Blog Rokanos' WIP Lizzy Host (Updated 2-15-2011)

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Rokanos, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Rokanos

    Rokanos Well-Known Member

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    Haha, sounds good! I'll see you on the Khemri forums then? and thank you for the kind words. I'm still terrible at metals, but we all have to start somewhere. :D

    Everyone here at my local shop absolutely LOATHES playing against my LM, or any LM for that matter, which makes it not so much fun for me. I don't like playing an army that people won't have fun against, as I am not out to win, I'm just there to have fun and kill stuff :bored:

    Note for everyone else: I should have those 15 sauri I was talking about finished within the next few days. Painted up all their shields last night, so all that is left is detail work and some highlights. I'll post up a pic as soon as they are all done :D

  2. langaandy

    langaandy New Member

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    That steg looks unreal. i want mine to look pretty much the smae only istead of a red finish it will be more orange to go with my skinks scales.

    my only question is how the hell did you make the scales look so good
  3. Rokanos

    Rokanos Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for the compliments. To be honest with you, I think I just based them with grey, washed them asuremen blue, and then did another coat of the base grey, took a lighter grey and mixed it with the base for a midtone, cover up slightly less than the base color, and then highlighted the raised areas with the lighter grey.

    I'm a tad intoxicated at the moment, sooo if that made no sense, my apologies. I'll try to explain a little better tomorrow. ;)

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