hey guys, i read the rules, but i dont get it. How does the Engine really works? So it is a terrain feature and you get cover, it can dish out mortal wounds if a skink wizard is near and then? i am not familiar with garrison
I would constantly use it. +1 to saves, good reach in all directions, and -1 for enemies to hit the garrisoned troops is pretty cool. Put some Skinks (or Razordons or Salamanders) and a Skink Starpriest in there and you can do some fun stuff. BUT. Right now the not so nice thing about it is that the enemy might block it. Or use it. Because it might end up in enemy territory as it is placed before sides of the table are chosen.
You can garisson up to 20 wounds inside. This means you can put models in it that have a combined wound value of 20. E.g.: - 20 Saurus warriors - 1 skink priest + 16 saurus warriors. When you have a skink priest inside you can use the special ability for mortal wounds. Aside from that, every unit that is garisson gets +1 to save values and attackers suffer -1 to their hit rolls. edit: beat me too it too
if the enemy get it, that could be a huge problem. he cannot activate the engine, but if he puts a lot of shooting in it this could be gg
Very true. Vs some armies I probably won't place my Realmshaper Engine at all. Not worth the risk. However, if all the units they want to garrison it are over 20 then it is a pretty safe risk.
That should pretty much always be the case at any event. Both players have to present each other with a list of their army, spells, traits, artefacts, units, and battalions.
I thought traits and artefacts didn't have to be decided until after the list share. or is this only 40k?
A lot of events require your list to not change between rounds. Artefacts and traits included. 40k and AoS.
True enough. Most of my events locally adhere to larger tournament circuits, so it just the norm for me.
ITC events almost always have you fully construct your list before the event. At least if the event is run through Best Coast Parings.
ok, here is an Qustion about garrisons and the Realm shaper: if i put a Slann in the realm shaper and also a unit of saurus guard. (both units garrison the realm shaper) does the slann get -1 to hit for being garrison and also -1 to hit for being within 3" the saurus unit? so, does the Slann get -2 on the hit rolls against him?
yeah. Potentially more with artifacts and other nonsense. The guard only count for shooting attacks though.