You work for the emscher-genossenschaft?! Nice collection... So many Slann... So many metal stegadons... Really cool.
I haven't done a recount but the cabinate includes well over 300 more models than I've listed I've juts been moving them from my old room I'll do a recount next weekend off work. And yes that well known river . I have 2 metal stegadons in the other room and around 4 plastic ones I'm gonna sell some eventually I think. Now I have somewhere decent-ish to display them the next step is scenery . And fixing the shelf so I have more room for them all. Also Since I love Slann so much my next greenstuff project is going to be making one - which I predict will turn out to look more like a snowman blob. I think I have around 700+ Models now I'm not entierly sure - I bought some bulk armies to have more saurus and skinks for the Slann too command which is why I'm gonna sell off some of the bigger dinosaurs as I don't need too many of those.
Holy smokes you've got a lot of models!!! That Slann collection is really impressive! I'm jealous Congratulations on the cabinet. it's really great!
It cost me 15£ delivery included someone had it reserved but didn't collect it for 3 weeks after reserving it so they got fed up with them and because I enquired they said I could have it - so they obviously changed their mind about getting it for themselves.
I've only seen one online worldwide and you got yours in store by chance? I think its possibly the rarest thing in the world
Yeah from warmaster there are two versions one akin to the 5th edition who is grasping at a lizard with a mace in his other hand and then there is a more modern one that is a smaller version of the floating palanquin one.
Thanks for the answers guys I just looked them up on Google, theyre quite cool! they do look very similar to the warhammer ones!
Yeah, the size of the one I got isn't too far off the one carried by the Pigmy slaves. I was considering a shrink ray type mechanic to weave them into my army lore but I don't really have enough of them yet.
Despite having a huge collection of Lizardmen I don't have any Swarms or a Skink priest with a feathered cloak, how are these models avoiding me? Just trying to drive some entries to my silly competition and now I've got some time of work I can count my models ..if I can be bothered xd I did get some models in the post that I'll glue together and show on here hopefully in the near future.
I have some really cool things to show you all but my internet on my PC is frustratingly poor, I can't load any web pages without it disconecting me. Essentially the wireless seems to have given up working - I don't even know why. Is it possible that my adapter has overheated and won't work anymore or does anyone have any technical advice to help? My brother has an adapter booster on his PC is it possible that he's stealing all my internets? We've played online together in the past and use multiple devices in the house so I'm not sure why all of a sudden its turned to...well its just not worth turning on my computer anymore
Okay so my internet seems to be working again so I can show you all some things - Do you ever wonder what else lives in the lustrian jungles? you don't have to... I do have some more insect warriors but I put them away for now tidying away all my loose bits but you wouldn't believe it from my messy desk
So I failed to do a model count I started one and got lost on where I was xD I will have to do it after Christmas I will be working far to much now - also I know you're not allowed to do points on here because of the GW IP protection etc but whats the legality on showing your models values in potatoes. I.e if a GW skink costs 5pts and you wrote it up as 5potatoes would there be any ramifications? just curious
Playing around on paint because I'm the bestest - working on a concept for displaying my models in my cabinate I want a sort of look into a section of a temple but I don't know how i'll go about it just yet I have some ideas in my mind though This is just a wip its not the best and the pictures come out blury but basically so far its just some Slann meditation platforms above a pond followed by a communion council chamber for a slann gathering around a massive communing gem.