Yeah, most of your Slann mages are going to weigh in at around 500 points. This pretty well shuts out any other characters going in with the Slann. I don't see them going this route, because of the restrictions already in place in the army books. Not to mention some armies rely more heavily on characters than others. I could see them increasing the required percentage of core troops perhaps... but I suppose we'll find out eventually.
I have heard from a couple sources that they will limit characters to 25% of the total points. This is obviously to help mitigate Hero-hammer. We (our group) currently play with a 34% limit on Lords/Hero + kit. It works well. We also play with a 30% minimum in Core. Somehow I dont see them (GW) puting a total cap on lord/hero points but maybe a 25% cap on a single lord. IE you cant spend more then 500 pts in a 2000 pt army on any lord. This is not a bad idea as it will limit herohammer. But I do prefer the rumor of 25% cap in hero. 25% in special or rare. 25% min in core. But I doubt that will happen either. many armies core units are simply not good enough, while other armies core are considered elite. Especially with the army book creep to 2 attack core infantry. 1 attack core infantry simply can not compete. Hopefully they do not screw with the rules too much...but do try to balance the armie books a bit.
The only thing that makes me think that they will impose a 25% cap on characters is that they will sell more models. I think it would be better for the game as a whole as well, but I have no illusions as to what they are in it for. I would also not be surprised if they came out with new army books which made the old armies dominate. Lots of people play VC, WOC, DE and Demons because they win. It makes sense financially to boost the other armies so they now have to buy new models or be tier 2 or worse. Not that I begrudge them their profit, its a cool game.
The army restrictions seem to be very similar to the ones we used to use way back in 5th Ed. Warhammer... ahh the good old days!
In the group that I run here at home I've gotten together with my two cohorts and we've already discussed what we'd do should GW impose this rule. We simply came down to deciding not to enforce that rule should it be placed in the book. One thing that they've said many times in White Dwarf and FAQs before is that the BRBs aren't meant to be the know all, end all of the game. With myself as a Lizardman and Wood Elf player, a High Elf player, and two WoC players the 25% restriction would be a little overwelming.
i've heard this rumour floating about for some time. i'm inclined to think it isnt true, simply because it's basically reverting army selection back to 5th edition. eitherways, i dont see where the 25% has come from... in 5th ed it was 50% max on characters, and if this rumour is true i wouldnt be suprised for that limit to return. 25% would be stupid, as it (almost) makes every special character and monster mount unusable. and has nobody considered what would happen to the magic phase? without drastic changes, high points cost wizards (like our slann) would be totally ripped apart by a plethora of level 2 goblin/other cheapy wizards
I could see them increasing the core requirement, as this would not change things up too terribly much, you might just have to trade a character, special choice, or rare to free up points for more troops. This would help make armies more like armies instead of strike forces.
i think this would be a totaly crappy rule. this rule would meen no normal magic pahse. armys would have one normal char and thats it. i think GW should nerf the overpowered armys and leaves 7 th ed rules becouse they are quite good eccept the overpowerred races... thats my opinion. if they want to make a almost only combat rules so they should limmit usesable spell limit to 2-3 over the magic phase and theyr would be more combat. rare/specal/charecter choises makes game more interesting and varant. but if they will increas core number that would suck becouse there would be allot of the same CC
I heard July and that the starter set was going to be Gobblins and High Elves again. I also heard that Tomb Kings were going to be the first army they update.
That was the one for 7th edition... although the instruction booklet shows ranks of 4 across for the troops.
I'm subscribed to Games Workshop and I just got an email today saying it was coming out in July... The cover is the iconic warhammer that is on all the books except it has two fiery tails coming out of it and down the handle in what I'm guessing is a reference to the two tailed comet. Oh! And it had several paragraphs of text which I was a little offended to see that they didn't include the Lizardmen in... But, oh well. As long as the two tailed comet hasn't fallen on Lustria and wiped out the Dinosaurs I'll be fine.
I just read the newsletter too. I guess it was quite a bad timing to buy the 7th ed. BRB this weekend...
Youtube teaser video from GW. It is indeed coming in July. I must say I am quite excited, and keen to get the HE vs Skaven starter box. It is rumoured the HE will get seaguard, swordmasters, silver helms and a griffon!
Whaaaat!! lol thats awesome, maybe i'll pick up the box to add to my HE army! Thanks for the heads up Strewart!