i'm not a fan of stegadons in units... the banner is useless for skinks and having a stedagon that moves 4 + wheels/turns is going to kill its usefulness, i preffer to flank with my stegadon
monsters can't join units. monstrous MOUNTS can join units . if you have a skink on top of the stegadon it can be in any unit. when teh skink dies the stegadon automatically leaves the unit.
I'm happy I read this article.... I brought up having a EotG with a unit of Saurus to my buddies, and they immediately said that you can't have monsters in a unit, and I didn't think anything further of it. EotG, meet Saurus... YAY!! I saw that Banner, and I was like "This would be awesome in Temple Guard"... and then I read "Skinks Only". I was like, "That's a little racist." Didn't think about putting it on a chief and putting HIM with a unit.
i'm gonna try a new tactic with this banner. skink BSB with the banner in a COC unit with huanchi's blessed totem. the unit will lose 1M but being frenzied i get to measure the distance before i charge, so if the enemy is close enough to reach with the banner i can controll the frenzy quite nice, and makes the banner more usefull . frenzy bating might be a concern but i'll deal with that when the time comes. i'll let you know how it goes after my next game
You guys are all selling your skink/Kroxy units a little short. Alot of people miss use that unit and alot of your opponents will under estimate it. Here it goes. run a unit of 23 skinks, full bell and whistles. Put 2 Kroxigors in it and add a skink Chief with that Skaven pelt banner. Thats like 30 attacks. run them right beside your EoG and give th unit a 5+ ward save on shooting. basically you are deliverying some nasty kroxigors and the chief to do some damage. I run 2 of these units and they are very successful in what I need to get out of them. If you would lik you can also support you skinks with a 10 man unit of skink skrimishers. Anyways.