I know it is Anakin's lightsaber, I recognize the hilt (plus it is explicitly labeled as such in the Force Awakens). I meant the question literally... look at the hilt and the lightsaber blade, they seem to be misaligned. The blade is completely vertical in orientation, but the hilt is not. I was just wondering if it was only my eyes seeing this or if others notice it as well.
It does actually now you mention it, although it looks more misaligned and less curved. Count Dooku's lightsaber is curved. Rey's/Anakin's seems just more misaligned.
I'm remaining pensive about it. I'm pretty sure it isn't going to be amazing as there are cliches with the original trilogy even in the teaser trailer, but I don't think it's going to be as cliche-full as 7 or as weak as 5 (in my eyes).
I on the other hand am super excited. I think it is going to be great. I really enjoyed episode 7 as well, so I don't carry the same worries as you do.
Each to their own I suppose - some prefer new, original plots, others prefer remakes of originals... While I thought 7 was OK, I feel that they should have made it less like 4-6 and more like something brand new that hadn't been seen before, such as the 'Resistance' being the army of the New Republic not some Rebel Alliance reboot, and Rey turning her back on the Jedi as she had wanted to do after her vision instead of eventually accepting Anakin's lightsaber as she did at the end. Also we didn't need a third orbital spherical space station. They only just got away with the second one in 6.
I agree that episode 7 was a little too similar to episode 4. It was definitely a drawback to the film. What I did like about it was that it did a good job in introducing the next generation of characters while still paying homage to the original cast. A passing of the baton if you will. Hopefully episode 8 will help deviate the story from a retelling of the original trilogy. What is of greatest interest to me is the prospect of Luke's storyline... I'm curious where they will take it. At the end of the day, I admit that it wasn't perfect, but I did leave the theater entertained. Agreed, I'm a bit surprised they went that route.
Hopefully, although the four-legged walkers in the background of the episode 8 trailer are starting to convince me otherwise... I did enjoy 7 when I first went to see it because the special effects were very good and I have to say, around the first half of the film did consist of original scenes and ideas - for example, although the First Order are similar to the Empire in some respects, I like how they portrayed them more like terrorists trying to bring the Empire's dictatorship back, rather than being exactly like the original Empire except with updated stuff. They're a bit like a black parody of the Rebel Alliance and a bit like Saw Gerrerra's terrorist cell in Rogue One. Also I didn't expect Han to die because he is such a popular character, I thought they wouldn't dare kill him off for fear of public outcry. However, the end was very New Hope-ish and the lightsaber fights were pretty poor, although I'm used to the fast lightsaber duels of the Prequels so perhaps I'm spoiled a bit by the epicness of those. I'm just hoping that they don't do a Starkiller Base II in Episode IX. Otherwise it'll get really samey.
That was definitely a surprise, and to be honest I wish they hadn't done it. I'd like to think that this was done on purpose. The lightsaber fights from the prequels (which are the best fights in the series) are always between two highly trained and skilled combatants. Rey is completely untrained and Kylo Ren's training is definitely incomplete. As a result the lightsaber battle was much more raw and basic. This sets them up visually to show the progression of skill in the characters as the series continues. That's my theory (/hope) anyways. Agreed.
OK, I am actually getting a little excited about this now - true, there are some cliche sequences, with the walkers and the cavern (AT-ATs and Space Slug respectively), but there are some very original sequences in there that look very exciting. Will Rey turn to the Dark Side, for example? What was inside the ancient Temple Rey was wandering into at 0:40? Also, at 1:47, those creatures look a lot like Anoobas - @ravagekitteh, don't you think that looks like Marrok? The Millennium Falcon seems to have a stowaway at 1:43! And Supreme Leader Snoke will have a fighting part in this one! Luke looks genuinely scared in 0:50 - is it because of Rey's power, or something deeper than that? Will Kylo Ren murder both his parents to divorce himself from all Light Side attachments? Also, I know now why the walkers are called Gorilla Walkers...
I thought that the trailer was absolutely brilliant. It hints at so many things and leaves so much to the imagination. I am really looking forward to this movie. The Rey-Luke-Kylo story arc is particularly intriguing. As you (@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl ) stated, Luke seems genuinely afraid. Does he abandon training Rey or are they separated somehow? It will be interesting to see how she finds her way without him. Does this leave her turning to Kylo for guidance? If so, that interaction will be interesting because Kylo is more experienced, but Rey's light side seems much more fundamentally in-tuned with her true self than Kylo and his dark side.
They do look like Anoobas, although the strongest resemblance I'm getting is that of the Loth-Wolf from the Season 4 Rebels trailer
I'm hoping they'll get Rey to turn to the Dark Side to give a surprise twist! But then I don't imagine they'll be brave enough to do a twist like that...