Couldn't agree more the book is fantastic and my favourite of all time. I enjoyed the movie too but it doesn't do the book justice! The CGI tv series called 'Roughnecks' was based off the book too and took many of its ideas from it, eg the combat suits and also including 'the Skinnies' as well as the 'bugs'. Would definately recommend the Eragon trilogy to any fantasy fans. The first book starts abit slow and seems alittle childish but once you get into it its a awesome story that doesn't let up through all 3 books!
I'm definately with you both. Starship Troopers (the book) was a great read! I also liked the Eragon series too but I thought the Brasinger (sp) was a bit fact I've even put it down for a short while. You know another series that I was not execting to get any enjoyment from but was VERY surprised and ended up enjoying very much was the Harry Potter series. Yeah, yeah...I know. But c'mon! They're pretty darn good!
I, too, highly recommend The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind! Going to start Naked Empire when classes let out (3 weeks, Woo!). I'm taking my time because I just don't want it to end! BUT, that's what second read thrus are for, right?
Which is your favorite book? I really like Wizards First Rule and Stone of Tears. Did you hear about Goodkind writing a 12th book? It's slated to come out in 2011.
Of course, I like Wizards First Rule. But I also really liked Faith of the Fallen. I couldn't put it down. And, no, I haven't heard about a 12th book. I'll have to look into that!
Faith of the Fallen is a really good book. I like how Goodkind keeps working with Nicky's character throughout the last three books. The last book is suppose to be more about Richard and Kahlan but I don't know any more about that.
Ya, it's a good series. Unfortunately I read the first book when it hit the shelves and was then left hanging and eventually dropped off. I did read half of the second book, but then I don't know what happened to it. Anyone here who've read "Worldwar"? A friend mentioned it to me and I found it interesting. Unfortunately I don't know if spending the money on getting the series would be worth it. I don't have another option either since my whole country only holds 2 of the books in libraries. Cheers!
Any of the Starship Troopers fans out there read Armor? It's very nice as well... Also, the next Dresden Files book, Changes is out. Gonna go pick it up and check it out! --DF2K EDIT: By "check it out!" I mean read it and see what I think. Not check it out from a library. I'm willing to drop lots of bucks onna hard cover for this series.
Just keep in mind that it's no longer just a trilogy (if i'm remembering right) and afaik the next book isn't out yet? Also, it's a bit of a dirty pleasure book - the plot is straightforward and the characters a bit cardboard... and at least in the first book there is a serious overuse of metaphors. But once you get to a certain point you have to keep reading the entire series to see if you were right on how you think the story ends.
Not really following in line with your 'mini-discussion': But I'm supposed to read Marcuse's Utopia's Socialism. Filosofy is hard! For the ones who don't know; Marcuse is a filosofer, and a hard-core political left one too. While I'm political right, and he has all those 'crazy' ideas; it is actually pretty fun (but VERY hard) to read. Did you know that we are all slaves of the big system? And that that system cannot be stopped, not even the political might is enough, nor is the military. Stuff like that makes my brain go *BANG* on the morning... The Hunted
Jeez...sounds like anther extream hippy movement book. Does the guy on the cover wear a tie-dye t-shirt?
Right now I'm reading Josef Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" for a paper for my Western Civ II class. Great book, I've read it before. For those who aren't familiar, it's the book that "Apocalypse Now" is loosely based on. --DF2K
Actually, this guy is serious. So no hippy stuff . Look on google (images) for Herbert Marcuse. You will not find a hippy, although he does have a tie...and, oh well. It's ok to read, but his theory has some flaws. I prefer political-right-filosofers though... The Hunted
Not doing so much good reading, as too much researching. I'm researching witch-craft and its trials of the 17th-18th centuries for a paper for myself, and midwifery from renaissance to today to help with my wife's paper. I'm quite surprised at what parts overlap. --DF2K
Kind of off topic for a minute (sort of). My wife just got me a Nook from Barnes and Nobles. I love the thing. It is awesome, I have added my wheel of time books (that I have left to finish-10-12) and the riverworld series. I even put a digital copy of the lizardmen rule book on there. I am still leanring how to use it, but it is amazing.
I'm currently reading "I am America And so Can You" by Stephen Colbert lol Great book. I have a whole bunch of books I just got though that are lined up waiting to be read. I went out and baught "World War Z" finaly after getting the "Zombie Survival Guide" years back. I also got "Physics of The Impossible" by Michio Kaku, and I pre-ordered "Assholes Finish First" by Tucker Max
Ahhh Tucker Max. Now there is an awesome author. I recently finished his last book, 'I hope they serve beer in Hell' I think it was called? To be honest, I thought it ran out of steam a bit toward the end and the stories lost their humour.. But most of it was great. They're making a movie as well.
Yeah good book. And yes Strewart, the movie is already out actually. I bought it when it came out in February
I suspected as much.. For some reason, it is not out in Australia. Or anywhere else in the world for that matter. It was a really poor seller in the US and reviewed harshly. I guess I will give it a chance anyway.