Don't worry, I often have the same reaction when I'm looking at painters that are more experienced than me. Just read as much as you can, look through as many painting guides as you can, and ask as many questions as you can on forums like this. You'll quickly improve.
And that's it! 2000pts all ready for Clash of Kings next weekend. I thought I was going to have a break after doing this army but I somehow seem to have purchased a bunch of Bretonnian models to do a Brotherhood army...
Good luck at clash of kings, and your new brotherhood army! Looking forward to the pics of those guys too!
But this is the wrong forum for that! Those will have to be posted on the Round Table And thank you for the luck - I think I may need it!
Unfortunately my phone will most likely be used as a chess clock, so I won't be able to take any pictures! And a battle report?? I'm going to get my arse handed to me six times, not once!
That army looks really amazing. Specially those fire looking models. Really love the Lekelidon man, that looks brilliant. Congrats! After my Salamanders are finished I'm also painting my very dear Bretonnians. Seems brilliant minds go similar paths...
I'll hopefully have a Green Knight to be proud of as well - I was getting frustrated that there are absolutely no painting guides whatsoever for the Green Knight, a model that I absolutely love. So I have decided to write one! Got a bit involved on the Round Table and I've ended up with an absolute star of a person sending me Bretonnian knight models for free to help test colours schemes / techniques etc.! I've also purchased two Green Knight models off eBay so once I've found the 'correct' colours scheme I'll be able to test it on the actual model before painting the real thing. The aim is to get it as close as physically possible to the beautiful image everyone knows:
Horse and tunic look like white base coat and then green glazes, armour looks like a green glaze also, feathers are painted green.
Haha - did you have a certain 5th Edition starter box that made you love both armies by any chance?? And what will you be running them as? Brotherhood? Or one of the others (Kingdoms of Men, Basileans, League of Rhordia)? And thank you!
I thought glazes had reflective properties? The finish seems bright but matt. Another confusion to the matter is that on the back box it suggests that the caparison is Snot Green (now Warpstone Glow), so I'm assuming it must use this at some point.