8th Ed. Slaan

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Jonadams, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Yeah mate, but it looks like we won't have to worry about the heat too much. 26 days straight of rain predicted... happy summer. Let's hope for no floods this time.
    Edit: Sorry for the de-rail

    Do you think they'll ever improve, or is it potentially more cost effective to keep it poor quality with the occasional miscast, where only some people request replacements?
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Thats counter-intuitive. Mold lines are usually a result of the sharper corners of a mold wearing down (this applies much more to plastic than anything else) so the newer the kit, the less mold lines it should have. It does indeed look like the opposite with resin.
    That is the one redeeming point for GW; they will replace fairly easily. The odd staff member will try to talk you into some liquid GS or whatever to fix it yourself rather than replacing, which is pretty poor taste, but overall they are good at replacing. Thing is, do you really want to go through the hassle of opening 5 boxes in store to get one complete decent kit out of it? Personal preference really.

    @Old Mossy, hard to say. The newesst kits are still at least as bad as the first few waves, and now they are being made more with resin in mind so that is a bad sign. I bet they also get away with selling a ton of bad sculpts that don't get returned. And if they need to replace a few models, they increased prices anyway and resin is cheap as chips. On the other hand, it is a new skill to cast resin and one that they aren't used to yet, the initial release was definitely rushed, and it surely can't be good for their image of 'the best models in the world'.

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