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Army Fluff Shogun of the Dragon Isles- Samurai Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Warden, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks for the show of support, I am honored and humbled you have shown so much interest as to ask to do some writing along these lines!

    I am currently working on the overarching storyline, concerning the rise (or more specifically the fall) of the powerful Tlaxeda clan against the rise of the Oka clan. I mentioned where most of the clans get their real-world inspiration from in one of the spoliers above, but here is a quick future-spoiler of where I plan to go with this fluff.
    The Big Bads:

    Oka Clan at its height.png

    Oka Clan (saurus daimyo Oka Noburaka) = Oda Clan (daimyo Oda Nobunaga)

    Togamo Clan (skink daimyo Togamo Hideyoza) = Toyotomi Clan (Toyotomi Hideyoshi)

    Cocomara Clan (saurus daimyo Cocomara Igyasu) = Tokugawa Clan (daimyo Tokugawa Ieyasu, the eventual Shogun of Japan)

    More Spoilers!

    These three warriors are known as the Big Three (lots of other names but for simplicities sake), they are essentially the winners of the Sengoku period in medieval Japan, with the third becoming the Shogun.

    In a lot of Japanese literature they are painted as either good (heroic conquerors bravely saving Japan from anarchy by establishing a new military order in the name of the Emperor), or bad (tyrannical warlords conquering their rivals to increase their own power).

    My objective is the second option because it seems more interesting. I am hoping to show the valiant struggles of the other independent warriors as they fight against and overwhelming enemy, and triumph/or not.

    The Good:

    The main characters I am working with on the other end are these guys, which I did pictures for so far!

    Sonaka Zangami- saurmurai general of the Tlaxeda Clan, incredibly loyal to his daimyo, takes part in the downfall of his clan against the forces of Oka Noburaka's invasion.
    03 Sonaka Zangami 1_small.jpg

    Dzi Mangan- (anti-hero?) saurmurai warlord of the North and supreme rival of Sonaka Zangami, but unites with his rival against the superior threat.
    04 Dzi Mangan_Small.jpg

    Muzashi- sauronin of great renown and no lord, is the most accomplished duelist in all the Dragon Isles. Legendary figure, is rumored to have competed in over 1000 duels during his lifetime. Allies with Sonaka Zangami in his fight against the agents of the Oka and Cocomara clans.
    01 Sauronin Muzashi_small.jpg

    Ennico de Ardizi- a human protagonist from my earlier work on the Dragon Isles, that I intend to include as a human foil to the Lizard characters, and to act as a point-of-view and a narrarator. He was in the previous work on the Dragon Isles when he was capture by pirates, and winds up working for Sonaka Zangami as his standard bearer after "saving his life."

    Also would really love to get a skink/chameleon ninja in there somewhere.

    So far I have only done a short story showing one of the vassals of the Oka Clan, intended to be a foreshadowing of this particular saurmurai's treacherous nature.

    The overarching-storyline is intended to be in three parts, so far I have completely outlined the first part (Red Scale Rising) and drafted its first few chapters, the other two parts are just in the idea stage.

    But because of the interest you have shown I will try and produce a basic timeline of events next, in order to show some of the major events in the Dragon Isles history, and some of the more recent conflicts. I have no problem with anyone else picking up a piece of this realm/story and creating their own work, and I am definitely open to some collaborative efforts as well.

    The interactive saurus painted is a good idea, I haven't thought of that.

    As of yet the heraldry/color schemes I have put together are the clan heraldry banners that the warriors would put on their backs, but I have so far done at least the armor for three main characters based on Ukiyo-e pictures (in the spoiler above). I want to do more, I am hoping I can get at least one good drawing of the other main characters and prominent Daimyo of the Dragon Isles. I will start working on this as well!

    Edit: one of the pics didn't load, fixed it.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Incredible world building here. Just makes it so easy to get excited to see more!
  3. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    That's good, since I was planning to focus on the more westerly isles (Yaxum and... Koatan?). My current story plan is that a saurus war-leader from a lesser tribe on Yaxum gets pressured into providing (and leading) troops for the Xiumazu Clan.
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    That sounds interesting, I would love to see what you come up with. I got a list of saurus tribes/some clan symbols made for the island already, but feel free to come up with a new one if you like.

    Only clan I would shy away from is the Iz'ziko Sect, because they are mostly religiously fanatic skink warrior-monks and outcast sauronin who have rebelled against the saurmurai warrior lords and daimyo. More of an entire Dragon-Isles grassroots rebellion than an actual clan, as there are many Iz-ziko sects in rebellious pockets throughout the Isles that are constantly a thorn in the daimyo's sides.

