Hi guys i would like u to help me understand how does a starhost battalion works.Also i am a bit confuced of ehat they mean by units.For examble the sunclaw starhost want 1 sunblood and 3 units of saurus warriors what they mean by 3units? They mean literraly 3 saurus warriors?
I'm not the most experienced player, so other more experienced players might want to correct me if my explanation is incorrect, but I think I can answer your questions. In Age of Sigmar, 'soldier' models are fielded in units. Units have to stick together does maintain coherency (stay within 1" of another model in the unit) and in the combat phase, rather than every model take it in turns to attack individually, all the models in a unit attack at the same time. They also must have the same basic weapon, although some models may take special weapons if the warscroll allows. I will go into that more in a minute though. Units have to have a bare minimum amount of models in them to be used, although if you don't have enough you field as many as you can. This amount is listed on it's warscroll. Another thing about units is that within them you can often have models with special equipment, like banners, drums etc. There are usually limits to how many of these you can have per unit. Some can grant the unit extra abilities or boost their stats, and others will allow a model in the unit to use a special, more powerful weapon. Units can also suffer from battleshock. If it takes any casualties, in the battleshock phase you must roll a dice and add the number of models form that unit you lost that round to it. For every point that exceeds that unit's bravery, a model flees from the battlefield, which means it is removed. If you look at the Saurus Warriors for example, you'll see that a unit requires at least ten models to field one. You can have as many models in that unit as you want, as long as it's ten or more. You'll also see that you can include special models within that unit. For every unit you have, you may include one Alpha Talon, who makes an extra attack, a Stardrake icon bearer and a War Drummer. It also has an extra ability that means that if the unit has at least 20 models, it add one to it's hit rolls and if it has at least 30, each model may make an additional attack. With your question about the Star host battalions, what they mean is that if you field 3 separate units of Saurus Warriors, and a Saurus Sunblood, they may form that battalion. Models in the Battalion gain the abilities listed on it's warscroll. You wouldn't be able to field just three Saurus Warriors as a unit requires at least 10, but as long as you have three separate units of ten or more and a Saurus Sunblood, you may use that Battalion. Bear in mind that I think you need to pay an extra point cost as well in order to use a Battalion though. I hope that answers your question clearly and correctly. Sorry about the longwindedness, and I hope I haven't overloaded you with information. Someone more knowledgeable than me may need to correct me in some areas, but as far as I understand that's how it all works. Good luck taking this knowledge to the battlefield!
Ty for the feedback well the sunclaw host says u need 3 units of saurus warriors so i can have 15 saurus warriors and put 5 of em in 3 seperate units i get the battalion?
No, I'm afraid not. To have a unit of Saurus Warriors, you need to have at least 10 of them in each unit or you cannot field the unit. In order to use the Sunclaw host, you would need at least 30 of them - 10 in each unit. Each type of model has a minimum requirement to form a unit. If you cannot make that minimum requirement, you cannot field the unit.
When I started AoS the word "unit" also confused me, becasue I was used the (wrong) definition of PC strategy games who call a single soldier a "unit". Once I got used to the nomenclature of calling the single ones "models" and the groups "units" all was clear.