Page 39, Shooting Into Combat, specifically prohibits this in the very first sentence. Also, note that no "accidental" shooting into combat is allowed either. Unlike Skaven shooting, the rules for sallie shooting do not have any lifting of restrictions from normal shooting and thus they are not allowed to target units in combat - even "accidentally". The cannon rules are much clearer on this issue and prohibit any shooting that has any possibility of hitting a unit in combat (p. 112, Choose Target, 3rd para). This means the entire 20" potential line of fire must be clear of units in combat. While this is not directly applicable to sallie shooting, it does give one a good idea of what efforts should be made to avoid shooting into combat.
Another quick Salamander question. How do salamanders and handlers work in close combat? Do the handlers form a second rank and get to attack also? When the salamander dies do the remaining skinks die also?
They're skirmishers, so I assume they make the first rank of 5 all together? Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I've been doing.
Due to the monsters and handlers rule, you don't need to rank up the handlers at all. Only the salamanders count for determining contact with the enemy. Attacks cannot be directed onto the handlers directly, and only enemies in contact with a salamander can fight. In turn, handlers can attack anything in contact with the salamander.
ive taken to forming the skinks behind the salamanders to remind that they are in combat for me being able to strike and clars up issues if they are locked in abattle line with multiple combats going on
When you have multiple Salamanders in a unit and 1 dies, what do you do with the handlers? Are they handlers for the unit as a whole or should each Sallie keep its handlers separate for this reason?
They share handlers. so it's possible to have odd units like, 6 handlers and one salamander (if 2 salamanders die) or 3 slamanders and one handler, (if most skinks die) In either case there is no need to take a reaction test. on the other hand if all the Salamanders in a unit die the skinks are lost as well.
Thanks n8, it came up in a game the other night and neither of us were sure how it should be dealt with.