Usually a minimum of 4 weeks as that was a condition imposed by Disney for cinemas showing Star wars films
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl : If your exams are done June 8th, then that is only two weeks after release. You're most definitely in the clear.
Cheers for letting me know - I’m looking forward to seeing it. It looks different from anything we’ve seen before at any rate.
I'd say no. The bad parts of Solo aren't as bad as the bad parts in TLJ (Rose, Canto Bight, etc.) , but it is ultimately much more forgettable. All three of us left the theater thinking it was just okay. If you were to replace the names in the movie it doesn't even feel like a Star Wars movie. One of my least favorites of the series. Too many convenient plot points. Also it doesn't help the movie that is suffers from the same thing as all prequels (not picking on the SW prequels, just prequels in general)... you know full well that Han, Chewie and Lando will survive... so there is a loss of intrigue. Rogue One was magnitudes better (I make the comparison because they are both spin-off movies)
I liked it. The things I didn't like are easily countable, like... three or so, but nothing that bothered me too much. A few things puzzled me but I will work it out. Perhaps we can do a spoiler discussion about it in a few weeks, but for me it beats Rogue One (Not hard, I didn't like that one much) and also TLJ (although not by much).
We can do it at least once the weekend after the date on which I’ve finished my exams is over (I’ll most likely be going to see it then as we’ll be off to sunny Cornwall for a holiday the weekend after and will be preparing during much of the week) It’ll be hard for it to beat Rogue One in my book. You’re already guaranteed 3 of the characters will survive with this one, but it is still going in an interesting dimension, what with the underworld focus theme rather than traditional good vs evil. I’m looking forward to seeing it.
I liked it, getting the back story of Han and Chewbacca was cool and some interesting parts which I won't mention so I don't spoil anything. But R1 was better in my eyes.
It is well below what Rogue One made (and was showing on more screens). Also keep in mind that it was a long weekend in the States. The movie also cost A LOT of money to make since most of it had to be re-shot. Down with Kathleen Kennedy!!
I think the worst thing for it is TLJ. I have personally met quite some people who say "I disliked TLJ so much I won't see Solo in the cinema". (Which is a pity IMO but OK). Also maybe a bit of saturation. There have been a lot of SW movies lately.