For... certain reasons... I can only watch Mandalorian episodes every two weeks or so, so I won't be reading here much except on nights like this when I have just caught up. I like the show so far. Not like "WOW this is the best I've ever seen!" But good. Both my wife and I are entertained. I like all the little nods to the canon movies (loads of them) and series (Like the Loth-cat from Rebels) and some of the (IMO rare, I never was a big fan) good pieces of the old EU that they salvaged and included. (Like the Blurghs! I was surprised to see those, IIRC they originally appeared in one of those frighteningly bad Ewok movies George Lucas made. Not sure... maybe they were in The Clone Wars too). And the western movie atmosphere. And that they actually manage to convey emotions for the main character despite not showing his face. That's hard. ...yeah, and Baby Yoda. I admit it. My dislikes so far (mild, as almost always): - the helmet thing. I hope they explain at some point why these Mandalorians for some reason act so differently than the others we know. - IMO they overdid the "AT-STs are SUPER dangerous" act. Seriously. The Ewoks piled up some logs and that was it. Chewie swung on top and captured one. That kind of thing. - the scene when he climbed the sand crawler. IMO the scene was a bit... clumsy. Both in what Mando did and what the Jawas did. - how the hell do these bounty tracker thingies work? Either they work magically well, then it is absurd why he would think he could just hide on some not so remote planet, OR they have their limitations and he...somehow forgot to take those into account? That's a bit weird. But yeah, looking forward to the next one.
I'm going to guess more adults will want a plush Yoda than kids. Kids seem less interested in toys and general than when I was little. Kids are certainly less interested in Star Wars than when I was little. I might get a plush baby Yoda. I already have a plush Gizmo as an office toy. I probably don't need both. Maybe when they end up on sale in a few months. I bet the writer played the Empire Strikes Back SNES game. ATSTs were tough. A lot tougher than ATATs because ATSTs cannot be tripped.
That scene made my wife and me laugh really hard because that's exactly what our 2 year old son likes to do lately.