Ach, bloody beasties. Where are thos bloody lads? Let's see ifi can haelp 'em. OOC i is a truthsayer from albion because i didna get to type out a scottish brogue for nearly long enough las'time. that an becuase i woul never lower myself to the rank of empire.
Even though our losses were few, General, we have no one wounded that will be in need of Sigmar's blessings. Though I must say, those beasts were viler than any other beastman I have encountered. *Erhm* Right now though, may I propose that we rest for the night? No one here should be able to claim that they are not tired. I am of course myself in need of sleep. That said, I will see to those that are still alive, strengthen their spirits, one may say, from the previous battle. You can be assured that your men will not have fallen in vain.
Being a well drilled state soldier, novatomato strips off his armour and pulls out a rag and armour polish from his pouch. Upon cleaning the blood he notices the many dents and notches on his cuirass remarking that had he not worn this fine armour, he would certainly have been dead.
Suddenly a warrior, covered in blood staggered out of the forest, collapsing by the fire, he was almost unable to move because of the exhaustion that had envelopped him during the ambush and his escape (ooc: Welcom the hunted!!!!!!)
"Now," Conwar shouts, "I believe I one of the higher ranks here, so I will give a few orders!" He then turns to EterentyWarden. "Thank you for volunteering for watch. But, to make sure everyone gets their rest, we will divide the watch in two! Novatomato! You're second watch! Conwar jumps back in surprise as the wounded man falls by the fire. "Hellbreaker! Come quick," he yells, "this man needs help!"
We cannot possibly try to kill someone with no evidence whatsoever. It is no surprise that a consensus has not been reached. Since I fear very much for my life, all of you still loyal band together. Support each other, hold tight, watch others closely and TRUST your INSTINCTS. Everyone at ease, you may retire till morn. Welcome, the hunted.
With General Strewarts wise suggestion the warriors began to built tents out of branches they had cut down earlier. Hellbreaker tends to the injured warrior, who has yet to say anything and is already asleep, building the weary man a shelter before dragging him inside, all the while preparing his own. The warriors were so tired that they practically fell asleep the second they hit the branches. ------ Eternity warden sat by the flickering fire, staring off from the large hill towards the large forest below, for if the beastman were to come he would have to ready all the warriors in a matter of seconds. He heard a thud around 20 metres to the left of him, behind a huge stone. Drawing his sword he slowly advance on the boulder, thinking it might just be an animal. Nontheless, he focused on the area from where he heard the sound, unaware that he was being stalked, for the assassin took his footsteps at the same time as he did. A sharp pain pierced the back of his neck, and then all went black. The murderer let the body fall to the groud, the bloody dagger still impaled in his victim. ---- A loud yell pierced the night air. "WAKE UP! It's Eternity warden! He's been murdered!" Slowly, painfully, the group managed to drag themselves out of their uncomfortable makeshift tents, to find eternity's blood in a trail leading downhill, culumantating in a pool at the bottom, a bloody dagger in his neck. Strew Hellbreaker Eternity warden-DEAD! night 1 Kroxigor01 Exodial Dumbledore Dreadgrass Celtic Conwar Novatomato Bryannabo The hunted Conwar Day 2, although, its technically still dark for a few hours.
bryan quickly jumps out of his bed running past everyone to see what has happened "by the gods do the old ones have mercy ETERNITY WARDEN DEAD how could this be" general strew comes along with a giant hammer on his back "pack up boys be along way from safety"
Early in the mourning Conwar went to check around the outskirts of the camp to make sure every thing was all right. The piercing cry of a soldier told him that something was terribly wrong. He rushed to the scene, and saw the dead body last night's watch, EternetyWarden. "BY SIGMAR'S GOLDEN TOASTER OVEN," Conwar shouted, "ETERNETYWARDEN IS DEAD!" He rushed back to camp to get the priest, Hellbreaker, but he knew it was all ready to late. "Who could have done this," Conwar thought, "its not like beastmen to sneak around in the dark."
Being used to the horrors of war and the weakness of the human condition, novatomato is not to surprised that some such thing has happened. Shaking his head he mumbles to himself "If someone were to kill any of us it would be best to kill the most stalwart of us. That seems to have happened." sighing he begins to stroke his elegant goatee and mustache, a sure sign that he is deep in thought. Another breath and he grimaces "This means that the traitor is among the few of us here."
*Walks up from behind a rock, followed by Conwar* By Sigmar, what happened? *Grabs the corpse of Eternity-warden* He is beyond saving, but I guess you all knew that already. I will prepare for his burial as soon as our general has been informed about this. Dreadgrass! Go to the tent where the wounded soldier is and get me when he wakes up.
Aye yer Priestlyness, I'll see to the lad *casts a glance around, then looks down at Eternitywarden's body*, sigmars fury'll fall on the traitor Im sure, and if not, be assured mine will, my oath to you lad... *notices Nova's steadyness in the face of this situation, NOVATOMATO! Inform the General of whats happened here! Keep a sharp eye lads! Methinks the coward'll not strike at us in broad light of day, but best keep a sharp eye out and watch yer backs! OOC: let the speculations begin! lol
After a slow and solemn ceremony, with Hellbreaker putting Eternity Warden to rest with the blessing of sigmar, the warriors stood on top of the hill, and it was darbreak. Suddenly a beastigor's horn echoed in the distance, filling their minds with the memory of the slaughter. Another horn sounded much closer...
They donna give us time to even ta honor the dead. well lads here we go again. we do be ready this time. *makes a few gestures and a ring of thorns surronds the camp* lets do be seein em get through dat! just in case.... *a hill forms and lifts me up to see the country* yep lads there do be some movement to the north! get ready!
Novatomato crisply salutes Dreadgrass, "Yessir, at once sir." and runs off to General Strewarts Tent. "General Sir!" he says loud enough to wake the general abruptly "there has been murder in the night, Eternity Warden has fallen in his duties, also the beasts are approaching again." Standing at attention, he waits for the generals orders.
bryanabbo removes his helmet "this aint be a traitor fellows its something way different" looking at the dagger in his back thinking what race could host such violence he stands back up saying "i suggest we get rid of the beastmen first
20 gors burst out of the forest and started rushing for the hill... (ooc: Well, I was planning on you running away...but LETS HAVE A SKIRMISH! (you can be horribly injured, but i wont let you die!) Say what your going to do, but not the dice will decide that!)
i put my helmet back on pushing a way a gor from my shield the spikes surely have hit the head than slashing my axe in an ungors stomach but many more to come