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AoS Seraphon WARCRY: the thread

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Killer Angel, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    Last time the most viable leader was Saurus Guard Alpha. And now?
  2. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    I would say Guard Alpha is still a solid choice but not as clear cut as before.

    In the saurus category the Oldblood, Sunblood, Eternity Warden and Astrolith Bearer have sailed up as contenders for Saurus leader position. I would refrain from taking the Oldblood since Sunblood is essentially the same only with one more attack and 5 crit as opposed to 4 for the Oldblood, for only 20pts more. They both have 5 toughness-value which is 1 more than both Eternity Warden, Guard Alpha and Astrolith.

    Eternity Warden lose 1 attack but gain 1 strength instead for a total of 5 which we aren't really spoiled with (Kroxigor got this too). Guard Alpha got 2 range which none of the others have, great from a tactical standpoint, being able to rush up and hit something that have to move in order to attack back, or just strike something from a little longer distance.

    Then there's the Astrolith Bearer as well, while not quite as fighty as the rest of them and 3 fewer wounds. It can use a Quad to heal friendly fighters within 6" a number equal to the value of the Quad.

    And Slann ofc, with 4 more wounds than the other Saurus leader and 3 STR4 3/6 attack at 12" and that nice teleport ability, especially useful in Cata with all the walls and closed doors that you can just bypass.

    The Skink leaders I would only consider for some fluffy all skink-list or something like that, they feel like there'r too squishy. :bag:
  3. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    In matched play we can take 1 leader and 1 hero, can't we? So what are 2 most useful options for leaders - Sunblood and Eternity Warden it seems. What about mages besides Slann? For example Starseer - quiet a good damage and range 12''
  4. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    Guys i made sth like this: (1000p)

    Taurus Oldblood (200p)
    Kroxi (200p)
    Saurus Guard (145p)
    7x Skink with boltspitter (7x65p)

    What do u think? Don't have terradon for extra movement but 7 rang objective handling skinks, rest for tanking and dmg dealing
  5. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    Yep, after a quick google search that appears to be correct, nice! Also the Skink wizard-trio abilities is a Double so it won't compete with the Slann Triple. Tide of Serpents Double puts the Voracious Appetite to shame with longer range and better potential output with 6's dealing 3 wounds instead of 1. They're both a little swingy though :bag:

    A Saurus-heavy list with Astrolith Bearer might be viable if you can net enough Quads to keep the healing up :angelic: 6" bubble is quite big on a Warcry-map so coverage should be fine :D

    If I were to run something like that I might just remove one skink and the Saurus Guard to cram in two leader-type Saurus. One Skink and Saurus Guard is exactly equal in point to what an Eternity Guardian costs. It will net you another Str 5 fighter with 13 more wounds compared to the Saurus Guard. BIG! :woot:
    Smok55555 likes this.
  6. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    What’s Your idea for a list after newest update Man :D ? Quads look a little bit ratio rare to play with :/
    Sebbs likes this.
  7. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    Yeah I wouldn't bank on rolling quads either to build a warband around it :bag:

    I've had one game vs Iron Golems with Slann, Krox, Skinks and a Salamander+Handlers. My new list, since you enlightened me about the fact that you can bring one leader and a hero, right now is looking like this:

    Slann (250p)
    Eternity Warden (210p)
    Terradon Rider w. Sunleech Bolas (170p)
    3x Skink w. Boltspitter (195p)
    Salamander (130p)
    Skink Handler (45p)
    Total Points (1000p)

    Probably not the most competative, too few Skinks :playful: but lots of different fun units and a good mix of abilities to spend dice on :D
  8. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    Salamander is indeed better than razordon. But is it truly cost-effective when it needs a handler for doubles (so it costs at least 175p)? For armies with less toughness I agree but for others i will drop terrain for sure and salamander (with handler) to put Kroxigor (slann teleport it all over the place) and go for more skinks" 345p -> 200p (kroxi) + 130p (2xskinks with blowpipes). U have 15p more to upgrade warden to sunblood or saurus on cold one to get extra mobility. Just guessing :D Or u can stay with salamander and just drop Terra for 2x more skinks (40p more? - Saurus Knight hero?)
  9. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    If I'm not entirely wrong with the math Salamander and Razordon make the same amount of damage output but given the Razordons higher cost the wound per point is lower. So what you're basically paying for are 5" longer range and 1 more toughness. Not a bad trade off but I would rather have the points spare so I'm with you on Salamander being the better choice. Razordon throwing out more dice will likely see you get a more even output given then larger dice pool. However I'm with you on them both being somewhat of a fluffy choice and I'm okay with that since I love me some Salamander on the board :D