    Unless that is what you plan to use, in that case go for it!

    dragon isles map with key.png

    Koatan is the most westerly island, the one that is eventually overtaken by the Oka Clan in their daimyo's quest to become the shogun.

    Currently working on a timeline for the first half of shogun-dragon-isles fluff, it will be ready shortly.
  5. John Csonka
    Jungle Swarm

    John Csonka New Member

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    Any up date on this project? I would like to know more information about the Island of Yaxum particularity the minor clans and the relationship to one another and the Major clans. Thanks in advance. :)
    Warden and Captaniser like this.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    It has been a while hasn't it?! :bag: I appreciate the interest.

    I will have to dig through some of my old notes and see what else I have lying around, and maybe revisit some loose ends.

    The storyline I started writing never actually materialized past the first two chapters, but I had a decent timeline written down somewhere to show the scope of the Dragon Isles history.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  7. John Csonka
    Jungle Swarm

    John Csonka New Member

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    I'm Looking forward to see what you will dig up :)
    Warden likes this.
  8. John Csonka
    Jungle Swarm

    John Csonka New Member

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    Any updates ?
    Warden likes this.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hmmm now that this thread got pushed up...
    I notice we haven't seen @Warden in more than a month. We miss you, @Warden!
    Warden likes this.
  10. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Indeed... hopefully he's on expedition/holiday and comes back with a bunch of new stylish ideas for terrain building and stuff
    Warden and Aginor like this.
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Wow it has been a year for me posting on this thread! I have been neglectful of the fluff sub-forum for some time. :(

    Samurai projects have been close to my heart recently though, as I have been working on my Sekigahara army project (using mostly Warlord Games Test of Honour plastics, but also some historicals from perry miniatures/Steel Fist Minis).

    I don't think I ever posted any of the saurus army painter photos, but here are two saurmurai color schemes.

    The red Tlaxeda Clan:

    Powerful centrally situated spawn-clan, known for its large numbers of swift and battle-hardened cavalry troops, comprised of cold-one raptor riders. The clan has a reputation for honor and military expertise, resulted in a string of recent victories in the struggle for the the Dragon Isles. They are known for their rivalry with the Usuji clan, and their daimyo, Tlaxeda Zhingen, is widely favored to become the next shogun due to his vast military experience and mastery of strategy.

    armor test tlaxeda 2.png

    And one I whipped up today, the blue Ho-ko Clan:

    At one point in their history, the ancient Ho-ko Clan claimed the title of shogun and ruled as the military dictators of all of the Dragon Isles until they were usurped by the Azi-aka Clan. In the present day the Ho-ko still maintain a vast army of powerful saurmurai warriors, but are a mere shadow of their former glory. Their current power base is a string of heavily fortified castles on southern Honzamul Island, so strongly garrisoned that they could only be threatened by the most steadfast and determined opponents. Historically, the Ho-ko Clan ruled the entirety of Honzamul Island, but in recent years their preeminent position has been overshadowed by the rise of the Tlaxeda and Usuji clans to the north.

    saurmurai ho-ko armor.png
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    A few more color schemes.

    The Dzi Clan:

    A relative newcomer to the grander conflict of the Dragon Isles, the Dzi Clan hail from the farthest northern-reaches of Honzamul Island. There for centuries they have fought bitter, grueling wars against their barbaric neighbors, until in the present day only they reign supreme. Proud, fierce, and unforgiving, the Dzi Clan are led by their fiery daimyo in a swift invasion of the territory of other clans in order to make their bid to seize the power of the shogun. In battle the saurmurai of the Dzi Clan are known to gladly throw themselves into any melee conflict, wielding giant macuahuitl war-clubs to deadly effect.

    saurmurai dzi clan armor.png

    The Moki Clan:

    Seafarers without equal, the Moki Clan maintains an extensive fleet of war vessels, junks, and pliodons to control much of the sea lanes of the Dragon Isles. They are bitter enemies of the Chotekasabe clan, and engage their raiding fleets whenever possible in their struggle for supremacy of the waterways. They often raid the territory of other clans for slaves, in order to trade with their chaos-dwarf trading partners to the north at the mouth of the Black River. In recent times the Moki clan have become the vassals of the powerful Oka Clan, to help crush the Iz-ziko rebellions that have sprung up across their territories on Koatan, and intend to serve as the Oka Clan as their naval and transport fleet in their quest to conquer the rest of the Dragon Isles.

    saurmurai mori clan armor.png

    I liked making the large head-crest for the Moki clan; it remind me of Parasaurolophus heads. And actually do look a lot like the helmets the Moki clan wore. It could be written off in this universe (same for Togamo clan) as helmets being built to mimic the head-crests of skinks (honoring the slann-emperor who is actually a skink).

