Showcase your Skink Cohort unit here! Don't be afraid to include any Kroxigors that spawned with the skinks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please only post images of completed models. In the event you have a WIP thread on the model, please post the link to it as well. Note: If you want to post a WIP (Work In Progress) image, please start a thread in the main forum for this and then post an image here when you have completed the model.
Wow... there are some extremely talented people in this Lustria-Online community! Kudos to T`hinker`er on a job extremely well done.
Fellow Lizards here comes my Skink cohoort! They are different in colors than the rest of the army. I want them to match some kind of Amphiban instead of reptiles. Hope you like it.
My small skink army being lead by their chieftain who is inspired by a gila monster. Not quite finished yet but hopefully will be a fully fledged army soon.
My first skirmirsher skinks unit: Edit: Sorry just realized this should be in the skink skirmishes thread