    I'm having friends over tonight and we're going to run two Warcry-tables parallell, one "original" and one Cata :cool: Gonna try out my list I posted earlier and if you want I could try your one out as well :) Going up against some of these teams: Nagash, Untamed, Ironjawz, Iron Golems, Balloon Dwarfs, Unmade and Gloomspite :bag:
  10. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    I played 5 games (with hordes) and SO MANY pipes is in my opinion not a good choice. They do nothing in CC and die reeeeaaaally fast. As the most missions are concentrated on movement and holding position (objective / treasure) I've made sth like this:

    1. Leader: Saurus Eternity Warden - 210p
    2. Ally: Captain of the Black Guard (Phoenicum) - 170p
    3. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    4. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    5. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    6. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    7. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60
    8. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60
    9. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60
    10. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60
    11. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60
    12. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60
    12 FIGHTERS ! ! !
    - Skinks with blowpipes conquer "empty" objectives (they die fast in CC) and provide supportive fire from distance
    - Skinks with shields conquer "full" objectives or block enemy units
    - Saurus Eternity Warden with his enormous dmg kills the biggest bastard in enemy team (gets extra dmg from his triple ability if u have free dices)
    - Captain of the Black Guard blocks the biggest enemy units -> with his Phoenicum abilities he can give friendly units within 6'' toughness (triple) or make an additional attack if friendly skink dies (double)

    ! ! ! Of course - You can take more skinks with pipes and take a cheaper CoS leader (for example Eternal Warden - 145p) ! ! ! and change Saurus Eternity Warden for sth bigger -> Saurus Sunblood / Saurus Scar-Veteran on Coldone)

    Feedback is very WELCOME : )
    Sebbs likes this.
  11. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    I must admit, @Smok55555 list look pretty good - with that many fighters you probably will have advantage at objectives, and losing one or two models wont hurt you much. Also, movement 6' is a win.

    I don't think that sunblood is that good - his damage is basically same as guardian alpha, he loses 2' range, and gain 3HP... I would take greater range 9 times out of 10. And oldblood is some kind of joke for this points
    Salamanders and razodrons are good, but too expensive - two skinks with blowpipe will do similar damage, but would count as two models on objective.
    Biggest winners for me are kroxigor -high damage, high movement, high wound number, and a slaan - his damage is same as sunblood/guard alpha, but have 12' range, and can teleport, which is BIG!!! In my experience biggest problem with sauruses is that they are too slow, they had trouble to get to the battlefield, and usually i had to use rampage to speed them up. With slaan, you can use only a triple to set them in position. Let's say eternity warden start in one group with slaan - two slaan's move action +teleport value (usually 3) mean 11' move and two attack action to make in one turn.
    On the other hand, I wish thy had added chameleons as dedicated shooting unit.

    I also made a simple sheet for sreaphon warband with point values, mean damage etc. Feel free to use.

    Attached Files:

