ok now I am officially grousing... I just was looking at the lumineth reveal and their battle box comes with objective markers, miniatures, army book, measurement tool and DICE! wtf...DICE. Grrrrr
yeah their rule that they get 2 activations in the charge phase is already pretty damn good. I am sure you will be able to buff the hell out of those hammer aelves, or those big cow things, so watch out.
Two activations in the FIGHT phase per single activation allotted. That's pretty strong, but not too strong. I hope they're not broken like some armies we know of ...
If only they'd give us ONE new model.. like some sort of hero or something. Instead we got a terrain piece that people will only use as terrain and not for the rules. I am painting 10 warriors at the moment.. damn they feel old and so mono-pose I have also painted 40 clanrants.. and at least they have a lot of character... weapon choices etc etc.
listen to this shit go on about his rats being better than lizards. ban hammer mandated, "THIS..... IS.... LUSTRIA" (its a joke don't be upset, warriors def need a new model, they just aren't our most needy unit)
I know many of you think the models are dated...but having played GW games since the Chainmail days I remember painting the lizard man army when it first arrived with the Brets. Talk about dated... the current line is much much MUCH nicer than those. You can still see some hucksters asking for premium prices for these models on eBay. Personally I find that they are, in their current form, a good mix of paintability and attractiveness... Are they as amazingly detailed as a the Varanguard?...no way... but there is a charm to simplicity... and besides...as many skinks as I have had to paint I for one am grateful that they are no more detailed than they are.
I personally don't have much of an issue with any of the models other than the Cold Ones and Kroxigors. Those two really need updating, but everything else is fine. Just wish that we could get the Sunblood, Kroak, Slann, Salamanders/Razordons, Starseer, etc. in plastic instead of Finecast.
haha - well because my mates are lazy bastards when it comes to painting... I really hate playing vs unpainted.. I have taken on to myself to always collect two opposing armies for tabletop games I collect and have them painted up. E.G for Bolt Action I have Imperial Japanese and USMC army. thought for Sigmar a good grudge match would be Skaven vs Seraphon.
I feel you brother... although I have given away 5 Fantasy armies to relatives just so I have someone to play.... Orcs and Goblins ( 174 models - brother), Skaven (192 models - another brother), Brettonian (74 models - brother again), Dark Elves (76 models - nephew), Dwarves (68 models - another Nephew) ... Have been playing GW games since 'Chainmail' in 1984 so what can I say. (note: I still have 7 fantasy armies so I'm not hurting for things to play with... a boy has gotta have his toys!)...oh and before you ask....YES...they were all painted
Wow - Yeah I have only been playing for last 6 years.. still have managed to accumulate a big range.. just not from same system. But I have found that If I want to play on a nice game board then I will have to provide the full armies.
I have also been collecting about 6 years. Started Seraphon about a year and a half ago, and are my first AoS army. I have probably 6 other armies from 40K and Horus Heresy, as well as models from other game systems. However, up until Seraphon I have painted up very little of each army, if at all. For some reason I have been inspired by Sotek, and am now fairly close to having the original bunch of models which were going to make up my 2K list all painted up. The new battletome changed some things (skink handlers.... ) but otherwise I should have my first fully painted army ready by the time quarantined lift!
I absolutely commend you for working to put paint on your figs... it takes some patience, dedication but, most of all, love of the hobby! I am constantly amazed at the creativity and dedication people have for their figures and love how others bring life into their little plastic army men... Keep up the good work!
Thank you, I appreciate the kind words! Once all are done I will post some pics. I am kind of the (good-natured) laughing stock of my hobby group because of my terrible lack of painted miniatures (but also, the few miniatures I bring are typically the best painted by far). Having a fully painted army is one long-overdue notch on my hobby belt. Next up I have to finish a painting a 40K army so I have at least one of each...
Just a question in the topic of painting, do u guys use a wet pallete. I got fed up with the paint constantly drying up so quickly and ordered one for friday.