I agree. It is either random or roll off, or predetermined by the tournament organisators or whatever else they might come up with. Playing without the realms would be really crappy since it would be bad for all the armies who don't have spell lores, because it means they would be stuck with the crappy new Mystic Shield and Arcane Bolt.
I looked through Realms rules and it looks like they are not intended for matched play. Ghur, for example, requires additional monsters to set up for each player, and these monsters hunts other units of both players. Realmscape features centered around those monsters. Hysh has some debuffs for Death in realmscape features. It would be better if spells and realm commands were dedicated to army like artefacts. I have no idea how all this could be applied to matched play and it would be a big loss if they don't, especially for Seraphon. The best way I see is pre-set realm for every round of tournament with pre-set realmscape feature/without one. At least artefacts and command points are with us.
I think you have to distinguish between the Realmscape rules in the core book and the stuff in Malign Sorcery and the GHB. The Malign Sorcery rules explicitly state that they can be used in all game modes, and they look kinda balanced to me. EDIT: They also explain how they can be used in a competitive way. I sure hope it will be possible since IMO they enrich the game.
As long as both parties want it (and who wouldn’t?) it’s a good thing. So much choice of goodies.....It’s all too much to take in...where’d I put my paper bag (breathe Lezlor, breathe.....)
Just heard about first tournament - they are going to randomize realms for each game. Let's see how it goes.
I think that might randomize games a bit and help single armies not to bee as dominant as everybody will have good and bad luck. Some realms fit anyone or no one particularly well.
Man I love this post.. it should be pinpointed maybe ? Thanks again for all your efforts @Aginor ! Edit : Thank you very much @Nart as well. We should definitely pinpoint this with your posts being first !