  12. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    Great sheet man! Kroxigor is fine with health and dmg but only 2 attacks -> You probably need to give him onslaught all the time (which not necessarily bad). With 3 such expensive miniatures I would drop Slann for Skink Starseer, give him every turn onslaught as well and get another skink with boltspitter : )
  13. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Giving onslaught to starseer is pointless, as it works only on attack with up to 3' range. Besides, starseer doesn't have a teleport ability. As for kroxigors, two attack is not much, but with strength 5 his chances to hit are good, and with 3/6 damage every hit counts - medium damage 5 against enemies with toughness 4 is pretty good. Bigest advantage of krox is speed 6 - he can engage crucial targets, and live longe enough to distract opponent.
  14. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    My fault with onslaught! So it is really a shitty choice. Onslaught on Krox is a MUST then and yes, M=6 is crucial here. If You do not want to take allies combo Slann + Krox with teleport "behind enemy lines" is nice. But You are low on fighters unfortunately :/ 250 Slann + 200 Krox + cheap hero/ally. I miss good shooting and moving leaders -> like chameleon skinks : / Like: M6, T3, A3/4, S3/4, D2/4 :D
  15. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    I agree, would love to see chamaleons in warcry. But we have to work with what we were given. And i know that putting slaan + any our hard hitting unit into one band would take a load of points. Lets say we take slaan and eternity warden. that lives enough point to fit 8 skinks with blowpipes, or 3 with blowpipes, 5 with clubs, and a handler - if you want to have more bodies. 11 unit warband is still pretty neat, and u have two heavy hitters, four shooting units and teleports.
  16. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    1 big minus is that Slaan ability is a triple and depends on the value. If u want to put it really far away it has to be value of 5 or 6 and Slann with M=4 and shooting attack won't be in first line of fight :/ 5-6 inches is not so great in my opinion. Better way to move Your targets is to take CoS ally with "Swift as the wind" and and +X (value of triple) to the movement of Your miniatures. That's the way I play with my Fyreslayers as well. They are great in combat and defense (4A, 3S, 4T) but they lack in movement (M=3). With this ability u can be in 1 turn almost everywhere! So Slaan is a risky option in my opinion and as we decided - skink leaders are not good enough
  17. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    I agree, with "swift as the wind" u can really be swift ( i actually wonder how i missed this earlier), although u still have to move. With teleport, u can set unit in right place, and attack next activation. Or withdraw unit carrying treasure. Still, slaan really is expensive - for me it is worth its point, but i understand that it may be too much. In this point, we have to agree to disagree.
    Sebbs likes this.
  18. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    Yes, now that's just a "way of playing the game and strategy". I prefer going with more models, other people would love to teleport DINOSAURS all over the place and slaughter enemies :D My latest idea about army lists:

    Against „eT=3” (~hordes)

    1. Leader: Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold one - 240p
    2. Ally: Guard Master (The Living City) - 130p (substitute for chameleon skink leader)
    3. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    4. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    5. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    6. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60p
    7. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60p
    8. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60p
    9. Fighter: Skink with starbuckler - 60p
    10. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    11. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    12. Fighter: Skink with blowpipe - 65
    Shield: A + 5SB
    Dagger: L + 3SS
    Hammer: 1SB + 1SS\

    Living City triple ability "Ambush" enables you to shoot your opponents with +1 additional attacks in the first turn. If u get Guard master and 5 skinks with blow pipes, it gives you...36 ATTACKS with 12'' range. I hope that during the opening turn Your army will kill at least 1 or 2 bad guys. First turn spent on shooting is not a great loss 'coz Your whole army has M=6 (Guardmaster =5 [and ability from living city to get additional movement for 1 action], Saurus on Cold one =7). In addition You distract Your opponent with big guy on a dinosaur with M=7, 4 attacks 2/4, awesome triple ability (tearing bite) and T=5, 32W...

    In the 2nd and 3rd turn You should have 2 or 3 more units, easily overwhelming opponent in capturing objective or going after treasure.
  19. NecridHydra
    Temple Guard

    NecridHydra Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys, I made an Excel with Seraphon stats and abilities according to the GA tome, taking inspiraton from @Grumpy One . I could upload it but IDK how legal would it be.

    If you want it, tell me, unless a mod gives me green flag to post it here.

    To be fair, I'd like to make 'em JPEG or PNG files with photos, like you can do with https://rachelnertia.github.io/warcry-card-creator/ but it takes a lot of work making the images.
  20. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    I'm interesting in getting a start in Warcry sometime this year, but my ideal warband would be mostly skinks lead by a Starseer- does this sound "viable"? I've heard a lot of grumbling that the Starseer is just a much worse version of the slann in warcry

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