nurgle is fine they just got updated in the December FaQ, STD gave them a lot of buffs and new batalions in the Chaos champain book
More potential sons of Grimnir! I welcome you to the brotherhood! I’ve been working on lore and unofficial profiles for an AoS-ified Bretonnia-esque army in case you’re interested in something potentially stronger. Haven’t put anything up on the forum yet but I’ll tag you if I do.
Personally, my second army is Slaanesh. I chose them because they are totally different from what I am trying to do with the Seraphon. My Seraphon army's color scheme is based around orange, blue, and grey. So, I figured that painting pink and purple demons would make for a very nice break from painting orange and blue scales. Also, I fell in love with the new Keeper of Secrets model, which definitely encouraged my decision.
My second army is Cities of Sigmar since I have a fair sized Dark Elf army and a much larger High Elf army. However, both elf armies and my Seraphon have been commandeered by my three oldest minions (playing Firestorm ATM), so I'm building a Stormcast army while trying to decide if I want to dig into some flavor of Destruction army (I have a fair sized collection of orcs as well as goblins) or just go with Nighhaunt.
Currently? Skaventide. There are several I like, don't get me wrong. I like the entire concept of the Overlords, the magic prowess of Tzeentch, the sheer brutality of a Troggoth force (15 miniatures to make a 2000 point army? Tempting!), but I keep coming back to the Skaven. Especially the Doomwheel. When I was starting in the hobby, there were two minis I wanted but could never seem to obtain: A Stegadon, and a Doomwheel. Now I have both, or I will when my Doomwheel arrives... if it ever does...
My second army is Legions of Nagash. I just really like the look of hordes of skeletons and skeleton horses etc. led by necromancers.
Tomb King, hands down. Because there's only one thing that can match the awesomeness of "aztec lizards riding dinosaurs", and it's "egyptian skeletons riding animated statues". I own also classic dwarfs, LoN, Nighthaunt, some Empire and a bunch of KO... but i don't love any of them as much as i love Seraphon and TK.
Oh yeah! I remember when they were released to fantasy. Nice miniatures and nice army. Do you Play them in fantasy matches or can you transfer them into aos?
I really like Sylvaneth. Their models are beautifully sculpted and I love the idea of a living forest. I'm a huge LotR fan and they seem to be the most Tolkien of the Warhammer races. Kharadron are my number 2 number 2 army because I freaking love airships. I want to kitbash my own ships at some point, but I have no idea when that will happen. AAAAnnnnd last but not least, I hate the Stormcast facemask-helmet things, but everything else about them is cool. I have seen a few people do a head swap with some Bretonian helmets and improved the SC design tenfold! So Stormcast will have to be my number 3 number 2.... Is my numbering system confusing enough?
Back in the days they were playable in aos, and i won a tournament with them when they were already a discontinued army and GHB2018 was rocking. Now i just hope in the Old World
Every army comes in second to Lizardmen/Seraphon. Seriously, there are a lot of really cool looking AoS minis, so it's hard to pick. I haven't played another army, so I can't choose based on gameplay. I will say that the Shadespire Sepulchral Guard got me back into Warhammer. I love the poses and delicate look of those plastic skeletons.
I currently only have lizards, but the second place is split up between Tomb Kings and Gloomspite Gitz. Tomb Kings because they are just awesome and Gloomspite Gitz because they are awesomely absurd (and Tomb Kings are no longer available).
Nighthaunt, mostly because of the banshee models and the mortarch. Just need to find someone to go halves on a soulwars box or two