    The Xiumazu Clan:

    To the Xiumazu Clan, loyalty is everything. In their Spawn-Clan’s history there is no Xiumazu general who has ever forsaken the sacred oaths between a daimyo and his vassals for personal profit, unlike the fickle political struggles of the other great clans. The Xiumazu hail from isolated Xiutzuma province, and thanks to the well organized and strong leadership of their long-reigning daimyo they boast some of the most well-trained saurmurai warriors known throughout the Dragon Isles.

    saurmurai xiumazu clan armor.png

    The mighty Oka Clan:

    Powerful clan with a large domain on Koatan Island directly adjacent to the Home Provinces. The clan gained fame when Oka Noburaka defeated a large invading of the Imazi Clan of Honzamul island. Since then the Oka clan has only grown in influence, ascending to power greater than almost every other spawn-clan in the Isles, and is in a dominant position on Koatan Island. The Oka clan is known for employing large armies made up of well-trained askingaku cohorts employing the latest puwjul blackpowder weaponry, in addition to strong saurmurai contingents provided by numerous subservient and vassal clans.
    saurmurai oka clan armor.png

    And last clan for today, the Togamo Clan:

    One of the primary vassal clans of the Oka Clan, the Togamo are known for employing large armies made up of well-trained askingaku cohorts employing the latest puwjul blackpowder weaponry. They have gained great prominence thanks to their leader, the legendary Togamo Hideyoza, a rank-and-file skink who rose to the position of daimyo of his clan, a position traditionally held only by saurus.

    saurmurai togamo clan armor.png

    Also added the clan descriptions to each image, to include the previous post.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    A couple more of the missing color schemes! Should just about round out the collection.

    The Chotekasabe Clan:

    The Chotekasabe clan is known for their brave and experienced askinkagu archers, and is one of the few Spawn-Clans that is led by a skink instead of a saurus. The clan is known for a strong preference for hit-and-run tactics, whether it is mounted on terradons or through skirmish tactics melting through the jungles at the edges of their territory. The clan also maintains an extensive naval presence, kept in check only by the Moki clan. While not an expansionist clan, they hold a stranglehold on all trade that flows through their territory thanks to their fleet castle-stronghold.

    saurmurai chotekasabe armor.png

    The monk-warriors of the Usuji Clan:

    An Eastern Spawn-Clan with strong ties to the trade with Ind. The clan also has a reputation for entertaining strong alliances with the powerful temples of Honzamul Island. In battle the clan employs a large number of saurhei and skinkhei warrior monks within their ranks. Their daimyo, Usuji Kenzin, is known as one of the oldest and greatest close-combat fighters on the Dragon Isles, so much so he is often considered an avatar of the Old-One-of-war Tlazcotl himself.

    saurmurai usugi clan armor.png

    The Cocomara Clan:

    First vassals of the Imaka clan and now the Oka clan, the Cocomara are known for employing experienced chameleon skink ninjas, both on and off the battlefield. They are masters of subterfuge, but thanks to a string of campaigns are also battle-hardened warriors.Originally the Cocomara were minor vassals of the Imazi Clan of southern Honzamul, who were known for their disciplined ranks of saurmurai warriors. After the Imazi clan was soundly defeated by Oka Noburaka during the failed invasion of Okari province, daimyo Cocomara Igayasu saw his chance for power. Turning on his previous masters, Igayasu swore an oath of allegiance to Oka Noburaka, becoming his vassal in exchange for his former master’s lands. Now the daimyo commands a cohort of experienced veteran saurmurai warriors as Oka Noburaka’s most powerful vassal.

    saurmurai cocomara clan armor.png

    The red devils of the Li' Clan:

    Vassals of the Cocomara Clan, they are led by Li' ardosa, one of the top generals in the Cocomara army. In battle the clan wears ornate, red-painted lamellar armor, with huge stegadon horns mounted on their helmets.

    saurmurai Ii clan armor.png

    And lastly, a saurus warrior of the Hoka Clan:

    Led by the towering kroxigor Hoka Tepokatzu, vassal of the Cocomara Clan, who wears a signature deer-antler helm in battle, and carries a giant yari-spear named Tonbo-giri, the Dragonfly Cutter.

    saurmurai hoka clan armor.png

    Hope you like how at least some of them turned out!
  14. John Csonka
    Jungle Swarm

    John Csonka New Member

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    Great stuff. Very well done. :)
    Warden likes this.

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