Why are you selling? I went through a similar process when I started back, I amassed around 800 models then I had a light bulb moment and sold off most of them, buying became so addictive.
A bit of everything I guess I have like 20 stegs xD about 40 odd or more cavalary that need work either fixing or painting or both - a good lot of sarus and most of my skinks it seems. I'm trying to keep mostly the grey models aside for myself to keep the hobby at level 0 so then I can get on with doing something with them
I'm also selling a set of 6 battle boards never used or primed or anything still in the case they came in but they are heavy so I'm selling those local as delivery will be a hassle
Sounds familiar, stsrt painting and you will lose the urge to buy stuff, you will get some satisfaction out of seeing your collection painted, if you want any help just shout out.
Well I'm taking some figures out to make heroscape figures my brother took some of my Lizardmen to make some (I say took I sold him them ) I'm going to do that with a Slann and some others because I actually play that with him and my nephew whereas I never have had a game of warhammers
I should think so... we don't give away models as awesome as Lizardmen for free (not even for family ). So how large is your Slann collection going to be after the "purge" is all said and done?
You have to keep the Slann collection intact. It's the greatest collection of Slann on Lustria Online!
So although this isn't strictly workshop related and I have a flicker? about it already I need some help with people answering my survey and distribution of the link to reach a wider network of people - the survey is about perceptions of unemployment its not a massive survey or anything 6 questions will not take people longer than 5 mins. So far I have 26 responses which is great and some of you have already helped. I'm aware the questions are quite general but try to answers as honestly as you can, it is anonymous so although I can view the feedback I wont be able to know who wrote what. Here is the link if you can take the time and share it on your social media where possible - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ZSST2GY The research is for a course I'm doing where we plan a small video/documentary on the back of research and planning.
That was a big collection... Got a significant army as well, but not close to those Slann or Stegs numbers! Answered your survey, though I feel some of the questions could use a "Some do" answer and not just Yes and No, or even ability to answer with a % scale indicating what the person believe. As the reality is a lot more complex than black and white.
Yeah I agree the subject is a very complex one and the survey doesn't do it justice, however the specific categories we were trying to get data on the stigma that you hear people say "Unemployed people are lazy" "They use the money on drink and drugs" things like that we were trying to see how many people have these stigmas and if its enough to make a film proving that its not the case at all. The research stage so far seems to indicate that actually most people understand that being unemployed isn't black and white and people do a lot and its a crowded market. Thank you for taking part as well My goal was 20 people purely because my group handed out 20 copies a different version of the survey that ignored the opinions of half the participants so I wanted to get equal measures of qualitative data and quantitative data. My collections still big, just lost 1 Slann to a different game type 1 Slann proxy to that game type aswell oh wait..no I lost one of my forgeworld Slann to that game one of my sitting down slann a kroak and a slann proxy so like 4 Slann essentially. And I gifted a small number of models to someone so lost 2 salamanders and 5 handlers and I gifted one of rikards sculpts the spikey dude so he could get a worthy paint job I know it seems like a small project survey but if you can encourage anyone you know or work with to do it that will help me so much thank you
Got another Kroak to replace the one I turned over to a different gaming system ...what is wrong with me
Update: my mum said I could use the shed at the end of the garden so I'm gonna clear it out and have a Warhammer Den I think