In a small game, the slann as general,the oldblood/scar vet on carno as a stompy chompy big guy, the knights abd the saurus with the addition of a bastiladon abd some pesky skink magician will worth you a lot of fun and a lit ov triumphs
However if you want to run the content of the start collecting and some extra units look at the Bloodclaw starhost in Great alliance order. Ti play it you need an oldblood (you choose if on foot or on Carni) Three saurus heroes chosen among et.Warden scar vet(carno/cold one) sunblood. You may take them in any combination. Then you have to choose among saurus,temple guards or knights in any combination. (the limit is 3 to 9 units) The bonuses from this formation are awesome. First every model with stardraje shield receive a bonus attack. Finally all your models with a command ability can use it,even if they are not your General.
I really like the Bloodclaw. Dual Carnos and Two scarvets on cold ones with a ton of knights. A lot of fun! Or with your defensive army. A lot of guard, two Wardens and dual carnos. Tried it both ways now, so good!
To get that I only need to buy the Eternity Warden and Sunblood. Well, I know what I'm getting next weekend...
Ok now i gotta sculpt my slann to look like ET. Any rules concerning a basket or a pouch in the carnosaurus' belly to keep the slann warm and comfortable ?