While I enjoyed both, I actually preferred TLJ to TROS. However, if you did dislike TROS, based on the aspects I can see some people disliking, I would have though said people would still dislike TLJ more
I believe Star Wars can be salvaged with the right handling, but I Rotten Tomatoes is beyond redemption.
I mean, the rating is going to be tilted. You have to use a ticket voucher code to rate a movie, so only people who wanted to see it will be able to vote. All the fandom who is super pissed and didn't buy tickets are voiceless as a base feature of the system. All that being said. I like it about as much as I have liked any Star Wars movie. They all have bad internal validity and a myriad of narrative/plot holes. I watch them for lightsabers, force tricks, and a fun time.
Same here. The people I was in the movie with also enjoyed it. None of us thinks it is the best movie ever, or even the best Star Wars movie, but it is an enjoyable movie. Hardcore critics and hardcore fans are minorities.
His suit made him vulnerable to force lightning. Although, compared to being thrown down the reactor shaft and being blown up in the explosion of the Death Star, it doesn't seem that severe.
Not sure the fandom menace would actually like Lucas' return. He is guy who named the comical villain head of the trade federation after the GOP Speaker of the House after all.
After what Disney did with the DT, he would be welcomed back with open arms. All the criticisms that the fans had over the PT have been washed away by the incompetence, political messaging and lack of vision within the DT.
I mean, Kathleen Kennedy is a skilled producer. I doubt Lucas coming back would pull her off the staff. Especially since she produced The Temple of Doom directly with Lucas. Not to mention her long career with Spielberg from Jurassic park through Schindler's List. I think she is something like the 3rd highest grossing box office sells as a producer world wide. Not to mention that Lucas hand picked her for the job....