Elves ( Malekith and Morathi:p )
    5- Dwarves ( Thorgrim and Umgrim :) )
    6- Orcs and Goblins ( Wurzaag, Grimgor and Skarsnik )
    7- Warriors of Chaos
    8- Ogre Kingdom
    9- Daemons of Chaos
    10- Wood Elves
    11- Empire
    12- Skaven
    13- Beastmen
    14- Bretonnia
    15- High Elves ( I hate that bastards )
  15. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    1: Dwarves, I love them crazy hardcore nutters. In addition to the amazing lore of the Slayers, the fact that they ignore magic in a magic-saturated world, and the fact that Hammerers, Irondrakes, and Longbeards all look downright amazing, it helps that they play with almost the exact opposite playstyle as my Lizards army, a magic heavy highly aggressive melee army with next to no shooting and no war machines. I'm starting a Dwarf army as my second army now. Also the War of Vengeance is my favourite bit of lore in all of Warhammer. Truly second only to the Lizardmen in my eyes.

    2: Skaven. Because the Screaming Bell. I don't play Skaven and I still have a Screaming Bell, just look at it. The Skaven have my absolute favourite models with their crazy war machines.

    3: Vampire Counts. What can I say? I'm a sucker for good Gothic Horror and the vamps fit my tastes like a glove. Also Vlad.

    4: Tomb Kings. Just barely behind the Vampires are these awesome guys, and with the unified Undead army now from the End Times they can count as one army. Also the faction of my absolute favourite character, Settra the goddamn Imperishable. What a total badass, especially in the Lord of the End Times book with only a slight appearance he made me cheer. Truly a king of kings.

    5: Empire. Something about the fact that its a great nation of regular humans taking on Chaos and Beastmen and Orcs and everything else the world can throw at it really appeals to me, those are some hardcore humans.

    6: Bretonnia. Speaking of humans, it's King Arthur's court times fifty. How could you not love that?

    7: Orcs and Goblins. Loving that diversity.

    8: Ogre Kingdoms. Just for that ninja Manhunter model. I just think it's funny.

    9: Daemons of Chaos. Interesting as they're a big army of unreality murder machines.

    10: Beastmen. Not the best army crunch-wise, but I still like them. Better now with Marks of Chaos.

    11: Wood Elves. The only elves that I don't instantly dislike, probably because they're crazy sods who would terrify me. At least the Dark Eves are moderately sane, just cruel as hell

    12: Warriors of Chaos. Meh, I never really enjoyed these guys.

    13: Dark Elves. Not that bad, but I'm no fan of elves.

    14: High Elves. Man to hell with these guys, they have foul attitudes, they falsely claim to be the ultimate masters of magic when Kroak was shifting worlds before they were even a twinkle in their cosmic parents' eyes, they take credit for stopping the first invasion of Chaos when without the Lizardmen they'd have been wiped out faster than they could have said "hey who put this stick up my backside," and the only one with a personality that I can actually like is Teclis. High Elves suck.
    n810 likes this.
  16. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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  17. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Hm. Dogs of War would go above Orcs and Goblins for very similar diversity reasons, but ultimately being more fun with a variety of races and a great mercenary mindset. Chaos Dwarves would be just above the High Elves, I really don't like the concept of dwarves with magic (Ungrim being the exception because he's a one-off and only has one bound spell,) a great aspect of why I love the Dwarves is because they just up and fight face to face with no magic trickery like a Forces of Order Khorne.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Sadly those factions are far from official. Don't get me wrong, Chaos Dwarfs would be awesome!
  19. Witchking_of_Lustria

    Witchking_of_Lustria New Member

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    I forgot them! Dog of war will go before Empire and Chaos Dwarves will go before Warriors of Chaos
  20. Iskander
    Chameleon Skink

    Iskander Active Member

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    My two cents, After the Lizardmen:

    1) Bretonnia - I love the idea of a traditional medieval Arthurian kingdom, in the midst of all this other madness. I would play them, but the minis are so hard to get now (at least there's eBay?), and they treat their peasants so terribly...

    2-13 - Almost everything else. I either don't know enough about how they play to say for sure (Skaven, VCs, etc), or they kinda bore/sicken me (OaGs, Chaos factions, etc.).

    14 & 15 - Empire and Dwarves (possibly Demons too from what you guys are saying). Cannons are stupidly overpowered, and turtling is so bland. :(

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